Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Layan Gambar Raya 2013..

Dh nak raye haji br aku nk upload gambar raye... heheh.. bkn ape.. br laa ni virus malware tu hilang and aku dh bleh menulis seperti dulu kala.. so.. layanzzzz....

1st day raya..

Family belah my Mom..

 2nd day raya..

My little princesses

bile posing berdua, rs mcm zaman mude2 dolu.. huhu..

with their cousins and pak usu

try n error..

testing.. testing 123...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

BOS oh BOS..

ape yg patut aku rs bile bos terlampau memuji aku and compare aku to others yg same level dgn aku.???. bukan puji kat dpn aku ye... tapi when he sembang2 with others, he will petik name aku... aku ni bagus sgtla... aku ni tula.. aku tu ni lah...

ape yg akan mereka2 pk when they heard things like that...? bagus sgt ke aku ni?? ape yg aku buat?? ape jobscope aku?? klu bagus sgt, knape xpromote aku jd manager? kenape aku still SE je? kenape mcm tu? kenape mcm ni?...

thinking it in a negative way....
people will see me in bad perspective... my boss shouldn't do that.. klu nak puji aku tinggi melangit pon, he should do that in front of his boss, HOD ke CTO ke.. CEO ke.. board of directors ke.. and not in front of people yg same level dgn aku... hai... (mengeluh)... buat kerja xbagus, bos tak suka.... bile kerja bagus sgt pon.... eh..eh.. bagus ke aku?? hmmm....

thinking it in a positive way...
yes!! boss suke giler kat aku.. senangla aku nak naik gaji.. naik pangkat.. huhu... boleh ke?? semudah ituke? klu HOD, CTO CEO and BOD yg puji aku mcm tu... musti senang hidup aku.. kan? agaknye bile mereka2 tu tau gaji aku skarg ni... dgn jobscope aku... maybe diorg akan think the opposite way... cube korang2 tanye dgn people yg working together dgn aku... baru korang boleh nilai same mcm ape yg boss aku nilai...

sensitip betulah aku ni...mcm mane nak jd manager ni.. kang gaduh dgn staff, boleh menangis plak.. adoiyai..  nasib baik not all people looking me in a bad perspective... i really appreciate that..

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lumut oh Lumut..

This is not the story of lumut yg kaler hijau tu eh...heheh... ni cerite our unplanned trip to Lumut..

ini adelah persertanya... let me introduce.. from the left is my abang ipar and his 2nd son, Aniq.. my one and only mother, my 63yo father (dah 60 thn tp masih nmpk steady...huhu), my younger sister, Huda... my elder sister, Nani... my beloved husband of course... my Iman Arissa... Pn Ayu (sayelah tu..heheh).. my Iffah Ardini.. and the last one is my sister's eldest son, Amirul...

On the way to Lumut, we stop by here.. Cendol Bakar at Kuala Selangor.. what a variety of cendol they have.. we tried Cendol Durian Pulut and Cendol VVIP.. memang kawwww.. on the way home pon singgah jugak..

disbbkn semua homestay dah fully booked, so my father asked my uncle to find a budget hotel.. its kinda freak once my uncle got 3 rooms for only RM50 per room.. hmmm.. we got there around 8pm.. once we reach the hotel area... it was really scary... whoa!! the location is just after Lumut Bus Station.. biar betul my uncle ni.. once we go upstairs, mmg relief.. tgk bilik pon, quite nice..  lupe plak name hotel ni.. sori eh.. 

Stop by at Pantai Teluk Batek... mmg xmenarik utk mandi manda.. pantainye mcm xberjaga je.. sampah sana sini... but what to expect.. dh sampai kan.. so just let my princess trying the air masin.. 

Cik Iman bersantai.. dgn botolnye..

Sempat jugak singgah sini.. Medan Ikan Bakar Teluk Muroh.. nearby Marina Cove..

Cuci mate kat Esplanade Lumut..

that's the story.. 3days, 2nights trip to Lumut... not to forgot.. since this trip was unplanned, we missed to meet my ex-roomate.. heheh.. kitorg ke Lumut, dia plak ke Penang.. next time lah ye.. dulu jumpe in 2011, cik Iman dalam perut..

Monday, February 4, 2013

5th Anniversary 02.02.2013

Alhamdulillah... genap 5tahun.. semoga dengan izin Allah, jodoh kami berkekalan hingga hujung nyawa... Amin.... there is not much different knowing him for the 7+5 years...the goods and the bads.. dia adalah dia yg aku kenal sejak 2001... hoping he will always love me.. hmmm.. terkenang zaman berchenta dulu....hehehe

kitorg celebrate be2 je... so kenelah celebrate in advance time Hari Wilayah sbb nursery Iffah and Iman beroperasi seperti biase.. (Sngor keje!)...huhu... lokasinya ialah.... Setia City Mall... gi dekat2 umah jelah... we just share the moment together.. he said he will create our Post Wedding video.. i just can't wait to watch it..

My Hero..

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Agak Tension!!

haiii.... mengeluh plak... ish2x aku ni... astaghfirullah..... lately ni banyak plak bende yg nk kene pk.. biaselah.. seorang wanita sgt sinonim dgn masalah.. kadang2 bende yg kecik pon bleh jd masalah.. huhu..... mula2 skali mesin basuh buat hal.. sib baik bleh basuh baju cuma xleh spin je.. pastu, flexible pipe kat toilet atas plak patah.. guna 9bln je kot.. aku ni ganas sgt ke eh?? tp dh mmg klu nk guna kene tekan.. aku kah yg bersalah?? aaaahh.. tidak..... padehal aku br je start guna toilet tu dlm bln december last year... masalah sinki xpernah habis...mase buat besday Cik Iman aritu, sinki trus xleh pakai.. tersumbat.. as a temp solution, en hubby sambung flexi pipe mesin basuh direct gi lubang dalam toilet.. rimasnye.. pintu cabinet dhle xleh tutup rapat... pintu bilik air pon samelah jugak kan.. mmg menyakitkan mate.. nampak semak sangat..ahad lepas plak, tgh nk mencuci Cik Iman poopoo, br je nk tekan flexi pipe kat toilet bawah plak.... pon patah jugak.. adoiyai... aku jugak yg punye angkara... nasib badan.... monday morning aritu, tetibe en kancil xnak start... normally aku gune dia utk antar Cik Iman and Cik Iffah ke nursery.. and tinggalkn dia kat sane je.. terpakselah aku meninggalkan en persona dkt nursery tu berjemur di bawah panas dan hujan...hukhuk.. Isnin lepas balik kerje, en hubby try jumper kancil to persona... langsung hampeh.. xnak start pon... yesterday, en hubby bli battery kete baru... alhamdullilah bleh start siap radio kete pon berbunyi... ingatkn radio tu rosak... but suddenly dis morning, radio tu xnak menyala plak... hmmm konpius dibuatnye... adakah memang radio itu rosak?? jeng3x... one more issue is pasal kerja... rs mcm nak cr kerje laen.. tp..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................tak tau nk kemane... bleh tak camtu?? heheh.... ade keje kosong tak?? huhu....

Friday, January 11, 2013

Bithday Iman Jan 2013

Here is the birthday girl with the birthday cake..
its us..
Assalamualaikum... Perancangan utk birthday party ni kitorg buat dlm 2 weeks time lebih kurang.. agak pening jugakla nk buat ape, nk jemput sape, nk masak ape.. lg plak sejak pindah umah baru ni since March last year, belum buat kenduri pon lagi... org putih kate.. house warming... bajet pon ciput je.. klu nk buat birthday party cum house warming, rs cam banyak sgt bajet yg diperlukan... so ayah and ibu decide buat birthday party je.. jemput jiran dekat2 je, membe kayak, membe opis skit and jiran rapat kat umah my mom at sungai sireh... Insyaallah... ade rezeki nanti kitorg buat house warming plak..

For birthday kek, mmg dah lame nk tempah kat Secret Recepi.. ms Iffah 2 thn dulu, xdan nk tempah sbb at least nak 5days.. so this time, kene make sure sempat...heheh.. ingatkan kat area Saujana Utama xde Secret Recepi, ade rupenye kat Alam Jaya, nearby Econsave... so kitorg tempah kat Giant Seksyen 13.. for birthday gift such as cartoon ballons, gift bag, normal balloons, bubbles, baju birthday girl, kitorg beli kat GM Klang... for jajan, kitorg beli kat kedai borong belakang The Store Sungai Buloh... agak varietyla barang kat situ..

Balloons for the kids too..
Door gift for the kids 

for the menu plak... pikir punye pikir... buat yg pantas dan mudah je. so tersedialah spagetthi, pizza, roti jala, pulut dgn kuah kari and kuah durian, cheese tart, muffin, buah tembikai, air orange sunquick soda and teh susu.. tak lupa candy for the kids.. mcm bnyk je menu kan.. bukan semualah saye buat sendri ok.. xsempat kot... roti jala  and pulut sponsored by my mom.. cheese tart tu upah my sister.. pizza tu early Saturday morning, prepare the ingredients.. dibantu oleh my cousin.. muffin tu dh buat every night starting Wednesday night.. sorry ye, gambar menu pon xsempat nak snap..

last but not least, the deco was by my beloved hubby.. memang nmpak meriah sgt dgn clourfull balloons hanging at the ceiling with colourfull ribbons... heheh.. puji laki sendiri plak..and for you all punye info, kitorg ade jugak beli portable helium gas.. korg bleh tgk kt photo kat bawah ni, kotak yg kat bawah cermin tu.. tank ni bleh blow up to 50 balloons but just 1 time use.. klu gas habis, dh xbleh nak refill. but if xhabis lagi, bleh je simpan selame mungkin. ade jual online, bleh dapat dlm RM195. actually xsempat sgt nk capture gambar guna phone.. gamabr laen kat camera incik hubby.. so layan je dulu gambar yg ade ok..

 note : birthday Iffah in April plak nanti..

Monday, December 17, 2012

17Dec2010 to 17Dec2012..

How time flies... i wish he is still here with us.. he should be 2y 6m now..Al-Fatihah for my little Fawwaz Syahmi Bin Mohd Uzaini...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Durian Crepe

Jumaat lepas.. my x-UTM roomate post about a food called "Durian Crepe" on her facebook page... apeke bendenyelah tu ek.. almaklumla... pantang sungguh aku dengar perkataan durian nih.. Durian is one of my favorite fruits... so aku pon tanye kat cik google... oooooohh... ini ke bendenye..:) bile tgk bahan2nye, cume satu bende je aku xtau iaitu Non-Dairy Whip Cream... disbbkan mase tu dah time balik and laptop pon dh tutup... xsempat nak tanye cik google lg... try tanye kt whats app X-utm Viking group.. sib baik ade hamba Allah yg rajin ni tlg bg link... hoho...

And... inilah hasilnye...

aku belom pernah rs yg kedai made punye...so xbleh nak compare.. but if tgh lapar, sume bende pon sedap kan.. heheh.. hajat dihati nk try macaroons plak this saturday or sunday...resepi dh ade.. we will see then...huhu..