Tuesday, December 15, 2009

People of Walmart . Utah edition

I'm a huge fan of PoWM. So, I thought I'd share some of my home state's finest...

Darling Pinky

Dude, why are you dressed like a 7 year old at gym class? More importantly, where did u find pink frilly lacy socks in your size? Alright, maybe that’s not more important, but i’m still curious.

Diggin’ For Gold

I’ve got 4 to 1 odds saying she smelled her hand after she pulled it back out.

Guns Don’t Kill People

Mullet? Check. Stupid drinking t-shirt? Check. Proud of it? Check. Armed? Heck Yeah!

Not So Tighty Not So Whitey

I guess he thought he could roll his underwear over his pants and use them as a belt…didn’t work.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving..and a little before

I'm so behind I'm going to lump the last few weeks in with Thanksgiving. First there's this...
This is Laynie's self portrait. Got to love the art at this age.

We were also able to get some sledding in before we left town. It was a hit with the kids{and I quite enjoyed myself also}. Too bad the dads missed out! We definitely tested the limits of the costco sled. I'm sure it is not rated for a grown woman and three kids at the same time, but we did it anyway. The best run had to be when Sarah and I sent all four kids down...alone. Looking back on it now, sending four kids under the age of four down a steep hill with little jump on the end could have ended terribly. But the kids loved it.

And finally Thanksgiving...we headed to St. George and spent the holiday with Grandma + Grandpa Stewart and Uncle Seth + Aunt Susan. My mom set a beautiful table and the meal was delicious. We ended our five day stay with a trip to Zions to hike Angel's Landing. I don't know if it's because a woman fell 1,000 feet to her death the day before or I'm just getting old, but I didn't make it to the top. Maybe next time. I did take some pictures of Ryan and Seth starting the last leg to the summit...the pictures don't do it justice. It was pretty terrifying.

Mclayne also taught herself a new trick in honor of turkey day...


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life as a single mom...

Last week Ryan was in Singapore, so we tried keeping ourselves entertained with lots of shopping, eating out, trips to the park, play dates, dance, a trip to the aquarium, and a birthday party.
Hope, Jane + Mclayne having a halloween candy tea party.

Mclayne took her friend Rylan to the aquarium. We got a little lost on the way and ended up touring some of Denver's not.so.nice areas. {For those who are reading this and live in the denver area and are wondering how on earth you get lost going to the aquarium...good question!? especially since i've been there at least three other times...drive much?)

and finally, cole and his new favorite winter garment this year. he even had to wear it to bed over his pajamas one night. with his long flowing hair-do and this sweater, Cole will be staying warm this winter!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

More Halloween...

Last week we got A LOT of snow, so eventhough it's more of a Christmas thing, we decided to make a snowman. Mclayne has so much fun doing it, I'm sure we'll be doing it a few more times this year.

{1}Mclayne decided to give Frosty ears this year
{2}And you thought I was kidding about her LOVING to build snowmen.

TriCk Or TrEatInG
The only picture I got of cole looking at the camera...

he was too excited about his new boots, the jack-o-lantern....and showing his new boots to the jack-o-lantern.
*Disclaimer-I did have a shark costume for cole that is a little less "drag.queen.in.training," but he didn't like it...so flounder it is!

Mclayne was just a little excited too

I'm too lazy to post the pictures from after trick-or-treating. But just imagine the pitures from above, still not looking at the camera, but now covered in chocolate and gooey dum dums.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's almost Halloween...

Mclayne and her pre-school class at their Halloween party on Thursday...

Mclayne continued the partying by hosting a "Happy Halloween" at our house later that day and night. She wanted everyone in costume including her "imagination" friends and Ryan. He convinced Mclayne into dressing up as a mummy instead of himself. She loved it and it saved a lot of toilet paper!

OcToBeR in slide shows

We started October with a visit from Grandma Lori and Grandpa Steve - a.k.a baabock and bockbock. After helping Lori in the kitchen, Mclayne now wants to be "a chef at Olive Garden."

*Not pictured is the Utah vs. CSU game. It was a bit chilly and between the snow gear, blankets, chairs, electric hand warmer, non-electric hand warmers, etc. a camera somehow didn't make the trip.

We also made our way to the aquarium again. It never gets old...Lori and I learned about a see dragon thanks to Mclayne, Steve had his hand squirted by an archer fish after the feeding time show, and a sting ray nearly jumped over the side of the pool while I was feeding it fish. It was awesome!

Next, was our trip to So. Utah/Vegas for the football game, which I also have no pictures of...

Friday, September 18, 2009

one down. two to go

we successfully turned one of our tadpoles into a frog. it's not like we really did anything anything magical. just kept it alive long enough for the transformation to happen on it's own...but that is truly a miracle in this house. since a frog actually needs food to survive, we decided to set him free. his chances of survival are much higher in the owl, snake, duck, muskrat, beaver infested stream by our house than home with us. Mclayne thought it was quite an adventure setting him free.

we do still have one tadpole that we caught IN MAY that seems to be frozen in time. and once again, the fact he's still alive after four months is quite amazing. and...

we now also have another frog from our walk last night. he/she is sticking around only because it is LETTER "F" at preschool this week and Mclayne wants to show all of her friends. i actually bought crickets at the pet store for it today to keep it alive for the week. it will be nice to be animal free soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

froke out

{yesterday's} word of the day...

froke out - the past tense of the verb freak out

use in a sentence - Mclayne having a conversation with Santa Clause on the phone yesterday said, "Don't give Cole any toys for Christmas because he froke out this morning."

Friday, September 11, 2009

{two} little dancers

mclayne and three friends {hope, jane, and carmen} went to their first dance class today with miss muffie (that is the name she actually goes by). she chose quite the outfit for the first day. but since i spent the time making the skirt, i'm glad she likes it.

as you can see, cole also got in on the action and put on a pair of tap shoes...he'll use any excuse he can to try on girl shoes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have passed on another schareeism to my kids. I only clean my shower while taking a shower. And even though I'm pretty sure I've never done it while they were showering with me, i caught them doing this in the tub a few days ago...

i love the cleaning, but my favorite parts are cole's little {cheese} at the beginning and mclayne's song that makes no sense.
now i need to go and do some REAL cleaning, so I'm ready for our labor day trip to utah! GO UTES!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Man, I wish we were still here...

Here are the pictures from Steve-o's camera. Our McCall posts just wouldn't have been complete without them. He got the closest thing to a family picture, our trip to the fairy island to get treats, our clay masterpieces, and mclayne's rainbow trout that Grandma's later cooked for her.