Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just when all was getting dark,
Your sunshine shone from afar...
Who'd ever guess we'd meet there...
Who'd ever guess...
Who'd ever guess...
I just hope I will learn from my mistakes...
-jOhN "inspired" LiM-

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Have you stood still in a storm, to let the wind surf along your skin.
Have you stood still in a commotion, to let the anger of the crowd drown your thoughts.
Have you stood still in a brake up, to let your tears stream down your cheek.
Have you stood still in a mid of night, to let the howling wind of the night sip through your ears.
Have you ever, ever, thought of how much you'd meant to me.

I guess its more important to Feel strong than to Be strong. What use is there when you are strong but small on the inside, inhibited, frail inside, meek and overpowered.

What use is there to have gained forced respect when all you get is boot licking and foot sucking.

Where has life's fulfillment gone? Where have you left your dream? Where did you bury your future? Where is it all taking you?

Why have you let it stop you to reach your very best. Your very very best.

You kept me smiling. You kept me burning with passion. You kept me going. But Dream, don' run away from me now. Don't. Persistance will only prove frustration if my want was not returned.

Your very best completes me. Now, I know, that Happiness is only best, when, Shared.

I miss you. I will find you. I don't want to lose you. I don't know you. I will know you. I yearn for you. I strive for you. I suffer for you. I take pride in you. I know you. But, you, won't let me.

Passion. Consume me in your flames. Let me live with Passion. Let me carry my purpose. Let me discover the truth. Please heal me from the paths that was only illusions built to last for the moment. I want this, to last, Forever. Eternity.

But what is. What will. What can, all lies in Your hands. I can only be, but only Me.

Torn in my thoughts. Only but because of me.

-jOhN "dream" LiM-

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hey ya'll!..

Back from Zurich already.... The next few flights not worth talking about.. hahaha... Butttt I'm loooking forward toooooooo.........


Wooo~~ Like damnnnnn Ulu-fied only.. hahahaha but yeah.. its exciting...

Zurich pics also on Facebook. lazy to post any here cause blogger is sllllowww.. hahaha...

Anyways...... nuthin much d la... lazy to type tonight.. hahahaha..
Take care fellow mates ;)
-jOhN "??" LiM-

Friday, August 15, 2008

My gosh...

Just as I finally I had time to browse through some ppl's blogs, I realized so many were already leaving! I'm so sorry dear ppl that I won't be there to send you off... But if SIA flies there, I would surely meet you up when I'm there... Drop your location in my textbox kk???

Gosh, I just realized how much I'm gonna miss them man..... Though I already left...

Being in my position is so hard to do. My peers are all still studying and leaving for Uni.. Whereas, i'm here, working, flying and facing the pressures of life in the working world. It is really hard to be a young boy in this mean world. Something I have to grow into to survive.

Seriously. It is now that I understand why working people say, appreciate your studying life. It is now that I get to see both worlds. It truly is all bare and brutal. It ain't a playground anymore for mistakes. Everything you say or do determines the direction of your career. I guess it comes along as we grow. But in my situation, it is something few can relate to. I'm not complaining, but I'm just highlighting the reality of being alone here in a place where the tough only survives. I have came across a few bumps already, but if i'm gonna let it stumble me or discourage me, I won't survive the next who-knows-how-long. I'm glad for this experience. It has really "forced" me to grow so much mentally and even physically. Yes, things onboard can be quite heavy :P

Your life is for the taking my friends. Don't let in into the negative and discouraging. People out there can be harsh and unforgiving, but your mind is the only obstacle in life. If you are determined, no one can stop you ;)

Well, I'm gonna sign off now. Flying off to Bangkok tmr before I leave for Zurich. Till then I'm gonna enjoy my free rides around the world. Take care my beautiful friends and do pray for me. Really. I heed your prayers.

-jOhN "pushing forward" LiM-

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Back from Paris already.. Woo woo.. it was really hot over there. Got a sunburn too. I've uploaded loads of pics in Facebook, so go have a look. The few pics are just a glimpse ;)

Leaving for Perth soon... and guess what, I'm going to Zurich next week.. Ngek ngek... Guess guess, Zurich is in which country?.. hahahaha... jokin la, i know u guys very smart wan ;)

Take care ;) gonna write a long reflective post one day...... ONE day la.. hahaha!!...

To You, I'm gonna miss those special feelings. You meant so much, but I guess great paths don't cross. It has been a painful parting, but it was worthwhile the time. Cheers to a blissful friendship!

-jOhN "au revoir" LiM-