Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Davis is walking.

It may not be the most graceful gait out there, but Davis has this whole walking thing down. Here he is in all his walking/teething/drooling glory...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Birthday, Back to School and The Rest

One Year Old Davis
Preschooler Cole
1st Grader Mclayne
"New" Piano
New Sandbox

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Like sister, like brother

Mclayne's one of a kind baby pose turns out to be not so one of kind. When he's not eating or sleeping, Davis is in this postion. Pretty crazy...

Came across this pic and remembered doing this comparison with the other kids. Not sure who he looks like more (maybe a mix?). Also, don't know how Cole wore this at 7 weeks and Davis at 3 1/2 months. I think chubby little cole bear stretched it a little.

Spring Break

We spent our first week of spring break in Salt Lake/ St George. We being me and the three kids. It was, to the amazement of everyone at DIA and Salt Lake airport, an easy flight. But i don't know how much longer that's going to last.
Highlights include Discovery Gateway, Cheeto feet and dune riding at Sand Hollow, swimming and hot tubbing, and the ultimate Easter egg hunt. You know it's a good hunt when the kids ended up being even because they were within $10 of each other. It was also fun overlapping with cousins for a day.

I was given the title of "worst driver ever!" by the kids. I may have taken some of the bumps a little fast...

Then we came home to spend the second week of SB with Gma Lori, playing soccer (post to come), and get mclayne's hair cut. She loves it!

*No, your eye's are not playing tricks on you. Yes, the pics are multicolored and striped. No, this is not the latest photoshop effect. Yes, I will be getting out our new canon and actually start using it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Big D

Davis had his 6 month check-up on Tuesday. I snapped a few pictures with Ryan's old iphone my new camera to capture the milestone. He was pretty relaxed and cooperative while his hair was down. Then I spiked it and he became a wild man. Coincidence?

Davis @ 6 months
weight:17 lbs 10 oz...55%

Cole @ 6 months
weight:17 lbs 6 oz...50%

Friday, February 3, 2012

Coming to a bookstore near you?

This week I came across a funny book at the library called Chicken Cheeks by Michael Ian Black. My kids LOVE it. I'm sure you can figure out why.

It reminds me of my alphabet poop list and my dream of turning it into a book. With the right illustrator it could work. It's going on my bucket list.

It's snowing outside

but I'm inside looking at pictures and videos from ryan's old iphone and wishing it was summer outside.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

And again, this is my pet LuLu

I was sure we were not going to add any new members to our family in 2012, but I was wrong. Mclayne got LuLu BunBun Bergstrom for her birthday and loves her new pet. She is a dwarf lionhead, so she (and her LuLu nuggets) will stay small. I was also happy to learn that she grooms herself (besides a little brushing), can be potty trained, and rabbit poop is the best animal fertilizer for your garden. Plus, she is REALLY cute!

See if you can come to [our] house if you know [us]!