Monday, September 27, 2010

Slip 'n Slide 101

After almost two whole summers, I finally discovered the key to getting the slip 'n slide to last for more than 5 minutes...a hill and a little dish soap.

So for those of you feeling a little white trash, bring your kids and lawn chair over to my front yard.
{of course, the battery on the camera was dead so I had about 10 seconds to catch the moment!}

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hello Pre-school....

welcome back. I've missed you!
Both Mclayne and I have been waiting for school to start. She had a great first day and was so disappointed when she woke up sick this morning and couldn't go today. Hopefully she gets her energy back for her first soccer game on Saturday.

Of course, Cole needed his picture taken too. He caught something in Utah and woke up on Tuesday with a rash on his cheeks. This better not be a sign that we are all going to be sick all winter.