Friday, September 26, 2008

{eight and a half months}

more like 80 and a half years...he looks like a little old man with a walker!

i was going to do a big nine month check-up post in october, but just couldn't wait. cole has changed too much! he went from a semi-newborn to an almost-toddler overnight! two weeks ago he started crawling. that quickly turned into pulling himself up to kneeling, then standing. and now he is climbing and cruising.

trying to give his knees a break

and now that he has six teeth, he is eating like a big boy too. we went on a walk on wednesday night and told mclayne she could only come if she ate a chicken nugget she hadn't eaten at dinner. cole kept trying to reach over and grab it with his mouth wide open. it's nice to have one good eater!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

they came

i think this says it all...but in case it doesn't she jumped for joy

more pictures trying on boots . on the way to costco . and smiling{?} in the back yard

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

one hundred and one things...part one

i accepted amy's 101 things challenge. i gave up after 22...her dedication, some might call it addiction, to blogging is unparalleled. here is my best attempt. nothing too insightful, just random trivia.

1. I hold face cards upside down when I play games.
2. I am blind in one eye.
3. I dated six guys named Ryan before I found my husband…named Ryan.
4. I am a grazer.
5. On the average day I eat more than Ryan…he is 6’4” and weighs 200++++
6. I don’t know what I would do without paper plates. I must go through a Costco 250 pack every month.
7. I never read the manuals to anything I own or buy.
8. I wear a bra to bed. I was recently told that this causes breast cancer{?}…so I might stop.
9. I brush my teeth in the shower.
10. I have been told I make really good oatmeal.
11. I believe that a single guy and a single girl can be just friends.
12. I have watched this old house every Saturday since I was about 12…long before the flipping and trading-spaces trend hit. Norm Abram is my hero.
13. In the past three years, ryan + I have seen about three movies per year in the theater…or nine for those of you who are bad at math.
14. I have my master’s degree in accounting/tax.
15. I never wear my wedding ring because it gives me a rash. Hopefully this will change when I get a platinum upgrade in 2010…
16. I hate public speaking and I dread teaching in R.S. every month.
17. For me, doing laundry w/o fabric softener just doesn’t cut it.
18. I often get tongue-tied, forget, or jumble words. Mclayne truthfully speaks better than I do.
19. I am a perfectionist…at one time I even used a folding board like they have in stores. I have retired in until my kids can do it or they move out.
20. I usually clean our shower while I take a shower.
21. I have really light eyelashes and eyebrows and every so often, usually for special occasions, I have them dyed. Ryan calls me groucho for the next three days.
22. At least once a week i walk to the park, library, and sonic with mclayne. {cole comes too}

Friday, September 5, 2008

going {green}

reusable grocery totes.i love these totes. they are the same size as a regular paper bag, very sturdy, and washable. i'm thinking about adding a simple iron-on graphic. maybe then i'll like grocery shopping a little more. sounds like a good bear lake craft...what do you stewarts think?

{if you're wondering, i picked this picture because i get broccoli, gourmet bread, and fresh flowers every time i go to the store...right;)}

baby food grinder. great for babies i'd say 4 to 12 months. i buy so much less baby food from the store and cole pounds everything that comes from it.

croc boots. don't know if these really qualify as {green}, except for the fact that every tree-huggin' hippie in colorado, and everywhere else, wears them. mclayne's favorite {early} christmas present last year were her pink fur boots. last week i had to retire them because {a} it was over 90 degrees and {b} they were way too small. then i happened upon these gems...croc boots with fur?! when these come in the mail next week mclayne may have a seizure.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

the pregnancy bug is going around...

i caught it a few weeks ago. it started with no energy. i chalked up to ryan being out of town for work, but my neighbors were suspicious. next was the nausea after eating...but what do you expect with my cooking, really?! then nesting. we cleaned out and organized the garage and basement, bought window casing and crown molding, and got out paint chips...the list keeps growing. and finally the cravings. i usually try to avoid tuna because of the mercury, but i can't stop eating tuna with {lots of}mayo and celery seeds on potato chips. mclayne calls it chips with tuna butter...mmmm! however i don't have a developing fetus in my stomach so i'm pretty sure it's not the real thing. from what i hear that is an important symptom.

unfortunately mclayne came down with it today...

{she calls it baby avery}

Monday, September 1, 2008

when in rome...i mean colorado

i don't think we realized it at the time we bought our house what a great location it is for us. we like getting out to the "outdoors," but only if it is easy and convenient. so lucky for us, we have state parks , fishing streams, duck ponds, and a boating reservoir within literally 5 minutes of our house. this morning we revisited roxborough state park. it was surprisingly beautiful the first time we went and it offers 6 trails at varying levels of difficulty. nothing makes you feel more like a true coloradoan than strapping on a couple packs and hitting the trails.