It has been a fun day of celebrating in our household! Five years ago (that honestly feel like 10+) the Lord gave us such a precious gift of parenthood by bringing Austin Joseph into our world and hearts forever. To say that the days leading up to today have been emotional for this mama is a MAJOR understatement. I am emotional at each of my kids birthdays, but this one took me a little by surprise. It has been 5 amazing, but very hard years of us living in an infant/toddler world with more dirty diapers than we could ever count and many more good than hard days in the 'chaos' that became our normal when you have 3 kids in 3 years. :) I used to say, "If we can just keep our heads above water until Austin turns 5, we will be okay" and HERE we are! We have officially survived and now will be entering the next scary stage of parenting where you continue shaping hearts and character, but in a different kind of way. Austin seems like such a big kid these days taking on more independence and responsibility. The Lord has given him such an amazing personality with a lot of compassion and exhortation mixed together which usually ends up in one huge ball of energy and life. We can't wait until he starts using all that energy and passion in his pursuit of Christ! We know that the Lord has big plans for his life and we get a front row view! I am so grateful for this life and through it all my children are helping me be the woman Christ has called me to be.
What is a big birthday without a trip down memory lane?? Here are some pics of our little man. :)