Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feast and Famine

Feast and Famine game setup

You have 7 years of abundance to collect and store grain & food for your people...will you be wise and make it in time to live through the 7 years of famine?

Feast and Famine is a great game that will be available for pre-order at the Deseret Bookstore and starting to ship out on Nov. 5 -- A game for the whole family that is fun and educating from the story of Joseph in Egypt of the Old Testament. Buy it at the store or online!

I have been in a competition to promote this game through heroic deeds or through my bardic "talents." I will include my two poems that I have already posted on FaceBook. Check out the game and find a new family favorite!


Holidays are coming & family times are too!
Forget the games of old & try something new!
Spread the word to all your friends, family & more...
You might even tell your neighbors door to door!
Forgive my use of slang, but I feel this is the "Bomb!"
If you don't believe, check http://www.feastandfaminegame.com/ !

Come gather round & hear my tale,
Of this wonder that is for sale.
Tis a game to play like none other,
It's one you would like, even for your mother!
Learn of Joseph of Egypt in days of old;
Help his people with grain worth more than gold.
Teach your children & friends to be wise;
Learn from "Feast and Famine" with your own mind & eyes!
So this Season, with all the toys to sift;
Look no further: this is the perfect gift!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Life of Romeo & Juliet

A friend of mine had this posted on FaceBook...and I can't help but share it. I love Anita Renfroe and how she perfectly expresses women's thoughts through her songs! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have (already listened to it 3 times within 10 minutes). I have to admit the shower line sinks home! =) Click here to connect to the video on YouTube.

Friday, April 2, 2010

To Be a Mom...

To be a mom...that's not an easy subject nor job. However, at this time in life as I wait for another little life to enter mine...I can't help reflect on the role of a mother.

I can't help but reflect on the role that my own mother played in my life. What a great woman. She has colored my life with rose-colored tints... and I can still hear her sweet voice as she sang to us when we were little. She wasn't and isn't a perfect mother...but I can say she is perfect for me. I know that I wasn't a perfect child...so it fits.

"One of the few reasons I had respect for my mother when I was thirteen was because she would reach into the sink with her bare hands - bare hands - and pick up that lethal gunk and drop it into the garbage. To top that, I saw her reach into the wet garbage bag and fish around in there looking for a lost teaspoon. Bare hands - a kind of mad courage." ~Robert Fulghum

My mom was good at making life fun. She always found games for us to play or crafts to do. My mom even tried (and sometimes succeeded) at making cleaning a game when we would play "beat the clock" to have the chores done. She taught us to be respectful to others and property. She taught us enjoy the little things. She cultured us by introducing the world to us through whatever medium she could...not many fourth graders can sit through the Opera Carmen at home and not run off...but she could get us to do it. We were often encouraged (and still are) to use our imaginations and create our own worlds without end. I remember having the best make believe times with my sisters and even my brothers...life was never dull.

"Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you." ~Robert Fulghum

Now, life wasn't always roses and rainbows. There were the thorns and storms that we had to endure. I think that many of us in life have moments that we would like to forget or forgo. However, I know that I need to allow those moments to be outshown by the good ones. It would be way too depressing to focus on the bad. not to mention, pointless.

So, even knowing that it wasn't always peachy...I still can feel the warmth of my childhood...the smell of homemade bread baking, the sound of lullabys and hymns floating through the house, laughter that about brought down the whole house, warm hugs that drove away the tears, and smiles that melted the heart.

"When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out." ~Erma Bombeck
So, now I am 30 years old with 2 little ones of my own, 1 on the way and who knows if and how many still waiting a turn. My question is...how did those moms do it??? My mom has assured me that is was rough at times and tears were shed...that's a comfort to know that I am possibly on the right road.

"Before I got married, I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children, and no theories." ~John Wilmot

I am amazed at the task that mothers have. I know many of you have heard that "only those without children know how to raise them." I laugh just to remember the judgements that I passed on moms before I was one...and I laugh at the ignorance that I had before I learned what it means to raise children. I believe every mom has experienced this to some degree as they rear their little ones.

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." ~Rajneesh

I know that I am not perfect as a mom...I know that I get frustrated and cry (almost everyday) when things are out of hand. There are moments when I want to run away...which makes me laugh that I use to threaten my mom with that when I was little...maybe we all just want to run.

"The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable." ~lane Olinghouse

I was told before I got married that you find our how selfish you are once you share your life with you spouse. OK, maybe serving a mission helped me on that one, because it wasn't hard when I got married and I never felt like a selfish person...then I had Ella...and Leif. Wow, I am the most selfish person there is at times. I can't believe how much I had put myself first until those little ones showed me that I can't and that to be a good mom, it's not possible. Yes, I know that we have our breaking moments where we need to escape and have some time & chocolate to ourselves...but how many of us get out on our own and can't help but think of those little ones and wonder what they are doing?...and even catch ourselves missing them during our escapes...

"Parenthood: That state of being better chaperoned than you were before marriage." ~Marcelene Cox
Yes...it's not a perfect existance to be a mom...and sometimes I am confused and crazy...but, I wouldn't change it for anything. I wouldn't want to go a day without a hug or messy kiss. I wouldn't want to miss hearing "Mom, I want a love!" or having a little hand carress my face...what treasures that the world coudn't give me...but my little ones can.

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always follwed me. They have clung to me all my life." ~Abraham Lincoln

I know that throughout time, we have many and amazing examples of mothers. I love the examples of the moms we find in the scriptures. Eve...the mother of us all. Sarah...another mother of us all. Sariah who had to watch her family go through hardships and heartache only then to see a major split between her sons. The mothers of the 2,000 stripling warriors who taught their sons to not doubt. Amazing examples!

Recently, I found a story I overlooked when I read it as a youth. It's the story of Hannah, the mother of Samuel the prophet of the Old Testament. Hannah was 1 of 2 wives and she couldn't bare children whereas the other wife did have many. Hannah was torn and distraught over this. She wanted to be a mother. So, when she went up with her husband to the House of the Lord and prayed fervently to be able to bear a son. She even promised that if she could have a child, she would give him to God and his service. What an example! God answered her prayers and gave her Samuel, who she then gave to the service of God...and because of this offering to the Lord, she was blessed to have 5 more children. There is a verse that catches me: 1 Samuel 2:19 "Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up..." I started to cry as I realized how tender this insight to Hannah is, to see her making this little coat for him. How hard was it to finally get the child that you begged for, just to see him from time to time...but she showed him the love that she could by bringing him that little coat every year. Also, what a sacrafice that Hannah made for herself...but one that ultimately became the prophet of Israel who restored order and regular worship to the people! An amazing man...who came to be because of mother's sacrifice and love.

"Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master's garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibilities as mothers, 'Daughter, be of good comfort, they faith hath made thee whole.' And it will make your children whole as well."
~Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

So, I know that being a "mom" is not the easiest...and not always Sunshiny! But, I do know that the Sun comes out when my little ones are there to cheer me up...they never hold back their love and are always ready with hugs and kisses. I have a lot to learn from those little ones! I am grateful to all the moms that have shown me better ways...I am amazed at my sisters and friends who are amazing moms in their families. I am amazed at the love of moms. Thanks to being in the role of "Mom" at this time in my life...I am so grateful to Heavenly Father, who knew what family I needed to come to me...that He answered my prayers through my husband and children. I am so blessed!

"Whenever I held a newborn baby in my arms, I used to think that what I said and did to him could have any influence not only on him but on all whom he met, not only for a day or a month or a year, but for all eternity - a very challenging and exciting thought for a mother." ~Rose Kennedy