Wednesday, July 29, 2009

18 months

Cole had is {late} 18 month check up yesterday. He is following the same curve on all his measurements, so nothing too exciting.
Wt...24.5 lbs...30%
Ht...33.25 in...75%
Hc...19.25 in...76%
yesterday after the doctors appointment it got very quiet so I went to check on mclayne and couldn't find her. anywhere. then i STEPPED on something soft. she rolled over and continued sleeping. it might have seemed weird, except ryan covers his face every morning once it gets light. they are WAY too much alike!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fishing Gravel Ponds

We headed to Chatfield State Park today to do some fishing in the gravel ponds. We had a pretty sweet set up with the umbrella and chairs, and picked a place right by some wild hollyhocks...very pretty. It was very relaxing {at least for me}, and I was able to almost finish my seventh book of the spring/summer. We ONCE AGAIN left with no fish, but another amphibian replacement instead. The pond was full of huge tadpoles...we're talking 4 to 6 inches. Some even had back legs. Mclayne will no doubt be in the back yard all day checking on it. I think the fact there was more packed for the trip than poles, bait, and a dr pepper proves I was there, but just in case i put in the picture accidentally taken of the ground (and my foot). When my kids are older they're going to wonder where mom was on all our family outings!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

a couple more pictures

i had to add these pictures that cara took to my bear lake post. i missed this while i was out on the wave runner, so i'm glad she caught it.

and this outake of mclayne i got today while taking some marketing pictures for our bows. i was really only taking pictures of her hair and accessories, but this one was in the mix. i only wish i was this photogenic!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Stuff

what we've been up to.....

first this...
the only picture i have of Lori and Steve's visit. How I got a picture of this and not one of the aquarium or Steve riding away on the harley with his leather vest is pretty pathetic!
then this...
Girls Camp 2009 - two days of Survivor camp at Golden Gate state park with 15 girls and a handful of leaders. It was a lot of fun, especially the rock climbing, and even more especially because my kids were blowing up at both ends at home with Grandma and Grandpa! Left camp early and
caught a flight here...
the annual Stewart reunion at Bear Lake. It was the third year without ryan, but I handled it better, had a lot of help, and the kids had a great time. i think it's pretty obvious that i don't take enough pictures, but i had to snap a few of laynie holding cole's hand, pulling him around the pool. too cute

and I got to see them...
before I headed up to bear lake we had a barbecue at amy's. As fun as it was to see everyone and our 15 kids, my vote for the next get together is still girls trip to St. George, right?!