Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Who'd ever guess that this would be more than exciting!

Dear readers,

First of all, my deepest apologies for not updating my blog due to the inability to connect with the internet. Apart from that, I must say, I have been having TOO MUCH fun here. Honestly, I've never found something I like so much till today. Before I left, I had already knew I would enjoy this, but coming here made me realize I want this EVEN more!

Truly. Its not the freedom, or the ability to engage in vices without being watchesd. Rather, it is the inspiring stories, sincere laughters, different backgrounds, heart warming smiles and love that the people here have really really really shown. I am amazed by just how much I am amazed!

First of all, I've met really fantastic housemates from Malaysia. We're just a bunch of foolish 4 young people, but we're learning from each other. Its just fantastic. Secondly, my "beyond-the-world" batchmates, who are, beyond-the-world? Hahaha. They're just so fun to be with. Never have I gone to another class feeling this way. Filled with excitement, anticipation, determination and enthusiasm.

I've never come to appreciate life in this way. You know the saying, enjoying what you do makes you only very much more productive? I live for that now. Gosh, the instructors are all so experienced and inspiring. Really. One arrow went straight right through my heart on the first day itself. An arrow of inspiration. And now, I bleed inspiration. Hahaha.

My point is not to cause that slight envy in you, but merely to inspire you to find that one thing in life that you will live to do, not do to live! It begins in your heart. I can't put more stress on the importance of being fulfilled in every aspect of your life. This is my fulfillment.

In the words of David Archuleta, "NO ONE CAN TAKE THIS MOMENT AWAY FROM ME". Hahahahaha.

PS: Archuleta was...... -speechless-

I miss each and everyone of you back home. I'd wish you all can experience what I have been experiencing. Truly. Await my sms soon. Will be getting a permanent number asap! :P

-jOhN "soaring" LiM-