Saturday, August 13, 2011

photo shoot rehearsal

To get ready for Sarah coming to Denver next week, I had a quick photo shoot with Davis today. Due to an unfortunate accident, our regular lens is broken and I only have a panoramic to work with. (and I'm still not sure that one, or the camera itself, are at 100%). So it's almost impossible for me to get a good in-focus picture these days. I really just wanted to play around with positioning and lighting, but ended up getting a coulple of cute ones. I can't wait for the real deal.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Big Week

Besides GETTING A NEW BROTHER, mclayne and cole also started school, were spoiled by gma and gpa for 10 days, and got to see Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. So between a hospital visit, orientation, school, trips to the park to catch minnows + crawdads, and a 1+1/2 hour drive to Colorado Springs(totally worth it) we were very busy. It was a fun week and we were sad to see Sweetie Grandma and Grandpa leave this morning.

Davis Mitchell Bergstrom

Davis Mitchell Bergstrom

July 28th 6:29 pm

8 lbs 4 oz . 21 inches

At his 4 day check-up he weighed 7 lbs 14 oz. But I can tell he's putting on more weight now. We'll see on Thursday. He has put himself on a pretty consistent 4 hour schedule. I don't like having to wake him during the day to feed him, but I'll take it at night. He looks like a mix of mclayne and cole, and also looks a lot like me as a baby. Lucky guy!;)

Easter in St George

Finally. The post everyone has been waiting for. Our mini Easter vacation in St George on our way home from Disneyland. Now you can stop asking for they are.

*I actually downloaded my dad's pictures from this week and found these too. Looks like my nesting/need for everything to be caught-up hasn't gone away yet!