Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Taking the Time...

May we all take this time, Season and year to remember the Greatest Gift of All. A gift so personal to us all and general to the whole world whether wanted or not. The true and first gift of Christmas was not brought by the wise men...but by our Heavenly Father as He gave us life through His only begotten Son. Christmas is important for the Life of our Savior and that through Him, we have life...Life Eternal.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoseover believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
"...But in the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way..."
Ether 12:11
I am so grateful for the knowledge and love from know that Jesus was not only born, but that He lived and gave His life for me personally and everyone who will have time on this earth. What an amazing gift to have and remember that beyond this, there is nothing more important.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Finding Hope

As we approach the anniversary of such a tragic day in our history, the date 9/11 provides us with a time to reflect on life in general and life in specific. The video that I posted above is one that has touched me by listening to the experience and journey of faith by that certain Brother and his family. What a hard thing to have been in the towers as the planes crashed in and the the towers fell! What a heartache to personally see so much destruction of life and hatred manifested! How amazing that this Brother shared his ups and downs as he struggled with the emotions that he felt and suffered for the many years afterward. He didn't know what to do and didn't have the power to overcome it on his own. Through the righteous leaders in his area, scripture study, prayer, and family, he found the focus that gave him his direction...the hope that led him on.

As I listened to this Brother's journey, I had the question come to me: "What is the 9/11 in my life?" I don't mean this in any disrespectful way to those who personally went through this tragedy. I realized that his journey is a type for many of us in our own journey. Be it a loss of death, finances or a daily battle of "little" losses, we each have to find the focus that guides us onward...we each need this hope to live each day and continue on, despite the tragedies in our lives.

I know that with the guidance that our Heavenly Father has given us, we find what we need. Focus on the time we have with the family...putting them before any monetary concerns or worldly matters. Reading the scriptures that are filled with guidance and parables for the time that we live in. Turning to,and trusting in,the leaders that are in our wards and branches...we can find the peace that comes with this hope. And always, praying to our Father for the guidance and strength that we need. We can feel the love of our Heavenly Father who is aware of each of us...even when we feel so alone and desperate. What a blessing we have! To know that there is a plan for each of us and we can each open our eyes to behold a grand vision of this life...there is no need to despair.

With each personal tragedy, we can find the hope that is there to guide us through and onward. Nothing is greater than God: therefore, nothing is too great in life that we cannot overcome if we ask for Him to guide us and strengthen us with each day.