Monday, May 25, 2009

The Uninvited

I enjoy having people coming over to my house, especially friends and family. Sebabnya saya jenis yg suka melayan tetamu. Memasak dan mengemas menjadi sangat menyeronokkan bila kita tau ada orang nak datang. And if my guests are staying overnite, i'll make sure the guest room is clean and tidy so that they're comfortable. But now that my sis in law is staying in that room, tak boleh lagi la nak suka2 masuk bilik org mengemas bagai. Tapi isi pentingnya adalah, tetamu haruslah dilayan dgn sebaiknya.

But despite all the above, i also want the world to know that i hate unannounced guest. You know, the kind of people that suddenly popped in front of your door and expect you to entertain them, (kalau setakat nk berbual kat gate lain la), nak stay dinner tak bgtau and worse, nak overnite. Kenapa? Because sometimes my fridge is empty and i have nothing to cook. And my house is messy and i need time to clean up. And me myself is also messy, rambut gerbang2 tgh pakai kain batik ambik masa jugak tu nak makeover.

Dan minta tolong ya tuan2 dan puan2, never tell me that you come unannounced because "tak nak menyusahkan". Tak bagitau tu la yg menyusahkan sebab bayangkan situasi berikut: tetamu tingtong bell, saya buka pintu aaaaa! terkejut org dtg melawat. Saya tersipu2 & tertunduk2 malu bukak grill sebab rambut gerbang & kain batik herot-berot. Suruh tetamu duduk kejap sambil saya berlari ke bilik tukar baju & sapu concealer tutup jerawat. Pastu tergopoh-gapah kutip toys yg bersepah dan kemas rumah, sambil ketuk pintu orang gaji yg tgh sedap tido ptg sebab nak suruh dia pegi kedai beli gula bila menyedari nak bancuh teh o gula pulak habis. Tak ke itu menyusahkan namanya, walaupun tetamu tu kata "ala... biasa la rumah semak, ada anak kecik" ataupun "tak payah susah2 air bujang pun takpe". Waklulengkung bagi minum air paip baru tau.


Dalam kes yang berasingan, maghrib td my maid texted me "Kak, rahma kat bawah dgn kawan. Maybe dia dok kat rumah 3 hari kot." I asked her, "Duduk rumah siapa?" and she replied, "Rumah kita".

Rasa menyirap.

No. 1: rumah kita
- Sejak bila rumah ni jadi rumah dia?

No. 2: stay tiga hari - Dah la tak minta izin lepas tu kawan dtg nak tido pulak... bukan satu malam tapi tiga!!

No. 3: bawak tetamu masuk rumah tak minta izin - rupa2nya sblm kitorg balik lagi dia dah bawak kawan dia dtg rumah, sedangkan dah bagitau byk kali jgn sesekali bawak org masuk dalam rumah waktu me or my husband takde. Agaknya dia ingat my SIL ada kat rumah waktu tu so takyah bagitau kitorg.

Rasa sgt marah skrg. Sebab utama: dia tak hormat saya sebagai tuan rumah. Hak kita dia buat macam hak dia. Marah jugak sebab situasi ni buat saya rasa bersalah; tetamu sepatutnya diraikan but i don't feel like welcoming her friend at all.

Bengang betul la. Dah sound rahma tadi tapi rasa marah masih tak hilang.

Please understand that this is my home, my privacy and haven to my family. At least respect me and honour my right as the house owner, by at least seeking my permission first before bringing anybody home. Tadi rasa macam nak cakap, "Kamu siapa suka hati buat rumah ni macam rumah sendiri, nak bawak kawan tido sini sampai 3 hari" tapi tak sampai hati pulak nanti dia terasa. But i still feel like saying that to her supaya dia sedar yg dia tu cuma org asing yg dibenarkan tinggal dalam rumah ni semata2 sebab dia digaji utk buat kerja. Kalaulah boleh letakkan dia dlm rumah lain after working hours, i will; but we know it's not possible la kan. Walaupun dilayan baik spt adik tapi jgn lupa, you're working here and you're still an outsider. And you should respect me!

Am i asking too much?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Cerita kerja

My officemate merangkap university classmate, En. Yen nak resign hujung bulan ni. Bermakna kurang meriah la ofis lepas ni. Juga bermakna, kitorg kena takeover projek2 dia yg byk ittew, oh tidak!!

Saya bernasib baik sebab kena takeover satu projek je. Mula2 suka sebab dpt projek yg macam bes; Renovation of LRT Stations. 24 stations altogether meaning kena prepare 24 tender documents. Ala renovation works je, mesti senang kan? Stations pun rupa lebih kurang so mesti buat keje repetitive.

I was wrong. I forgot that we should NEVER judge a book by its cover.

Baru tgk drawing station Titiwangsa kepala dah pening. Mana yg nak hack, tambah lift, buang toilet, tambah lantai. Rupe2nye tiap2 station design & requirement lain2. Pastu dtg drawing 3 stations sekaligus. Dwg sampai hari ni esok dah mintak estimate. Mana boleh bai, tak tido malam pun tak boleh siap!

Fening kefalaku.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My life @ 6 months

Hello people! It's me, errr... the one with no name, still. It's been 6 months+ and let me tell you, living in mom's womb is nothing but cosy. Seriously, i mean... look at me now, i've grown so much you can't even see the lower parts of my body anymore. (Finally, a decent picture!) And do you want to know a secret? For this month alone, Mom gained 4kg! The nurse who weigh her was shocked because for the last 5 months, her total weight gain was only 3kg. Haha, poor mom. But don't blame me, i'm not the one who ate 3 Iceberg donuts in one go! Talking about food craving and preggies, whatever...

Btw, heard that i have to check out in 97 days or so, which is good coz i can't wait to meet my sis who keep calling me Syasya (she said it was easy to spell: 'syim syim') and my big bro who can't stop asking why i'm not out yet.

But still, it's good to know that our feelings are mutual, cos i'm just as excited as they are! :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Food For Friendship... with a roach

I tapau New York Chicken 1901 for lunch. Ate most of it while driving back to office (boleh kan eat & drive?) I parked my car, still munching and there was still one bite to go before I finished off the whole lot. Suddenly, i noticed a weird tiny L shaped thingy on the hotdog. At first i thought that thing came from the sprinkled black pepper. Wth makan je lah. Tiba2 terfikir, eh... spices apa bentuk L macam tu? I took a closer look and... the L has bulu wehhh!!

So the question is... how did the L get on my food?

Did it fall from somewhere and hinggap on the hotdog?

Or... did I just munch the whole roach and the only remain was the leg?

Huwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Geli wehhhhh!!!
Maybe they should add another ingredient to the above description: KAKI LIPAS. yuck!!

Moral of the story: Jangan pegi 1901 Ampang Point!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Baby Sisters

I realised that i seldom talked about my sisters. Well today, let me introduce you to these three lovely girls.

Miss Husna a.k.a. Budar is a 24 yrs old actuarist working in an insurance company. She's a real genius who loves to sleep, owner of a red hot myvi and hates cutting chicken.

Miss Fateha a.k.a. Teh is 23 and currently studying pharmacy in New Zealand. She's friendly, loves to study, hates reading novels and also hates cutting chicken.

Miss Siti Aisya a.k.a Aisya is 19 and just finished her matriculation. She's adorable, chatty, manja, loves to clean and likes to wear the same clothes for days. Busyuk!

Growing up, i was away from them almost all the time - i attended boarding school in seremban, university in jb, then got married immediately after graduated and later have children. Being separated for a long time, i never had the chance to bond with them like real sisters. You know, like sharing secrets and problems, that kinda stuff. I guess age difference also further this gap between us because we were never in the same phase of life, making it harder to find things in common to talk about.

As we grow older, some incidents occurred along the way and slowly... it bring us closer together.

The main one, was when Abah passed away. The excruciating pain that i felt ... was unexplainable. NOBODY, not even my husband, could understand it... except for my siblings and my mom. Only we knew how painful it was losing our Abah. And for the first time in life, i felt the need to be closer to my sisters, simply because they were the only few people i can grieve with.

Another incident, was when one of my sisters was having problems with her boyfriends. Yes, boyfriends, more than one. Her case was really complicated to be honest, and i guess out of desperation to find someone to talk to, she slowly opened up to me and we ended talking like there was no tomorrow. It was heart-wrenching to see your own sister, whom all this while seemed so tough, suddenly turned so vulnerable and heart-broken. At that time, all I wanted to do was to 'rescue' her, make her feel better and mend her wound. We still talk now and then and she almost recover, thank god. But most importantly, i'm glad she trusted me as her shoulder to cry on.

And talking about love, another one also got herself into trouble. This naughty girl got caught and was brought to 'court'. I knew she was damn scared. After the tormenting session was over, she hugged me, cried and thanked me for being there for her.

Girls, i'm more than happy to be there whenever you need me. Please know that you can forever count on me because after all, you're my baby sisters. And i love you so very much :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hati Terbakar

Tidak, saya tak marah pada sesiapa. Juga tak sakit hati pada sesiapa.

Cuma dada saya sgt sakit sekarang... heartburn. Sampai nak bernafas pun pedih. Dah tau dah kalau breakfast karipap mesti heartburn punya. Tapi degil, nak makan jugak. Dah la ubat tinggal kat rumah, huhu! Kenapa eh kalau makan potato-based food badan jadi berangin? Hari tu makan mashed potato dave's deli pun sama jugak.

Rasa macam nak balik rumah, baring & tidur.

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Why I don't look this gorgeous when I'm pregnant?
Hhhmm... must be the carpet..."

Latest news: I can no longer fit my baju kurung... hukhuk! Boleh nak pakai tapi kain tak boleh pasang kancing dan zip pun separuh je. Jadi berisiko sama ada kain terlondeh atau ternaik tinggi ke atas. Huduh dan buruks. Dan saya benci baju mengandung yg panjang macam jubah atau dress sebab bila pakai tak sama pun macam angelina jolie. Seluar saya suka tapi utk blouse, limited to long @ 3/4 sleeve dan biarlah menutup punggung sebab bila tengok cermin dah la perut ke depan punggung pulak ke belakang (ye lah takkan punggung ke depan pulak) jadi nampak sungguh tak anggun dan berbukit-bukau. Considering all the above, my choice are obviously quite limited.

Jadi rutin saya setiap pagi, lepas mandi termenung jap depan almari nak pilih baju yg boleh muat. Macam pagi ni tension... rasa nak pakai baju kaler purple tapi takde yg boleh fit. Tidak, saya bukan mengomel sebab tak suka mengandung. Cuma nak bgtau, susah betul nak cari baju mengandung yg cantik ala2 baju MNG hehe. Kalau ada pun mahal nak mamfus padahal nak pakai beberapa bulan je, tak berbaloi ok!

Kesimpulannya: Saya ibu mengandung yang mahu berpakaian cantik tapi sgt berkira untuk berbelanja beli baju mengandung.

Tapi kan, last month beli maternity skinny jeans kat Motherclub, gambar seperti di bawah:

Pakai seluar ni terasa cun ok. Dah nama pun skinny jeans kan jadi perasan la kurus sket drpd biasa. Spent RM139.00 for it, and that's expensive for me sebab tambah sket lagi boleh dpt Levi's ke, Guess ke, ni Motherclub?? Ya.. ya... saya mengandung jadi jgn byk songel. Disebabkan teruja pakai seluar tu terasa bes, try kat fitting room berkenan terus pakai berjalan-jalan :)

Eh, pegi website dia sebenarnya nak cari gambar jeans di atas tapi 'ter'click pulak promotion dan terjumpa la pulak gambar baju ni:

50% discount ok, jatuh dalam RM40-RM50+. Baju first tu boleh kot pakai ngan inner hitam @ putih, dan baju kedua adalah kaler purple, yeay! Ok, esok kena gi mid valley :)