For the moment I've given up on trying to think of anything on my own; the only other option is to follow the path of others, let them do the work; perhaps this trail of ink-marks* is futile without the voice of the Beloved... "The Arabs, roused from the nodding torpor of weary, empty hours, pointed with their sticks, shouted and broke into a sudden spate of talk. We camped that night among some
ghaf , large mimosa-like trees. Deep down the questing roots had found water, and their branches were heavy with flowering trailing fronds that fell to the clean sand."
"Arabic, evolved as a dialectic of nomadic herdsmen in the desert, developed into one of the great languages of the world, flexible enough to translate every shade of Greek thought and pass it back to the west...the resulting
muslim civilisation was profoundly influenced by Greek thought, but while it assimilated much it was never merely imitative."
(Iqbal, on the anti-classical nature of Islam)
"My share in all that is happening...I think to myself as I lie under the friendly Arabian stars. I-this bundle of
flesh and bone, of sensations and perceptions-have
been placed within the orbit of Being, and am within all that
is happening..'Danger' is only an illusion, never can it '
overcome' me: for all that happens to me is part of the all-embracing stream of which I myself am a part. Could it be, perhaps,that danger and safety, death and joy, destiny and fulfilment,are part of this tiny , majestic bundle that is I ?"
"Sometimes we find..that we are lulled by it into a laziness of the heart; that it has made us forget the tightrope walk of our earlier, more creative times-that reaching out after intangible realities. In those earlier times they would have perhaps have been called 'intangible possibilities', and the men who went out in search of them-whether discoverers, adventurers, or creative artists-were only seeking the innermost springs of their own lives.We late-comers are also seeking our own lives but we are obsessed by our desire to secure our own life before it unfolds itself...
Because this unfamiliar world is so entirely different from all that you have known at home; because it offers so much that is strikingly strange in image and sound, it brushes you sometimes, if you permit yourself to be attentive, with a momentary remembrance of things long known and long forgotten: those intangible realities of your own life. And when this breath of remembrance reaches you from beyond the abyss that separates your world from that other, that unfamiliar one, you ask yourself whether it is not perhaps herein-and only herein-that the meaning of all wandering lies: to become aware of the strangeness of the world around you and thereby to reawaken your own, forgotten, personal, reality..."
And these lines, a move to an abstract space, an Arcadian mountain, a zero of ice and endless horizons:
"The power of nature is sometimes very calming, and this was a calming place, calling a halt to your trivial thinking without, at the same time, overawing you with reminders of the nothingness of a life span and the vastness of extinction. It was all on a scale safely this side of the sublime. A man could absorb the beauty into his being without feeling belittled or permeated by fear....this great bright arched space, this cold above ground vault of a mountaintop cradling at its peak a largish oval of fresh water frozen hard as a rock, the ancient activity that is the life of a lake, that is the formation of ice, that is the metabolism of fish, all the soundless, ageless forces,
unyieldingly working away it as though we have encountered each other at the top of the world-two hidden brains mistrustfully ticking, mutual hatred and paranoia the only introspection there is anywhere..."
The sea cries with its meaningless voice
Treating alike its dead and its living,
Probably bored with the appearance of heaven
After so many millions of nights without sleep,
Without purpose, without self-deception.
Stone likewise. A pebble is imprisoned
Like nothing in the Universe.
Created for black sleep. Or growing
conscious of the sun's red spot occasionally,
The dreaming it is the foetus of God.
Over the stone rushes the wind
able to mingle with nothing,
like the hearing of the blind stone itself.
Or turns, as if the stone's mind came feeling
A fantasy of directions.
At the frontier, the death of an Indian...
Hugh Brody, The Other Side of Eden)On the outskirts of a small town an Indian, Jimmy, is attacked by three crazed white youths and his body dumped at the riverside...
"In the spring when the snow melted and the rivers flooded, Jimmy would no doubt be swept away to the river , on currents that carried the logs and rocks and earth of the interior to the Great Slave Lake and beyond towards the arctic ocean...Think of those four minds. The one moving in a country that was his , of which he knew every corner, that he could explain and explore and use and delight in. The other three looking at a "wilderness", with a tough indifference or resolve, somewhere and somehow, to get get some hold of some part of this place and transform it from nothing into something, from mere land into money, from frontier into a ranch or an oil well or something, just something. Think of one mind filled with knowledge of place and the others empty of such knowledge, filled instead with determination and craziness and anger of youth, reinforced by restlessness and
nomadism and technologies from elsewhere....this meeting of minds, this murder, could have taken place-has taken place-on all frontiers between settlers and hunter-gatherers.This time, in 1998, in this place, it was Jimmy Field, Dunne-
za. He was man who travelled time in dreams and moved on his lands with awe-inspiring skills...the pain of his death contained all deaths, in all places and all times. The bodies of hunter-gatherers continue to be swept under the ice, frozen , dead, towards the oceans."
"All great civilisations are based on parochialism... To know fully even one field or one land is a lifetime's experience. In the world of poetic experience it is depth that counts, not width. A gap in a hedge, a smooth rock surfacing a narrow lane, a view of a woody meadow, the stream at the junction of four small fields - these are as much as a man can fully experience."
Patrick Kavanagh on the universal and the parochial)
But we are in one place and one place only,
one of the milestones of earth-residence.
Unique in each particular,
the thinly Peopled hinterland serenely tense-
Not in the hope of a resplendent future
But with a sure sense of its intrinsic nature
Derek Mahon....which I read as meaning: he who knows the finite, knows the infinite.
A nomadic thought: "everything is perishing save His face"
But beyond earthly
destructions there is the
Indestructible: "every form you see" says
Rumi, "has its archetype
in the divine world,beyond space; if the form perishes what
matter, since its heavenly model is indestructible?Every beautiful
form you have seen, every meaningful word you have heard-be not
sorrowful all this must be lost; such is not really the case. The
Divine Source is immortal and its outflowing gives water without
cease; since neither the one nor the other can be stopped
wherefore do you lament?...from the first moment when you
entered this world of existence, a ladder has been set up before
The Sufi's book is not composed of ink and letters:it is not but a heart white as snow.The scholar's possession is pen-marks.What is the Sufi's possession?- foot-marks.The Sufi stalks the game like a hunter:he sees the musk-deer's track and follows her footprints.For a while the track is his only clue,But then, the musk-gland of the deer is his guide.To go one step led by the invisibleis better than a hundred following the path, roaming.