i'm not blaming you for causing this pain.
its all me. just me.
i know you have your choice and decisions to make.
and i just wasnt one of it.
i'm paining inside. very much.
as i lie on my drenched pillow, i realise how fragile this lil heart of mine is.
i'm confused.
i dont know who i am.
i dont know what i want
you meant a whole lot to me.
i'm lost.
i hate myself for doing this to you.
ive never felt like i've lost something so important in my life before
ive lost my life
ive love the joy
you meant happiness to me
but now, i dont know if that means you anymore
all the hopes and hours ive spent thinking of the future is now swinging back and slapping me in the face
i gave my best only to be greeted by pain and sorrow
i dont want to wake up to this anymore.
good night.