Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The 4.4kg Baby

This post is long due, dah seminggu baru nak update blog. Blame the missing phone cable. I can't find em thus takleh nak upload pictures. Rupe2nya encik cable menyorok dalam laci bajuku (dan rupe2nye saya yg menyembunyikannya di situ, heh)

About the baby. When I first learn about her weight I was like... WHAT??!! Gile terkejut badak ok! Yeah Aisyah's bump was humongous but 4.4kg?? Dania dulu lahir 2.4kg, so I imagine macam pregnantkan dua Dania la kan? Pergghhh... kagumnya saya. I told Aisyah it must be comfy living in her belly for the baby to grow that big! After 40 weeks, the bundle of joy finally popped out (by c-sect of course, too big for the tunnel) on 17th November 2008.

Walaupun hajat Aisyah nak bersalin secara normal tak tercapai (baca blog dia kita boleh tau betapa mahunya dia bersalin normal) yang penting bak kata Aisyah baby lahir sihat dan sempurna, Alhamdulillah. Tapi kesian jugak tengok Aisyah menahan sakit perut tiap kali nak gelak bila kawan2 yg datang melawat tak berhati perut buat lawak macam tak ingat dunia. Deligasi makcik kaypoh tersebut terdiri daripada Faryna, Erlina, Wannor, Miah & juga saya. Nasib baik kitorg tak datang 17 haribulan kan? Lagi merana kau.

Now ladies n gents, hold your breath as I'm presenting to you the chubbiest baby of the Hi-Fiversland:


Fuhh... pipi itu, bolehkah ku ramas2?

"I love my baby sista!"

Aqish yang protective

Busyra amat suka baring atas lap. I placed her on mine and within minutes she was asleep.

Busyra, auntie tau la auntie ni cantek but stop staring will you?
(Oh, she's staring at the light? Noooooo lah, I'm pretty sure it's me)

Before I end this entry, I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to Aisyah for the demise of her father last Thursday. May Allah bless his soul and give strength and peace to you and your family.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I was flipping thru today's newspaper when I came across this clip in Harian Metro. If I’m not mistaken, that guy in the white shirt is Azra kan? Can anybody verify this?

Cos if it’s true, how glad I am that he seems fine (at least in this picture). Because look at the car! Anyone who come out of it in one piece is nothing but lucky! In fact, I think he looked way too good for one who just survived a car accident. The way he stylishly folded his sleeve, calmed down the girl and still manage to keep a cool face was all kinda... 'heroic', don't you think?

Hippo Birdie To Me!

I wish everyday is my birthday, because all the birthday wishes I got from friends and family makes me feel soooo... loved. And special. And remembered. And cared for.

And for that, I thank you so very much.

Now, about the much awaited birthday camphone...

He got me a Sony Ericsson C902, in Luscious Red.

Another reason for me to celebrate :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Year Older...

My birthday dah dekat. Dania since last week dok tanya birthday mama berapa hari lagi? In fact everyday dia akan cakap, "Dania tak sabar la nak birthday mama..." I guess she's excited to hand me the bday card yg dia buat sendiri, dah lama siap tapi dia sembunyi tanak bagi mama tengok. Malangnya she hide it in my drawer so I already found the card and Dania merajuk moncong menjela2 ;p Oh, cakap pasal kad baru teringat Dania suruh beli fancy papers sebab skrg dia kena buat kad baru since mommy already spoiled her suprise. Heee... sori la baby.

This year I'm turning 28 years old. Remember that Azury, because lately selalu lupa umur berapa. Sometimes I think I'm 29, sometimes 27. Maybe it's a sign that I'm getting OLD because I'm starting to ignore my age. Omg, just seconds ago I'm about to type 'age is just a number' but seeing the word OLD in capital letters makes me cancel that thought. Geez, the word is even more scarier when I bold it! Ok, enough of that.

Baru-baru ni Cik Abang tanya, "Nak handphone ke?" Ihik... ihik! NAK NAK! (dgn nada yg ala-ala manja2 gatal gitu...)

Macam nak mintak hp yg best tapi macam takut sebab tahun ni je dah hilangkan dua hp (satu masuk jamban, satu lagi kena curi kat ofis). So semenjak hilang tu pakai phone Sony Ericsson yg berharga RM200, jatuh tercabut bateri pun takde perasaan. Tapi hati ini sememangnya kepingin sangat nak memiliki camera phone yg superb. Ada orang kata, "Nak amik gambar beli la camera, phone is for making calls." Oh people, I beg to differ. My sis in law's N95 took better picture than our Kodak digicam menyebabkan aku tak puas hati sebab beli camera tu pun dah cost 1k+, tambah lagi sikit boleh dapat camera+phone. Dan banyak kali sangat terjadi bila rasa nak amik gambar, camera pulak tinggal kat rumah. So, tidak syak lagi a camera phone will solve this problem.

Tapi kan, kalau nak beli pun... tak tau sebenarnya nak beli phone apa. Many said Sony Ericsson Cybershots are the best camera phone, but what do you guys think? Camera phone model apakah yang patut dibeli oleh cik abangku untuk harijadiku?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Nothing Like I Wish For

This is how a Toyota Wish looks after it crashed the back of a lorry...

Now imagine the person inside the car are you loved ones.

I received an SMS from my mom last Saturday morning informing that my Pak Su was involved in a car accident. He was travelling with his youngest son, Aqil, who was at that time sleeping in the back seat. Apparently Pak Su dozed off while driving and hit the rear of a lorry. Thanks to the airbags, both didn't suffer serious injuries.

Berita ini adalah amat menakutkan. Can't imagine how Mak Su took the news.

So guys, please, please, pleaseeee.... memandulah dengan berhati-hati! This applies to everybody especially if you're my loved ones. The tought of losing you is already unbearable, let alone if the worst happens (Nauzubillah). So don't you dare make me suffer even more!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Iftar Ramadhan Hi-Fivers

(click on image to enlarge)

This year, our annual Hi-Fivers' Iftar Ramadhan was held at the Sabak Restaurant, Taman Melati Utama, KL. It always feels good to be back with the people you spent five years of your life with, especially when some of them become your dearest friends.

But as much as I wanted to mingle, constant demand from the little ones (yg lapar mengalahkan org puasa) and my own hungry tummy made my social activity kinda... interrupted. And how I wish I could eat like there's no tomorrow (or at least match the RM37 forked out), but when one was too busy making the effort to spot who's coming or recall some of the guy's names (is there any cure for this? Should i knock my head or something?), it just literally took away your concentration from the food. So what I'm trying to say is... despite the strong determination, I only manage to eat about RM5 worth, and talk to maybe 4-5 people (hellos and byes doesn't count). So poor me... huhu :(

But still... I'm glad I came.

The sight of heavily pregnant Aisyah's ready-to-pop-tummy made everyone hold their breath, and mind you she still has another one and a half month to go! So hang in there baby!

And we also have two first timers Mak Buyongs - Lenot & Harizah. A big clap for mommies-to-be!

On a side note, Harizah will be posted to Australia for training on this 4th of raya - for 2 months! Lucky she has he beloved Azir trailing along their Aussie adventure ;p

Djae handed his wedding invitation card. So everybody, set your reminder for Djae's wedding on the 19th of Raya @ Sri Rampai. InsyaAllah, if nothing gets in the way, we'll be there.

Ok la, my time is up... Shah dah tak sabar nak guna pc. Chow!

p/s: No more Sabak, please. End of discussion.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Joker

It's getting harder to snap a decent photo of Nafis these days.

He would either be making funny faces...

Or spoil group pictures...

Or cover his face...

Or pretend to be asleep...

Or not pretend to be asleep, and still...

But my personal favourite would be none other than this...

Simply... adorable ;p

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pengantin Lama

Chocolate Indulgence... before and after...

I tried to explain to dania that today is mama and ayah's anniversary.

"Hari ni, dah 6 tahun tau mama kawin dengan ayah." "Hari ni mama nak kawin ke dengan ayah?" "Bukan, mama dah kawin dah dengan ayah. Cuma hari ni mama nak celebrate sebab dah 6 tahun mama kawin dengan ayah." "Kalau macam tu, mama kena la pakai baju pengantin! Pakai cantik-cantik!" (Ler... tak paham lagi rupanya. Takpelah...) "Baju mama ni pun dah ok." "Ooo... pakai baju work pun boleh?" "A'ah."

Then dania dengan excitednye pun berkata, "So, kakak kena la nyanyi Selamat Pengantin Baru untuk mama!" I replied, "Eh, pengantin baru apenye... dah lama dah mama kawin!"

And suddenly, she started singing...

"Selamat Pengantin Lama... Saya Tak Pernah Jumpa...
Selamat Pengantin Lama... Saya Tak Pernah Jumpa..."

Haha... kelakar!! Lirik rekaan sendiri!

By the way, this morning I got the anniversary card (that I requested) from Shah. Kalau tak mintak tak dapat :p The card looks like any other typical greeting card, but the content was like... totally... insanely... incredibly... touching, right down to my soul! I cried in the shower, I cried while brushing my teeth, I cried while brushing dania's teeth (sungguh buruks, but what to do... jiwa sentimental).

I wish I didn't cry that much because it made my eyes sembab the entire day, but the point is clear: My husband just made me the happiest woman on earth :)

A Happy Anniversary

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary.

Looking back, I first set eyes on my Shah in the holy month of Ramadhan 1998.

We fell in love and in 2002, we tied the knot.

2 children later, in the month of Ramadhan 2008... I'm still head over heels in love with him.

Happy Anniversary my love. I look forward to share the rest of my life with you.

Friday, September 5, 2008


This blog seriously need some dusting ;p

Hello guys!

I'm still alive, thankfully :) It's just that in this couple of months, I was really caught up with WORK! Working like crazy siapkan tender document, keje siang malam sampai baca newspaper pun tak sempat, apatah lagi mengupdate blog. My mind was too occupied to think about anything else but work. The fact that I'm in charge of this project double up the stress. If I didn't perform, it's almost equivalent to being a failure. If I fail to complete the document, I would be ashamed of myself.

So imagine today, when the document is FINALLY complete... I was like... FUHHH!! The burden is finally lifted off my shoulder! Keje macam nak gile had literally drained off all my energy! Hidup hanya bekerja - malam keje, weekend keje, lepas sahur keje, balik kampung pun keje. Crazy. I wonder where I got the strength to go thru all these for months.

Now that everything is over, all of a sudden I feel so extremely exhausted - body and mind. I'm not kidding, it happened as soon as I realised that the work is completed. Baru ingat nak treat myself to a shopping spree, tapi gile tak larat. Tak pernah lagi rasanya tak larat shopping. Normally the word 'shopping' itself is enough to trigger the adrenaline. But not today. Adalah sangat letih, siap tertido lagi kat car wash tunggu org cuci kereta.

This endless whine means only one thing: I owe myself a break. And I also owe the kids, big time. Mommy's guilty for always arriving home late and only get to spend one hour or so with them before mommy dozed off. Yup, it's usually me who sleep first before the kids, leaving Shah alone attending their needs. Kesian mereka.

Now, since last 31st August pun kena kerja, this is the right time for me to say it like I mean it:


hehe... senang hati :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nurfarhana Batrisya in Mingguan Wanita

Hey guys, check out the latest Mingguan Wanita (cover Lisdawati); Nana's story is featured on page 116.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Dania!

After weeks of counting down, the DAY finally arrives.

And it's a very special day because today, my sweet Dania turns five.

Happy 5th Birthday darling!!

You will forever be my baby sweetheart. I love you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bitter sweet

So i decided to accept the counter offer and stay. Wish I can tell you about all the juicy details but right now, I'm just not in the mood.

I predicted bitter reaction from certain people but never thought it would be this soon. And ironically, the person I thought would support my decision was the first person who went against me. I feel like I've been stabbed. I keep telling myself over and over again that it's nothing to fuss about but apparently, a broken heart is not easy to mend.

I guess now, I better go and get rid of these negativity. Luckily, I know one person who can make me feel better - my husband.

I bet he will say this is all nonsense, so move on. And that's all I need to hear right now.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I feel good! :)

A day after the interview, the company wrote me an offer letter. Quite fast, don't you think? Probably they found what they were looking for. So yeah, that made me excited. But reading their terms and conditions got me all freaked out. I guess this should happen, considering the fact that I were spoiled more than 6 years in a company that doesn't record annual leaves and MCs, got tolerated for consistently coming late for work (I almost never arrive on time, usually it's half an hour late and I'm still the earliest) and still receive bonus and increment. So no doubt I deserve to be freaked out by rules and regulations.

This morning, I handed my resignation letter to my boss. I sat in front of him feeling guilty (for wanting to leave when the company is cram with workload), and very sad (hey, it feels like I'm leaving my family) and also curious (wonder how he's gonna react?). Judging from the look on his face, I thought he was going to say, "Fine, you can go. Good luck with your new job" or something that sounded like that. To tell you all the truth, I don't really expect any counter offer from him, although I do hope he will so that I can leave without feeling like a loser. But it was just impossible, you know why? Firstly because the amount of salary I requested equals the pay of another staff who is 5 years older than me. If he granted my request, imagine the amount he has to pay the senior sebab takkan la nak bagi gaji kitorg sama level, betul tak? Tu belum cerita gaji QS lain yang sebaya dgn aku, kopak kompeni nak membayo! And secondly, with the numbers of resumes pouring in, I don't think it's hard to find a replacement. Bak kata pepatah, patah tumbuh hilang berganti. Sekali petik sepuluh mari.

But instead, he asked whether I can still consider. He said if my decision to leave were because I hate staying or because the other company was too good, than he couldn't do anything. But if the reason was money, then to him it was merely a small matter. "Kita boleh bincang..." (Oh, really?) For a while, I thought about what he said. It's true I like working there, but it's also true I wanted higher pay. And is the other company THAT good? I don't know. So why not I just let myself consider whatever he has to offer? If it's good, I'll take it. But if not, I leave. I finally told him that whatever it is, please decide and get back to me fast because I have to make a decision within seven days.

Later in the afternoon, he came to me saying, "By hook or by crook, you cannot leave". It turned out that another partner also insisted that I stay. If my boss failed to persuade me, the partner was going to talk to me himself. My boss also asked me to convey his message to my ' new boss' (who happens to be his friend) that no matter what, Azury is staying.

My body was floating... my feet were no longer on the ground. It truly felt like a dream.

It was unbelievable.

Because honestly, am I that good? Am I worth to be fought over for?

All I can say is, maybe I should stop being so critical of myself and stop underestimating my own capabilities. Because maybe... just maybe, I am actually good :)

When I talked to my mom about it, she asked how it feels to be neeeeeded and appreciaaaaated (That's how she said it). Well mom, you already knew the answer. Of course la I feel GOOD!!

So now, we just have to wait and see what's the offer going to be...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Job interview

I have to confess that I sincerely, seriously... hate job interview.

It's one of the thing that fear me most.

The thought of volunteering yourself to be interrogated by a stranger, being ask suicidal questions, not being able to answer suicidal questions, trying hard to be seen confident... and look pretty... and be wise, but the interviewer thinks otherwise, the interviewer mula tunjuk terror, the interviewer thinks you're dumb and so forth... are enough to give me diarrhea.

Seriously. I had a few series yesterday. All because I had to attend a job interview in the evening.

But turn out it was nothing as I thought.

The interviewer was friendly, no suicidal questions popped, I feel very comfortable, he made me naturally confident, he said I were aggressive (whatever that means), he seriously wanted to hire me and the best part, I almost got the amount of salary I requested for.

Yeay for me!!

So... I assume such a beautiful ending would end my agony, no?

So why the diarrhea still don't go away? In fact, I had one while writing this entry.

It's either the diarrhea tragically coincided with my job interview, or the job interview was the one triggering this effect.

Either which, I better stop now. I can feel it's coming again. Chiow.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Waaachaaaa... Kungfu Panda!

We just made history. Today, we brought Dania and Nafis watching movie in cinema and guess what? We made it through until the show ended.. hoooray!!

But I have to say... it was not THAT easy.

Kungfu Panda took about 100 minutes to finish. The thought of sitting in the dark hall watching movie with the two kids for 1 hour and 40 minutes, already made us nervous. But somehow, we both wanted our kids to have this experience so what the heck, worse come to worst we'll just get out of the cinema.

Shah, a pessimist by nature, already anticipated for the worst that can happen (kids talking loudly, kids screaming, kids get scared of the dark, kids can't sit still, kids jumping in their seat, etc), so he insisted that we go to a less visited cinema at the least visited hour: TGV Kepong @ 11 am. And as predicted, the hall was only 1/3 full. We had the entire row of seats to ourselves, and also a row of empty seats in front of us.

For the first 15 minutes, the kids were glued to their seats. But after awhile, Nafis started getting restless. Two bags of Twisties and Cheezel were the price we paid for the next 30 minutes of peace. After that, nothing can stop the little one from venturing around. He climbed onto the front seat and got his leg stucked between the chairs. He refused to sit and settled for nothing but my laps. He laughed so loud that it got us laughing as well. And for Dania, what else can I say... she deserved all the compliments for behaving so well. She truly is a wonderful movie companion. :)

Overall, we all enjoyed ourselves, especially the kids. The movie was great and hilarious, a must see for everybody! It taught lots of good values too. Surely can't wait for the CD to come out.

Did I hear somebody said earlier that this is a mission impossible?

Well, it's not anymore. Mission accomplished, with a flying colors!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cerita paip tersumbat

Dah seminggu paip kat dapur tersumbat qawqaw punya. Asal cuci pinggan, mesti air melimpah keluar daripada floor trap. Bau dia.. pergghhh, meloya tekak! Shah pernah masukkan tangan dalam lubang tu, cari kot ada benda yang menyumbat tapi tak jumpa apa2 plak. Dah tuang acid pun tak jalan. Gua bengang...

So yesterday, pegi jumpa uncle apek yang duduk rumah atas, mintak dia contact no. plumber. Sebab last month paip rumah dia tersumbat jugak. Uncle ni dengan baiknya call sendiri plumber tu, arrangekan appointment. Pastu dia siap datang plak rumah nak tengok paip mana yang tersumbat. Sungguh terharu dengan uncle yang sungguh caring ittew.

So pagi ni, plumber datang. Korek punya korek rupa-rupanya... yang menyumbatkan paip itu adalah lemak2 yang berketul-ketul! Eeeeyyyuuueewwww!! 5 tahun punya build up berkumpul kat hujung paip tu, which explains the yuckie smell. Terbang RM80, but at least I'm happy. My kitchen smells much better, dan tak perlu lagi basuh beras kat toilet. Yang paling penting, tak perlu lagi menatap wajah orang gajiku yang muncung sedepa setiap kali kena lap air busuk yang melimpah. ;p

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A bad mom day

Today, Azury has nothing to be proud off. Except for the nasi minyak she made that the children couldn't get enough off (sempat bangga diri), she is beyond all doubt, very much disappointed with herself.. up to a point where she even change her pronoun in this entry.

This morning, Azury went shopping at Pasar Tani with her children and her maid. Halfway thru she realised that she lost her car key. Afraid that she might have left it in her car, she walked as fast as she could, leaving behind her two children chasing after their mad mother. Azury was relieved when she found that her car was still where it was. She should be because besides leaving her car unlock, she also left the car key in the ignition. How schewpit!

In the car, Dania insisted to go home because she needed to pee. Obviously, somebody forgot to remind her to go to the loo this morning. Trying to cover her own mistake, Azury asked Dania why she didn't do it before they went out. Dania, not falling for her mom's trap, defended herself by being angry at her mother instead for not reminding her. So this was what Azury answered:

"you're already a big girl, you should take care of yourself!"

Clearly, Azury deserved to be knocked on her head for saying that. First knock for the silly, egoistic and inconsiderate answer, and secondly for misusing and inappropriately exercising her power which ended up making a five years old feeling guilty. What a bad mom...

On their way back, Azury kept insisting that she will never bring along her children to the market again. Because they made mommy kelam-kabut that she left the key in the car, because they need to go to the toilet that mommy couldn't finish her shopping. It was all her children's fault... because mommy was living in denial.

But wait, Azury didn't learn her lesson yet. At home after taking her bath, Azury covered her wet hair using Dania's towel. Dania came into her room and tried to pull the towel off her head. Azury got pissed and said, "There were three more towels hanging in the room and you choose to pull the one on my head?!!" Dania was clearly not happy with her mother and decided to showcase her anger by smashing things around, which irked Azury more. To cut long story short, Dania finally gave in. But instead of feeling victorious, Azury felt bad. First, for using other people's stuff and got mad when that person showed sign of disapproval. Second, for disallowing others to display their dissatisfactions when they have all the right to. Third, kerana menjadi seperti ketam yang mengajar anak supaya jalan lurus, sedangkan diri sendiri berjalan senget. Marah anak marah-marah? What lesson was there to be taught?


And this morning, Azury did realise that her nails were getting longer, but procrastination and laziness stopped her from reaching out for the nail clipper. Tonight, in an attempt to stop Nafis from licking and hitting his sister further, Azury accidentally scratched her son's face. At first she thought it was nothing but when Nafis started to cry, only then she noticed the red abrasion on the little guy's chin. Regret came to haunt but damage was already done.

Ouch.. that hurts! Still smiling though.Isk!

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Especially for the two poor little children.

Mommy got so much more to learn. Sorry... :(

Friday, June 27, 2008

Severely punished

As reported in The Star today, the Government had to defer several major projects slated under the 9th Malaysia Plan because of the prevailing economic situation. Funny enough, the chosen ones happened to be Penang Monorail project and Penang Outer Ring Road. Najib was reported saying, "It's not a question of punishing anyone". And as far as the Penang State Opposition Leader cum State Umno Secretary was concerned, the move was a "wise and right decision".

Haha... INDEED.

I'm amused ;p

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Get together, and some update on Farhana Batrisyia

After weeks of planning, I finally got to meet Nurul again at a Thai restaurant in Kg. Baru (ayoo.. can't recall the restaurant's name la, all I remember right now is the name rhymes with 'ketumbit'. Hehe.. got to call Ita tomorrow). And guess who joined us? It's our little Farhana Batrisyia!! Gosh, this girl sure recuperate fast, dah boleh bawak jalan2 dah. We also had with us Farhana's dad Mr. Ayien, and also another classmate from primary school, Miss Rozita (She's still available by the way ;p)

Me, Farhana, Rozita and Nurul

To be honest, I'm quite apprehensive to meet Farhana this time. You know she's getting better but you don't know what to expect, that kind of feeling. The first thing I noticed when I saw her was the tube connected to her nostril. Apparently Farhana had been rejecting all kind of nipples.. making bottle feeding and breastfeeding impossible. So now, she has to be fed through the tube which goes right to her tummy. Kesian baby ni.

Farhana dan Kakak Dania yang tak berhenti2 membelai.
A good sign for me to add the supply, whatever that means... hoho! ;0

Susu time. Jangan nangis sayang...

Having to witness how Nurul and Ayien handle their ailing daughter was an eye opener for me. It certainly take lots of patience and love to go through what they're going through. Apparently Farhana's sight has not recover yet. Nurul kata Farhana boleh nampak bayang2 je . Her head is still swollen from the hemorrhage and badan pun masih lembik. But taking into account of how bad her condition was before, Farhana is nothing but a miracle. Auntie doa semoga Nana cepat2 sihat, InsyaAllah!

On the other hand... because the food tasted so good, keeping the pictures to myself won't do any justice to it. Now let's see what we had...

Kerapu sweet sour (Got flower decoration some more)

Kerabu sotong...

Watermelon lychee juice...
...and a loving husband to feed the hungry birds, and pay for the bill as well. Thanks dear! :)

We also had the heavenly tomyam named after the restaurant (which will be informed later), ayam gajus, kailan ikan masin and the crispy telur dadar. Burppp... alhamdulillah!

Overall, I had a great time. Rasa macam tanak balik tapi Nafis ngan Dania were getting restless, and not to forget that Shah ada game euro'08 jap lagi so kena tido awal. Yelah... yelah... tak shenang mama!

It's getting late now and I'm going to sleep so... sweet dreams to me :) Nite!

Ahha!! Now I remember! The name of the restaurant is Shumkumvit. But still not sure whether I spell it rite. Whatever it is, it still sounded like ketumbit ;p

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Harizah & Azir's Wedding

As promised, I now present to you the wedding of the year...


07 Jun 2008
Dewan Perbandaran Seremban

First of all, pardon me for the poor quality of the pictures. The camera's flash had gone crazy that nite, sat menyala sat hilang. Thank god however for the photo editing 'skill' blessed upon me that I manage to brighten up some of the pictures.

As you can see, Harizah was gorgeously killing in her lilac dress. Paired with Azir, these two were undoubtedly the most beautiful couple ever!

The foods were superb and I intended to snap the pics. But the thought immediately washed away when I learned that the lady seated next to me was Harizah's big boss! Control... ;p

Raja sehari berarak ke meja santapan. Pelamin sangat gorgeous ok!

The sweet couple. In the background was meja santapan.

Azir obviously couldn't stop himself from flashing his broadest smile!

Harizah melambai seperti seorang ratu ;)

Pengantin berarak keluar dewan untuk bersalam dengan hadirin

And as expected, the wedding had also became an unofficial reunion for my secondary school batch. Some that I met were...

The 7 mths pregnant Eija & little Ayra

Pidah, her son & Bahiyah

Back row: Asiah, Elin, Fiza, Me, Hanim, Marzirah, little Iman & Safurah
Front row: Nafis, Noori, Ayien & Lenot

Aisyah, Aida, Noori & Sue

On a different note, please be informed that the similar colour scheme between yours truly and the wedding were totally unintentional, I swear to god!

Overall, the wedding was a blast... and I'm glad to be part of it.

Finally, my wish to Harizah & Azir:
May your marriage be forever filled with enchantment, magic and dreams come true. Amin.