Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's been a long time!

Well, it's been a long time.  Life has happened and flown by.  I am not going to attempt to go way back and update, but I will update a bit, mainly so I don't forget these details.

 On November 18, we found out that we were expecting!  We were more than surprised and quickly (well maybe not so quickly) adjusted to the thought of having a little baby around the house again. 

Shortly after we found out, I began to feel sick and started throwing up.  It wasn't too bad the first week and coninued to get worse. We told the boys around Thanksgiving since I was feeling so sick. They were SO excited and Braxton loudly laughed and said "You are gonna get really fat".  He is so thoughtful! 

I continued to get worse and landed in the ER on the last day of November.  I got some meds and some IV fluid and convinced the doctors to let me go home because I had an appointment with my doctor the next morning.  So we got up about 1am and my mom took me to the doctor they next morning at 8am so Nate could head to work.  The doc took one look at me and said I was going back to the hospital.  So I have a nice 5 day stay and came home very hopeful that the worst was behind me.

I still felt sick but was trying to hang on!  Finally they ordered home health care. I had an IV at home and they even made me and Nate take it out!  I also had a pump attached to me 24 hours a day to give me my meds.  It had a stylish little bag and I had to change the needle in my stomach daily.  FINALLY, in March I was able to be pump free.

In the middle of all the sickness, we found out we were havign a BOY!  Brock's reaction was  "NOT AGAIN"!  Nate and I were thrilled because we already loved our two boys so much we couldn't wait to add another.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Brock's Baptism

We had the privledge of celebrating Brock's Baptism. We are so excited that he has chosen Jesus to be the leader of his life. We look forward to watching Brock grow in his realtionship with Christ. We know He has great plans for Brock.

The Children's Baptism service at our church is like a party. They have a cake with their name on it. They also allow the fathers to baptize their children. It makes for a very special day!
Nate baptizing Brock with pastor Eric

Brock with his kindergarten and first grade teachers. We are so blessed that he has had two teachers that love Jesus!

Brock's cake

Grandma, Brock and Nana

Brock and his best buddy Dylan were both baptized.

Family photo

Daddy's Football Game

Nate had one of his varsity games on a Thursday evening. The boys were pumped when we went to get haircuts before the game and they had blue hair gel.

The boys before the game.

One of my favorite pictures of Brax

I love this picture because I told Brax he could not go past the white line. I love how his toes are on it!

Add Image Brock taking it all in.

Brax running to get the tee after kick off.

The boys chilling on the bench.

Brax and his buddy doing the fight song after the game!

October- Sea World Trip

We took our annual trip to Sea World with Nana. The weather was great, the lines were short and we all had a blast.

Nana and Brax eating Smores.

Brock relaxing after Smores.

Brax and Brock making their smores.

Swim time!

The boys in the freezing lazy river. So glad they can both touch all the way around the river now!

Ready to ride the Shamu Express!

Touching the stingrays.

Brock's favorite part is feeding/petting the dolphins. Brax is not too sure about it yet.


It appears I can not find any pictures from August and September. Brock started 1st grade and loves it. It was an adjustment to not be in the same class as his BFF, but he has managed just fine. Braxton started a new preschool and loves it. He has the sweetest teachers and loves to go each day.

Braxton started his soccer season, playing with his best buddy, Blake. They played in the 3-4 year olds and dominated the field. Brax had 6 goals in one game!! He loves soccer and is very serious about it.

Brock chose to play golf again. This time he did a class, not a camp. He did great and passed level 1 of the golf program. He looks forward to doing level 2 in the spring.


We celebrated 4th of July with sweet Ava. We went to see the fire works.

My sweet boys enjoyed cooling off in the sprinklers.

Braxton with his huge smile!

The Wild Child

Super Brock!

Crazy boys

Fun in the Sprinklers!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Brock at his golf camp

Brock during his skills challenge

Brax at basketball practice

Brax shooting

Brock and BFF Trinity after awards day

Golf camp- I am not sure why my pictures are out of order!

Brock was blessed with an amazing teacher. She was the best. He got several awards at his awards day including the super scienctist award and an award for reading over 1,000 books. He loves to read!

June was a busy month, with lots of change! Brock finished up a great year of kindergarten. I finished up teaching and started my new job as the Children's Ministry Associate at our church , and Nate started his new job at a local high school ( still coaching and teaching).

I went with the grade school kids from church to camp and Nate kept the boys for 5 days while I was gone. They all survived and the boys enjoyed bonding with Dad. The house was even clean when I got home!

Brock started golf lessons and loved them and Braxton played basketball. He was not too sure about it since the refs did not make everyone dribble. It was very frustrating for him when they did not follow the rules.

May in Pictures

Brock and his best buddy, Trinity at their kindergarten rodeo!

Mrs. Jones (Brocks amazing teacher) and the boys at the "campfire"

Brock riding the "bucking bronco"

Brock taking a pic with the pony

We enjoyed swimming with our friends Simon and Sutton

Brax showing off his skills!

Cannnnnoooooon Baaaallllllllllllllllll!!!

Crazy boys!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

April 2011



My Silly Boys

Brock at the Easter Picnic

Brax ready to hunt some eggs

Brock and our new family member, Lucy

April was a fun and exciting month. We surprised the boys with a dog, Lucy. They love her very much. We felt like Brock's allergies and ashtma were under control enough to get a dog. She only stays downstairs. The boys love her!

We celebrated Easter at our church's Easter picnic and the kids got tons of eggs.