Friday, September 18, 2009

one down. two to go

we successfully turned one of our tadpoles into a frog. it's not like we really did anything anything magical. just kept it alive long enough for the transformation to happen on it's own...but that is truly a miracle in this house. since a frog actually needs food to survive, we decided to set him free. his chances of survival are much higher in the owl, snake, duck, muskrat, beaver infested stream by our house than home with us. Mclayne thought it was quite an adventure setting him free.

we do still have one tadpole that we caught IN MAY that seems to be frozen in time. and once again, the fact he's still alive after four months is quite amazing. and...

we now also have another frog from our walk last night. he/she is sticking around only because it is LETTER "F" at preschool this week and Mclayne wants to show all of her friends. i actually bought crickets at the pet store for it today to keep it alive for the week. it will be nice to be animal free soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

froke out

{yesterday's} word of the day...

froke out - the past tense of the verb freak out

use in a sentence - Mclayne having a conversation with Santa Clause on the phone yesterday said, "Don't give Cole any toys for Christmas because he froke out this morning."

Friday, September 11, 2009

{two} little dancers

mclayne and three friends {hope, jane, and carmen} went to their first dance class today with miss muffie (that is the name she actually goes by). she chose quite the outfit for the first day. but since i spent the time making the skirt, i'm glad she likes it.

as you can see, cole also got in on the action and put on a pair of tap shoes...he'll use any excuse he can to try on girl shoes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have passed on another schareeism to my kids. I only clean my shower while taking a shower. And even though I'm pretty sure I've never done it while they were showering with me, i caught them doing this in the tub a few days ago...

i love the cleaning, but my favorite parts are cole's little {cheese} at the beginning and mclayne's song that makes no sense.
now i need to go and do some REAL cleaning, so I'm ready for our labor day trip to utah! GO UTES!