I would like to start on our honeymoon first. This is due to gmbr x dpt lg. Plus I think ramai yg lg interested nk tau psl honeymoon rather than my wedding review kan? Kan? kan? Ok let's start!
We secured the tickets 2-3 months before our wedding day. This would be the first time Ayu guna application dlm web Air Asia. Same goes to 5rz. I even sign up jd member dlm Air Asia. Semua pun kami main taram je. Hentam je klik sana sini. Time tu just click destination + hotel + activity without beli luggage/pick seat/meal etc. Time tu gak 5rz x de passport lg. So just guna no ic saje. Later on after dh ada passport br update kt web blk.
Because of this honeymoon trip, we learned a lot about Air Asia. Like for example, Air Asia ni kena beli seat, meal and luggage. Ada benda lain lg la etc etc. Semua tu kira lain harga. But I think ada something wrong la ngan Air Asia ni. Like for example, time Ayu booked ticket hr tu, Ayu x update passport 5rz sbb time tu 5rz x wat passport lg. Bila dh nk fly, br kami terhegeh-hengeh nk update dlm web. Guess what? Bila bukak web, semua data pun lain dr lain. Birthday kami lain, alamat kosong. Nasib baik destination sama. So time nk update no passport 5rz, ada error. Like so many times. So, nk x nk, kami live chat ngan customer service AA. Ok la tp dia suruh call utk cepat. Bila check2, masya-Allah mahalnya nk call customer service dia. RM 1.95 per min. Abis kredit haku! (Yes. I still pki kredit ye. X kaya nk pki bil)
Then call la. Bila dh settle update igt dh ok. Igt nk beli luggage sendiri. Take note ye. Beli ape2 melalui online dlm AA website lg murah. Like luggage klu beli time nk check in, the price would be double compared klu beli online. Skali nk beli luggage pun klua error. Hampeh. Then 5rz kate x pelah. Beli jela time nk check in. Huhu.
A day before, kami dh siap2 tukar duit kt money changer. And when the day comes, sempat breakfast kt umah lg. Igt nk breakfast kt KL Central je. Skali turun bwh, tgk breakfast dh siap. Yeay! Tq mak =) Mak msk mee hoon tom yam. Terharu bila mak ckp
"Hr tu x sempat nk rasa kan? Ni mak buat"
Hr nikah, kami msk mee hoon tom yam requested by me tp x de rezeki Ayu nk merasa sbb dh habis. Bila mak wat pg tu, rasa terharu plak.
After breakfast, mak hntr kami ke LRT and off we went to KL Central. Smpi KL Central, kami beli ticket utk ke LCCT. Yg Ayu tau, ada 2 jenis bus or boleh naik ERL. Kami naik Sky Bus yg AA punya tu. Harga RM 9 each. Klu bus yg 1 lg tu harga dia murah ckit. RM 8 each.
Perjalanan dr KL Central ke LCCT dlm 30-40 min if I'm not mistaken. Smpi LCCT, kami terus check in. Oh ye. Klu nk self check in dlm web pun boleh tp tula kami x tau walaupun dlm website AA ada instructions. Bila dh settle semua, 5rz kate better terus beli luggage utk time blk nnti. So kami pun beli la 30 kg = RM 60. Byk gle kan? Mcm nk shopping byk2 je. Hahaha :D
I'll stop here boleh? Later Ayu cite day by day.
- Lain kali settle kan semua skali dlm web AA. What I means was, plan your destination, brape kg nk beli luggage, pick seat siap2, beli meal and etc etc. Other wise you will end up like me yg kena call2 talian yg mahal itu.
- Beli online lg murah dr beli kt counter. That's why better settle terus dlm web tu. Senang keja after that.
- Klu nk beli ticket Sky Bus dlm web pun lg better. My SIL kate klu beli online, depa jual RM 6 saje seorg. Not to worry, bus tu sentiasa ada. Once dh beli, x kisah korg nk naik bus kul brape skali pun.
- Klu korg pndi, buat la self check in sendiri melalui online. Nnti nk blaja gak la mcm mane nk wat sendiri. *hiks*hiks*
- Bring pen ape2 hal pun sbb dlm flight nnti korg kena isi satu form (form ni slalunya utk org asing yg dtg ke negara asing. Contoh, kte org M'sia nk ke London. So, we have to fill up 1 form)
- Sape2 yg x beli luggage, korg dh byk save. Korg boleh je bwk 1 bag sandang utk letak dlm flight (yg x letak dlm perut flight) But bear in mind, bag sandang korg tu x boleh excess 7 kg and any cecair yg ada dlm bag tu harusla di bawah brape ml ntah. Lebih kurang korg boleh bwk satu botol kecik minyak wangi tu je. Ubat gigi semua x kan lepas. Means korg kena beli ubat gigi kt negara org la benda2 mcm tu semua.
- Ha lg satu, klu korg x beli seat, korg akn duk berjauhan dgn partner korg. Depends gak la. Tgk rezeki masing2. Dia ada hot seat skali. Hot seat ni yg duk selesa ckit. Ruang kaki lebih lebar and duk berhampiran ngan tmpt exit. Tp Ayu tgk sama je kecuali seat yg depan2 skali tu. Huhu. Nk beli seat ni RM 5 je. Hot seat x sure tp x la mahal sgt pun.
- Same goes to meals. Tp klu nk beli time dlm flight pun ok je. Cuma klu korg nk nasi briani, that one by special request only.
I think tu je kot for now. Insya-Allah klu Ayu teringat pape nnti Ayu share.
{From Ayu with ♥}