Saturday, December 27, 2008

Max at the Temple

I wanted to post these pictures and say how proud I am of my dear friend, Max Laforet. For those of you who don't know about Max he was my pen pal from Haiti who introduced me to the wonderful world of humanitarian work, sacrifice, love, and compassion for a people who I consider some of the most beautiful on this earth. We wrote for seven years talking about starting our own school in Haiti and how we could change the world. In 2000 I was able to start that wonderful journey. And now since May2007 Max has been going to UVU to obtain a degree in elementary education, and adiministration so he can some day help to run schools in Haiti. The fact that Max is here is a miracle in itself. They never let single, male, Haitians leave the country. They are too much of a "fligh risk." But with many prayers, phone calls, letters, and miracle workers Max is here gaining his education.
If you've ever been in a church congregation in a third world country you know that the people are devoted. They walk many many miles to get to church, or a temple. People will sell house and all they own just to attend the temple. The members in Haiti have to take a bus about ten hours, and a couple of hundred dollars later to attend the Dominican Republic Temple. They make so many sacrifices to serve their Lord. I was so touched a couple of weeks ago for Max to be able to receive his endowment at the Timpanogas Temple. I know Max is destined for incredible things because of all the miracles that have been had in his life. I am thankful to be a witness of the Lord's work and his hand in our lives. Did I mention how he was converted? After many letters talking about the church I told him to somehow go find our church and talk to the missionaries. I had yet to know how the church functioned in Haiti. So I just had faith he would find someone to talk to. As he walked into a tiny church house in the middle of the most populated city in Haiti he found two Elders sitting in a room and showed them my picture and said he wanted to hear the gospel. Another miracle, one of the Elders was one of my really good friends from Centerville Utah. You can imagine the shock he got when some random Haitian had my picture and wanted to learn about the church. Again, I know the Lord is aware of us and all we do. He guides our life and will help us find the things that will make us most happy. I didn't mean to make this some sermon but I am in awe of how blessed I've been to be a part of Max's life, and the world of Haiti.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pierced Ears

Well, I feel like I might be officially a mean Mom. Ryan told me I couldn't pierce Raiyah's ears until she could atleast ask for them to be done. She has started wanting to put my earrings on and always talks about how pretty they are. I decided that this was her asking for earrings. :) I would put the video on but Ryan said we have to erase it. It might give her nightmares down the road. She was not happy. I felt horrible sitting there holding her head still while they poked a needle in her ear. As you can see she was VERY tired when we got to the car, it was a little emotional. Everyone kept looking at us like we were bad parents as we walked around the mall afterwards and she was sucking on two suckers. But I think she deserved two. Anyway, would I do it again? Yes. But probably when she was younger so she wouldn't notice. For a while there when people said 'how pretty her earrings are' she would kind of lean her head to the side and just say, "hurts". But now she quickly responds "pretty". So I think we are okay. And I think she is adorable with her cute little ears pierced.