Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Price of Freedom

I post these as tears roll down from my eyes and anger rages inside me. This is the price of freedom. Do not forget those who supported this brutal dictatorship:
Galloway Claims This was Fair Election and the Protester are just Rich North Theran Kids

This video has been removed by Youtube because it is too distressing. Watch it here:
Isfahan Student Pays with his Life for Freedom


Sohrab said...

Wow Potkin thank you for posting. I'm speechless. My face is burning with hot rage.

And I would hope you won't even approve incendiary comments from Hanif or Sassan when it comes to this one. I don't want to hear how these murders are justified because these brave men and women are rich kids or because we need Ahmadinejad to stand up to the West or some shit like that.

Nadir said...

Good Lord! Thanks Azarmehr!

I remember in your interview with Channel4, the presenter was saying the state crackdown wasn't so bad and no shots had been fired and that silly Baroness was nodding and doing one of her hysterical laughters. I wonder if Mr. Channel4 presentr is now satisfied!

Anonymous said...

در درگيريهاي اصفهان در روز 2شنبه يك حادثه ي دلخراش اتفاق افتاده و متاسفانه اجازه ي گزارش داده نشده . نيروهاي لباس شخصي و گارد ويژه در خيابان چهارباغ بالا ، با باطوم به دنبال چند جوان بيگناه گذاشته و جوانان ناچار به داخل بن بست هاله رفته و به داخل يك آپارتمان سه طبقه پناه برده اند . پس از آن نيروهاي گارد ويژه وارد ساختمان شده اند و در پشت بام به ضرب و شتم آنها پرداخته اند و يكي از جوانان به نام حسين را وحشيانه از بالاي طبقه ي سوم به پايين پرتاب كرده اند . جوان نام برده (32 ساله )‏سرپرست يك خانواده ي يتيم بوده كه توسط اين عناصر به شهادت رسيد .لطفا به خاطر پايمال شدن خون اين جوان اين خبر تاييد شده را به همه اطلاع دهيد

Anonymous said...

رنامه یاهو مسنجر را باز کرده و از منو "Messenger" گزینه "Preference Connection…" رو "Connection" را انتخاب نموده و در تنظیمات گزینه "Connect Via a proxy server" رو انتخاب کنید و اون رو روی "HTTP" قرار

بعد قسمت SOCKS proxy را فعال کنید و IP: و Port: 55523 را تایپ کنید. بعد روی گزینه بالای آن یعنی HTTP Proxy را انتخاب کنید و در قسمت پایین صفحه نوع اتصاتون را مشخص کنید.

این کار روی یاهو مسنجر 9 و 10 جواب داده

Anonymous said...

Filter busters: http://www

alison said...

Ignore Galloway. He is a pompous bigoted MORON. He deserves no attention, no oxygen of publicity. Revolutions on his terms and his only. He's such an egotistical prat. Always craving attention but never wiling to put more than his ego and mouth to any task. He can F.O.

Only the brilliant and brave kids out there in the streets deserve the limelight, the attention and the concern now.

Great job supporting them Azemehr.

Winston said...

Freedom is not free

Winston said...

ah about that fucking tyrant Galloway, we'll get to him once we're done with the regime. He has to take a number and stay in line

The Kid In The Front Row said...

I can't believe what I just saw - horrible.

Mike's America said...

On behalf of Americans who love freedom and fully support our Iranian brothers and sisters I want to apologize for President Obama.

He's chosen to side with the Mullahs in the vain hope they will reward him with a deal on nukes. They won't.

I hope that despite the lack of much support from governments in the West that the brave men and women fighting for their freedom in Iran prevail.

I'm reminded of the words of Winston Churchill, spoken during the darkest hour for England in WWII:

"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

saggezard said...

Just spoke to a relative in Tehran, the fighting is getting intense, they expressed their anxiety, fear but showed extreme angry at the regimes savage crackdown. Said other towns are out of control, including even the historically quiet city of Yazd. They said everyone is joining the fight against the regime, even the most pacifist, the old and young. Practically everyone has been hit by the anti riot forces, mostly with chains. SMS text messaging service are cut off, mobile phones go out in the late afternoon. BBC Persian and VOA is cut off. No decent mass media news source available other than shortwave radio and intermittent internet. I think this is a civil war. Let's not stop the continuous campaign to inform the world at every opportunity through every source of our compatriots' revolt.

SZ said...

these protests don't change anything. The president won the election, unless you can prove that the election was tainted, then you have no legal leg to stand on.

I bet people like winston and azarmehr won't respond to this post because they can't. They just want people to go out into the streets and destroy property, and to incite violence. The riot police will handle this, and so will the basij...who after all are VOLUNTEERS! they are not forced by anyone.

Stop posting idiotic videos of people dying, they knew what they were getting into, as an Iranian, I don't feel anything for them, because I support my government and my president.

Reza said...

Fuck George Galloway.

And may we soon see the end of this fascist empire.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sasan (clearly one of the 3-F's), The vote was done by ballots. 80% of the people voted.
Do you honestly believe that millions and millions of votes were counted and the winner announced shortly after the voting? We aren't talking computers here, but manual counting. Do you actually believe what the mullahs tell you? 3-Fs! Which of the 3 are you?

Anonymous said...

i am not an iranian but i feel very sory for everyone who died and especially for their families. and they have all my respect! they were even willing to die for their principals...


barmakid said...


HAHAHA... you're such an idiot it's funny to me. FUNNY. KHANDEHDAR.

Azarmehr and Winston won't respond to you because you're not worth the remnant jizz on the tip of my p*nis after I bust on your basiji face (I can't believe I'm defending Winston). You should take note that he's even publishing your comments. You sound young, these guys are older than us, so leave it to me to answer your garbage statements.

This ain't about who won the election you parochial f*ck. This is more than that.

And when you say shit like, "Stop posting idiotic videos of people dying, they knew what they were getting into, as an Iranian, I don't feel anything for them, because I support my government and my president."

That is exactly why you are like a retarded right-winger in the U.S. But it's a conundrum for you since you're so retarded that you can't comprehend the analogy.

HAHAHA... your mother must be so proud of you. Maybe she would be prouder if you martyred yourself? No? It would be a double-whammy: Allah and your mother would be proud of you.

Give it some thought.


Maggie said...

This time I am not looking at the videos. I believe you - that they are shocking.

The people of Iran have my love and support in their struggle to oust this disgusting regime.

Sashan is a selfish idiot. This is not just "kids". It is adults, doctors, nurses, elderly. They are all joining in with this movement. It will continue to grow because it is of the proportion of 1979

Reza said...


I don't know which is more atrocious, your imbecility or the actual moral nerve to write a post unabashedly mocking your own fellow countrymen whose blood this barbaric government showers in by the minute and day.

Mousavi, Ahmadinejad, whatever; it doesn't matter who 'won' or 'lost' at the end of the day. The whole system is too rotten to the core to even dignify in the first place.

Who would have thought that in a one-dimensionally structured polity, where Shah Khameini (thats right, swallow it) sits at the very top of the authoritarian ladder writing on or off anyone he pleases, someone so credulous as you would waste a brain cell by trying to legitimize it?

Any retard knows that a political structure with such a vertical axis of power working from the top down and lacking in any real separation of powers, makes ancient Athenian democracy look more civilized by comparison.

The whole world moves forward in social, economic, and political progress while you still latch on to your outdated, failed medieval political theories. You remind me of these immature leftists who still keep looking for ways to defend their primitive Hegelian theories of dialecticism, while the free world has economically and politically advanced so far beyond that.

Everyone else has evolved and grown up except you childish savages who won't let go of your ideological toys. You really are embarrassing and pathetic.

P.S. Destroying property and inciting violence? Isn't that what you neanderthals did in 1979?!?

SZ said...


HAHAHA... you're such an idiot it's funny to me. FUNNY. KHANDEHDAR.

Barmwhatever the fuck your name're the fucking idiot.

Azarmehr and Winston won't respond to you because you're not worth the remnant jizz on the tip of my p*nis after I bust on your basiji face (I can't believe I'm defending Winston). You should take note that he's even publishing your comments. You sound young, these guys are older than us, so leave it to me to answer your garbage statements.

Hmm...these guys are old?? who the fuck cares how old they are?? and second of all, why would you think I am a basiji?? Once again you show your idiotic and retarded thinking by your silly assumptions. Seriously, this thing will be over in a couple of weeks. Thats a fact you can't refute.

This ain't about who won the election you parochial f*ck. This is more than that.

No, actually, thats what its about, Mousavi promised the world, and yet he still lost, now his people, the young rich kids from Tehran are angry that they can't go out and party, and drink, and fuck like they they go to the streets and claim this is about freedom, its not, its about an artificial imagined vision they were spoonfed by Mousavi.

And when you say shit like, "Stop posting idiotic videos of people dying, they knew what they were getting into, as an Iranian, I don't feel anything for them, because I support my government and my president."
That is exactly why you are like a retarded right-winger in the U.S. But it's a conundrum for you since you're so retarded that you can't comprehend the analogy.

hmm...I am not in the US you fucking idiot. I am in Tehran, I see things everyday, I am going to the Supreme Leader's sermon on friday at Tehran University. Where the fuck do you live idiot? Do you live in the US or Canada or UK....My guess would be yes, you're a fucking pussy who can't make an argument based on fact, because you're being spoonfed BS....

HAHAHA... your mother must be so proud of you. Maybe she would be prouder if you martyred yourself? No? It would be a double-whammy: Allah and your mother would be proud of you.

I bet your mother is proud of you for being an internet tough guy. hahahahaha...and for you to use Allah's name in vein shows me you're not a muslim either. You're definitely one of those semi-fake persians who claims they are persian, but can't speak farsi, can't write or read it, and just acts the part. I bet your fucking whore of a mother must be proud. hahahahahaha.

Give it some thought.

get the fuck out of here fucking faggot. When you come to Tehran, let me know, ill pick you up from the airport and put a bullet in your head.

barmakid said...

Yes, yes, my mother's a "whore." Good one.

Haha, I guess my post got to you, huh sasan? Mission accomplished.

Thank you for the satisfaction. Oh, it feels so good.


Hanif Leylabi said...

Sohrab - Really, when I have I said anything like that?

I totally disagree with what Galloway has said. Why do you put words in my mouth? Why don't you simply answer the questions I put? Is it because you can't?

Azarmehr said...

Hanif the Scum Bag Oink,

How can you be such a fucking liar? How many times have you defended teh Islamic Republic here as an anti-imperialist regime and put down the mass movement against it as middle class women who dont want to wear the chador.

Why don't you just admit you have been a bourgeoise school boy pretending to be a revolutionary and you have been taken for a ride and now you are sorry and won't do it again.

I can not begin to describe how much I despise you and your oinky lot, like the ones we came across to at SOAS who thought if only it wasnt because of sanctions Islamic Republic would be so wonderful.


Sohrab said...

"Sohrab - Really, when I have I said anything like that?"

And I quote:

"I still don't think it's unfair to say that these protests are based more predominantly in the more wealthy areas of north Tehran."

In the above statement you are undermining the legitimacy and righteousness of the uprising by insinuating that somehow it's a reflection of class warfare between "rich northern Tehran kids" and some imaginary Iranian proletariat that just loves the IRI.

In numerous other instances, you've used this blog to express comments all of which amount to "even if IRI is a dictatorship, that dictatorship is justified because the more important world-historical conflict is that between imperialism and the Third World, blah blah blah [insert typical Marxian claptrap here]." Well, guess what? The people of Iran are telling you and your ilk that they are tired of such reasoning, that they do not want to be oppressed against their will because it serves someone else's dubious agenda.

So, in short and to echo Potkin: FUCK OFF.

Azarmehr said...

Thank you Sohrab you put it so much better than me.