Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Happy Family Settles In

Here are some photos of us and Tess, weeks two and three. She's already growing and changing so much. Her little hands and feet are starting to get chubby and her alert periods are getting longer and longer. She's simply amazing!

Aquí hay fotos de Tess y nosotros durante las segunda y tercera semanas de su vida. Ya está cambiando y creciendo mucho. Sus piecitos y manitos se están poniendo gorditos y está mas y mas alerta cada día. Es maravillosa!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Grandmom and Grandpop Gandolfo's Visit

Tess's Grandmom and Grandpop Gandolfo (and their dog Abbey) came to visit her for the first time and, of course, they think she is just perfect! They were a huge help to us -- cooking, cleaning, helping take care of the baby and working on projects around the house. We are so grateful for their love and support!

Los abuelos de Tess (y su perrito!) vinieron a visitarla por primera vez y, por supuesto, piensan que es preciosa! Nos brindaron mucha ayuda en la cocina y la casa. Estamos muy agradecidos por su amor y su apoyo.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Waiting for Tess Slideshow

Here's a slideshow of our long wait for baby Tess, her arrival, and first days in the hospital, set to the song "Waiting for You" by John Flynn. It makes us cry no matter how many times we watch it!

Aquí es un video de fotos del embarazo, de la llegada de Tess, y de sus primeros días en el hospital. La música es una canción que se llama “Te He Esperado” por John Flynn. Nos hace llorar cada vez que lo escuchamos.

It's a Girl!!!!! Es Niña!!!!!


Dear Familly and Friends, We are so very happy and blessed to be able to present to you our new daughter, "Tess" (Theresa Elizabeth). She came to us on July 3, 2008, weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz, and 18.5 inches long. She is perfect! Mom is doing great (Dad too!). We hope you enjoy these photos. Later in the week, once we're settled at home, we'll post more photos to our blog.

Love,Elizabeth, David and Baby Tess


Queridos Amigos,Nos da mucho placer contarles que ya llegó nuestra querida bebé, "Tess" (Theresa Elizabeth). Nos llegó el 3 de julio 2008, pesa 6 libras con 13 onzas, mide 18.5 pulgadas. ¡Es bellísima! Todo está bien con Bebé, mamá y papá. Esperamos que les gusten estas fotos. Les avisaremos cuando subamos más fotos a nuestra página web.

Con mucho cariño, Eliza, Davíd y Tess.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Saga of Baby G's Arrival

On Thursday, June 19, Liz had a routine prenatal check-up which showed that she was measuring small for 35 weeks. The doctor thought the baby might have stopped growing adequately, so he ordered an ultrasound which indicated the baby was actually doing great, but that the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in utero was dangerously low. If the fluid stayed low, they told us, we would probably have to induce labor early in order to keep the baby safe. The following Thursday (June 26, at 36 weeks) the fluid was still low and the doctor advised us to get over to the hospital and induce labor that very night! Two days of trying to induce didn't work, but by Saturday the fluid levels were back up to normal and the baby had proven itself to be amazingly strong and capable of withstanding lots of contractions without showing any signs of distress. So, that meant we could forego a c-section for the time being and give Liz and the baby more time to be ready for induction and delivery (at 36 weeks lung immaturity can still be a problem). We spent a couple more days monitoring the baby in the hospital and everything continued to look great except for the fluid level (which was still low, but back up in the normal range), so they let us go home with orders for daily monitoring at the OB offce.

One week later, on Wednesday, July 2, the fluid levels were again back down below normal, so the doctor we saw that day sent us over to the hospital again for round 2 of induction. This time we tried everything, and Liz's body still wasn't going into labor, so at the end of another day-and-a-half of induction, we decided to go for a c-section on the night of July 3rd in order to get the baby out and to safety as quickly as possible.
An added bonus: Two of Liz's five older sisters were born on July 3rd - a very lucky birthday indeed!

El día jueves 19 de junio Eliza tuvo un chequeo con el doctor y descubrieron que no había suficiente líquido amniótico en la matriz para mantener la salud del bebe. Como esta situación presentaba un peligro para el bebe, nos mandaron al hospital para inducir el parto por medio de una serie de medicamentos. Después de intentar por dos días, la inducción no funcionaba pero el nivel de líquido amniótico había subido otra vez al rango normal (aunque se mantenía muy bajo toda vía) y el bebe tenía un latido de corazón muy fuerte (lo cual indicaba que estaba bien). Por esas razones, los doctores dijeron que podíamos seguir monitoreando el líquido y la salud del bebe en el hospital por unos días a ver como seguía. Después de dos días mas en el hospital todo se veía bien y nos dejaron regresar a casa con ordenes de seguir monitoreando en la clínica cada día.

El miércoles de la próxima semana (2 julio) los doctores descubrieron que el líquido se había bajado otra vez y por eso nos mandaron al hospital para intentar la inducción del parto de nuevo. Un día mas de inducción, en el cual tratamos todo para empezar el parto, no funcionó y al final del día jueves, 3 julio, decidimos con los doctores que este bebe no iba a salir sino por cesárea. Optamos, entonces, para sacarlo de una vez, y así asegurar su salud y seguridad.
Un dato feliz: Dos de las cinco hermanas de Eliza tambien nacieron el dia 3 julio - una fecha muy afortunada.

Final Weeks of the Pregnancy

June was filled with lots of preparation, including the exciting task of painting the nursery. Here's David doing the deed and Liz admiring the finished product. VERY yellow!!!

El mes de junio fue un mes de muchas preparaciones para la llegada del bebe. Aqui es David pintando la habitacion del bebe y Eliza admirando el producto final. Amarillo!!!

Baby mama headed to the pool for a swim.

Lista para ir a la piscina!

Our final day alone together before the arrival of Baby G. We spent a lovely day in Asheville, NC, and drove home via the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway.

El último día que pasamos juntos antes de la llegada del bebe. Hicimos un paseo muy lindo por Asheville, NC, y regresamos a casa por medio de una carretera que pasa encima de las montañas de la cordillera “Blue Ridge.”

Final pictures of the baby belly and the Gandolfo family before our first trip to the hospital at the end of June.

Las últimas fotos de la pancita y la familia Gandolfo antes de nuestra primera estadía en el hospital.