Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm back from my Annual Leave in KL....

Packing and getting ready for Dubai and Istanbul tomorrow. Another Long trip away~

Hopefully I'll have time to blog about my Hong Kong holiday. I'll catch up with ya'll soon. I'll leave ya with one picture first :P

-jOhN "be right back" LiM-

Friday, March 06, 2009

I leave for KL tomorrow morning and I leave for Hong Kong the day after!!

Got back tonight from a Musical :P Had so much fun being entertained. Knew a person involved in the musical so I'd thought it would be a great reason to show some support. I'd always love musicals and this goes on further to prove that I really LOVE musicals. Hahaha! Will post the pic up once I get them from Lynn.

Until then, I'm taking a few days off from my lil bloggy. Tata ;)

-jOhN "ngo oii hk" LiM-

Monday, March 02, 2009


Its has been a long 4 days break :P Other than my cooking escapade, I've tried my hands on.......... BAKING! :) Yup, Baking :) That was how bored I was!
The gorgeous ladies.... in the specs, bcoz it was 3am~ haha
Wah~ Act cute sia~~~ hahaha
Ping Ping who is also Malaysian was having her off day as well. So we'd decided to Bake :D
We both got up late because we had sang K the night before, Yes, on another random night :P
Left for lunch and soon we were grabbing every ingredient we could find :)

Ngek ngek Pocky snacks
Ping! U'll be seeing ALOT of her for the next month because I have 2 flights with her soon. I'm paxing on her Perth this Thursday and We'll be going to Dubai and Istanbul together end of this month.

WOOO!!! Cute or not? :P hehehehhe
The pics will describe the end product ;) And nothing beats the smell and taste of success ;) Wooo!!

I'm so proud of myself :P Wakakkakakakka!! Wooo!! I think I'm not gonna post for sometime now till I'm back from my Hong Kong HOLIDAYYYYY....... Hahhahahhahhahaha I keep mentioning it, bcoz, I'M EXCITED! :P

Oh, my course today wasn't as bad as expected. I actually had alot of fun :) and I got to know some ppl ;) Some REALLY nice people :) Hehehhehehehe...

-jOhN "bakes" LiM-