Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Awak nak jadi apa? Saya nak jadi......

Time sekolah dolu2... kalau cikgu tanya kitorg kat kelas, bila besar nak jadi apa?
Mesti berduyun akan cakap nak jadi:

Kira profesion yg kat atas tu yg paling byk org pilih la...
Bila dah besar dan tak comot dah, ada la tambahan kepada option2 di atas:

-Peramugari (eceh..nasib baik I kurang tinggi je..kalu tak dah selamat jadi Awan Dania..ekekekekeke)
-Penyanyi/Pelakon (eeeeee.....adik2, sila abis belajar dulu ok!)

Saya dulu kalau cikgu tanya...ikut sedap mulut je cakap nak jadi doktor la... arkitek la.. keje kat bank la....
Adik saya pulak dulu2 time kecik, dia nak jadi cashier...sukaaa sgt cash register......hahahahahahahahahahahaha..Ka-ching! Ka-ching!

Aiman pulak kalu tanya nk jadi apa, dia nak jadi askar... ada sekali tu nak jadi boss. Baru2 ni dia kata tak nak jadi askar dah... nanti dia dah tahu nak jadi apa bila besar, Aiman tell mama.
Apa2 la nak ooi.. asal jadi org yg berguna dunia & akhirat :)
Nak tanya adik, dia tak reti cakap lagi, tau tersengih2 je.
Kalau babah depa, mesti ckp...teringin nak jadi zoologist.. tak pun penternak or petani yg berjaya.. ye la, dia kan nature lover...pencinta flora dan fauna!

Bila masa HO dulu, kalu dok berkumpul ngn member2 dalam bilik, sambil release2 tension masing2 pakat nak jadi jadi businesswomen..nak bukak butik, siap ada mekap2 lagi.
Sampai skrg pun, dok pasang angan2 nak ada bisnes sendiri...
Berkonon nak jual baju serba mak nenek la
berangan nak bukak bakery/kedai makan la
Buat online business la
Nak pakat ngan adik2 bela lembu kambing la (tp nk jd sleeping partner jah hehe)
Ngeeeee........tp tu la, best berangan ni.. tgk org buat itu ini, teringin jugak nak buat itu ini...
Berangan tak rugi, tak kena bayar apa2 pun.. cuma buang masa je lah..huhuhuhu

aaaaarghh..betapa tak ada bahannya nak bercerita...
ok la, nak gi berangan buat tiramisu..tak pun cream caramel... lalalalalalalaaaa

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Leadership In Action

To be a LEADER....

It's not easy

RESPECT others....only then others will respect you
So please bear in mind, RESPECT is EARNED, NOT GAINED

Work in TEAM
There is no 'I' in a TEAM..harap maklum
But if you want to do everything and have it all to yourself.....then please, WORK ALONE

And stop BAD-MOUTHING other people for God's sake!
Are you that perfect??
Kalau teruk sangat, you can always tell them POLITELY and PROFESSIONALLY
So that they have the chance to correct themselves to be a better person
You wont lose a thing!!

Dont HUMILIATE your colleagues
They are human being WITH feelings....and you are obviously NOT!

(pic source: akuislam.com)

POWER, POSITION, STATUS and KNOWLEDGE is NOTHING......if you walk around with an empty hollow hyper-resonant skull, atrophic and fibrotic heart and necrotic liver with foul smelling, purulent greenish pus!!

Dont LOOK DOWN on others
Macam la awak tu tinggi sangat!

Stop being ANGRY and MISERABLE
You might be highly contagious and leaving others feeling miserable as well
Bad aura....baaadddd aura!

And I thought being wise comes hand in hand with age?!
My 4 year old can behave better than that (and at least he's still cute kalu mengamuk pun)

Give others a chance to TALK and you LISTEN
Not you TALK and TALK and TALK and TALK and blaaa blaaa blaaa
A GOOD leader listens, observes, think and act appropriately and diligently after much considerations for the benefit of everyone, not just him/herself

And being a LEADER, comes great RESPONSIBILITY
And with great RESPONSIBILITY, comes great TRUST
So are you sure you have done JUSTICE to yourself and others?
And are you ready to face your Creator and imply to Him that you are responsible and amanah?

Jeng jeng jeng....

So you see people....
Mari la kita cermin2 diri kita sendiri
Perbetulkan mana yang patut
Like I said earlier
It's not easy being a leader

This is just a reminder to myself (who is not a leader....I org biasa je hehehehe)
and to those who are already a leader, who will be a leader, who is not a leader but wishes to be one, who might be a leader and to everyone lah.

I'm not pointing this out to anybody in particular
It's just a general, out of the blue outburst
Kalau ada yang tersentap atau terasa... saya minta maaf.
So peace....No war ;D
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