March 31, 2011
Final Fantasy V Advance

March 28, 2011
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter! Woo!
My mom gave Steve Harry Potter 1-6 on BluRay for Christmas. Well that was very kind and thoughtful of my mom, especially since I love Harry Potter! So since we live together now, I think I’m allowed to blog movies he hasn’t watched yet. So there! Take that! I’m watching HP, not you! I went into this undertaking thinking “this is kind of gonna suck until I get to HP4” How wrong was I! I haven’t seen the first three movies in a while, so I lulled myself into thinking they weren’t very good. HP1 was magical though. It’s Hogwarts introduction. And for that, I thank you HP 1. That’s really all I want to say for a review. It was a good and magical movie. (The acting kind of sucked though on the kids’ parts, so I am eager to see how the actors evolve over time though. Also, damn, they looked young.)
March 27, 2011
Shrek 3D: The Complete Collection
March 26, 2011
Life (2009)
March 24, 2011
How George Washington Fleeced the Nation ...and Other Little Secrets Airbrushed from History

March 22, 2011
Earth (The Book)
March 21, 2011
Lars and the Real Girl
March 20, 2011
March 17, 2011
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes

This film was purchased... by mistake. Let me explain. This all goes back to a Simpson's episode titled "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes" in which Homer purchases a computer for the first time then begins spreading gossip around Springfield via the internet. However, when Homer starts making up stories he accidentally reports upon a real crime syndicate that leads him to be imprisoned on this mysterious island where the world's smartest men are held captive by an evil man set to remove all possible threats to his global takeover - you remember this, right? Anywho, the scenes of Homer's capture briefly reminded me of a similar movie I had seen growing up. In specific: A moment where a man is slowly stalked down by a giant floating bubble that eventually entraps him. It's weird; it's cool - and I wanted to watch it again.
Naturally, based on the title of the episode I assume this movie would be what I was looking for. It was not.
What I got was this cheesy Disney flick starring Kurt Russel as a young teen playing a college student. While fooling around with his university's new computer (you know the old ones that took up an entire room) Dexter - Russel - accidentally steps in a puddle of water while holding some power cords and somehow has the computer's CPU implanted into his brain. I like how they illustrate this. When his professors checks inside his ears they just see a bunch of flashing lights and hear beeping. Well, what ends up happening is that Dexter becomes the smartest person on the world with a computer for a brain, which then inevitably causes him to loose touch with all his small-town friends as he becomes this big-shot Einstein. But when he has a computer-like stroke and accidentally blurts out a bunch of institutions for illegal gambling under this crime boss, Dexter is captured by said crime boss and its up to his friends to save him. Yes. It's a Disney film so in the end we all learn a valuable lesson of what it is to have friends (with one always being black... just one) and keep the ones we trust closest to us.
All-in-all it was pretty boring and dated. Then again, it's a kid's movie by Disney so what should I expect. I will say this, I laughed pretty hard during the last scene where Dexter has been rescued just in time to aid his shitty school as they enter the championship round in this college vs. college quiz show. Of course he's been carrying the team the entire way, but in the last game Dexter's smarts begin to ware away - apparently this whole computer-in-the-brain thing was only temporary. As Dexter struggle for brain power his speech slows way down and well... he acts as though he's in the middle of taking the biggest shit of his life. Gasping for air while intermittently blurting out the next word he's trying to say as all the blood runs to his head. Oh, it's excellent. At the final question Dexter passes out and - for once - one of his dumb ass friends knows the answer in true Slumdog-style.
To be honest with everyone, I'm kind of pissed with this movie. Not so much that I watched it, but disappointed I didn't purchase the right movie. So now I'm throwing it out to you other Back-Bloggers. Help me find this movie (the one with the bubble trapping people), the one I truly wanted to see. I know I could just check the internet myself, but I like getting comments.
Wonderfalls: The Complete Series
March 16, 2011

Well, it’s happened... My post Swimming with Sharks has lost it’s first place spot as the most viewed article on this damn site. And what does it lose to? The Human Centipede. A movie - if you can call it that - about a three person, ass-to-mouth monstrosity. Although I haven’t seen it, I have Googled it and can honestly say the images alone have scarred my soul and continue to haunt my dreams.
So I’ll be sure to make it the next item to slash off my back-log. Now onto DeathSpank.
OK. You’re sitting at home one boring night contemplating on what to do or how drunk you should be before doing it, when you finally decide on VIDEO GAMES and VERY. Without another notice you slam down five shots of your favorite drink (mine: St. Tum’s - a fusion between rum, tequila, Saint Germain’s... delicious, you must try it) and go to grab the car keys to race over to your local gaming supply store when the floor begins to spins. Crush by the fact that you’ve made a fatal error in the sequencing of your nightly routine, you slouch down in your recliner and begin strolling through the virtually isles of your neighborhood e-gaming market in a last ditch effort to adhere to your preordained agenda. Now while most of you might have veered towards playing an old title from your back-log instead, I purchased a game about a spunky little knight who wears a thong of justice.
I believe this game has some connections to the creators of the Monkey Island series (no, not Lucas Entertainment... something else) only because a bit of their humor seems to match up. This is not necessarily a good thing. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start by explaining the long, intricate plot:
You’re a knight - as I’ve already stated - on search for the Artifact.
...That’s all.
I mean there is a villain to give the game a bit more depth, but I think he’s only bad because he’s hindering your progress to get the Artifact. Oh... “What’s the Artifact?” you ask. Why it’s the Artifact, of course. In all seriousness, though, this ambiguity goes along with the game’s humor - just like how DeathSpank gains all his power from his magical thong he sports. While the humor is cute and - somewhat - funny at first, it gets old really fast. As you make your way across the map to find your precious Artifact you have numerous conversations with all those you encounter along the way and every line of dialogue has to be another damn joke. It just wears thin after a while - like around five minutes.
Despite its annoying humor, the game is addicting. It plays out kind of like “Diablo” for all of you that remember middle school. A run around hack-n-slash where you’re constantly picking up new armor and weapons. Oh, the upgrading. I swear, now matter how bad the game, as long as you put in place a simple yet rewarding leveling system you will get your audience to push on through your game, faults and all.
That’s what happened to me. In the span of one night I made it to the “end” of the game. Did I get the Artifact? No. Why? Well, because it wasn’t really the end of the game. Yes, I defeated the major boss who was constantly keeping me from the progressing onward, and when it finally looks as though I’m coming onto a new area on my map the game freezes up and tells me to stay tuned... there’s sure more to come in the future. WTF?! Basically, after hours of playtime, the creators reward their faithful audience by flicked them off while rubbing their XBOX points all over their naked bodies.
And the worst part off all... When they do release the next installment, I’ll be sure to sulk back to my TV, bend over, and prepare to - once again - take it up the tailpipe.
Please, don’t look at me anymore. I can’t bare the shame.
March 14, 2011
Super Mario Sunshine
March 13, 2011
Infinite Jest

March 12, 2011
The House Bunny
Frisky Dingo: Season 2
March 6, 2011
Frisky Dingo: Season 1
District 9
March 5, 2011
Slumdog Millionaire
The Descent Part 2