Hopefully this help! For the full walkthrough with all the answers, check the video. If you just want some hints for puzzles that you're stuck at, check the text below.
My advice is print out all 3 fliers so you can choose which one you want to use later on.
There's a girl scout nearby selling a refreshing drink.
Stealing from a busker is bad. Try asking your friend for help.
First, you'll want to Inspect the trumpet case, there's important info there that you can use.
Second, maybe you can try getting the musician to take a break... with a refreshing drink perhaps? There's some info that you can use here as well.
Third, maybe "pranking" him might be a good bet as he seems very resolute? Maybe there's something you can do with his trumpet?
Part 2: Grandpa's House + Joris' Place
1. How to solve the fuse box puzzle?
You just need to follow the instructions really. There should be 2 switches of different types in between 2 negatives; and there should be 3 switches of different types (can repeat) in between 2 positives. Plus, adjacent switches can't be the same.
Hint (highlight the text to read): You can start with a Negative, and note that it's alright to have any one of the switches turned to the Neutral position.
More hint (highlight the text to read): Try to fit in 2 negatives, 2 neutrals and 2 positives.
2. Where can I find the bolt?
You might want to check the kind of places where a metal bolt might be able to slip/roll into. You might also need to jerry-rig a "tool" so you can reach it.
3. What do you do with the Blank Papers?
They aren't actually blank. Find a way to reveal the hidden... I mean, invisible... message.
You'll need some tools though which can be easily obtained as long as you interact with everything that has the "Left mouse button" icon (refer to image below) and Inspect them for hints as to how to combine/use them.
More hint (highlight the text to read): For the "fire" part of the requirement, you can't just use the Lighter. You'll need something more NAILED down.
There should be 5 pieces of blank papers as well. Again, as long as you click on everything at Grandpa's house that has that icon shown above, you should be able to find all 5.
4. How to get the metal detector working?
It's not broken; it just needs some power.
5. How to open the fuse box?
What do you use to open a lock with? Check your inventory (Hint; highlight the text to read) or the mailbox if you haven't already.
6. How to solve the wooden puzzle?
Make sure to read the message grandpa left you in his letter and take note of the highlighted words and their order as you read from top to bottom. Ignore the repeated words; just note down the order of the first instance a word appears.
7. How to combine the bolt, nut and the shears?
You might want to start with the first two items, before try using them on the shears.
8. How to fill in the blanks in the Polish translation note?
Fill in the most obvious answers first, based on what you already know about your father's/grandfather's quest.
For the rest, you can either try trial and error by changing one word at a time and asking Joris if the translation sounds right, or read on: (Hint; highlight the text to read) know that the game will have you visit a lot of religious sites and that Vilnius had been once cleansed by flames.
Part 3: The Library
Let's just get straight to the main question:
1. How to find out which books your grandpa borrowed from the library?
Well, you'll need to know two things in order to log into a library account as mentioned by the librarian and/or if you check out the laptop - the username and the password, so you can use that as a starting point.
First, the username. This is the easiest of the lot since you have something you can refer to. Hint 2 (highlight the text to read): If this is not obvious enough already, check your inventory and Inspect the only thing that is remotely related to the library... and make sure to click on everything clickable on that "thing"
Now, you just need to know the librarian's username. If only you know her name... Don't forget to "connect" the two pieces of important Notes together or it won't work.
More hint (highlight the text to read): There must be some sort of ID where you can get her name.
The way you go about getting the last info - the password - depends on your profession:
For the photographer, you might want to Capture the moment when she logs into her account using the camera... discreetly of course, maybe with the help of something ?
For the programmer, you already have a very useful tool in your inventory that can log passwords... you just need to find a place and the perfect moment to plug it in...
For the psychologist's assistant, you might need the help of the book and some Empathy as to what the librarian might be going through. Suggest some form of "Relief" that you happened to have to her and she might be willing to help you out... well, indirectly. The cat might be helpful here too.
As always, don't forget to combine all the Notes you've collected together!
2. Which of the churches are the three houses of worship?
This is a multi-step process so hence, the multi-step hints, so please bear with me.
You'll need to have all the preliminary info first. This means reading and noting down all the important information from all the books you can get from the librarian. You'll also need to have figured out the solution to Question #1 and find the secret book that grandpa hid.
Make sure to click on everything clickable in the book, as always. The first church isn't as obvious, so we'll skip that for now; but I'm pretty sure you can instantly identify the second church based on Milda's comment and the list of churches you got from the library.
The third church is easy enough to identify as well. The bishops there looks vaguely/instantly recognizable to something you already have in your inventory. Make sure to Inspect it thoroughly.
Now, back to the first church. You'll want to re-read the Translated Old Polish Note and take note of the two most important points - (highlight the text to read) the year of the fire and the different gods. If you still can't figure this part out, there's always good old "trial and error"... and there shouldn't be too many churches left for you to do so!
Don't forget to connect all the Notes!
Part 4: The Churches + The Library Archive
1. How to find/retrieve the stolen wine?
Since it’s stolen by someone, to find it, you just need to keep an eye out for a green-coloured glass bottle that is amongst that someone’s belongings. Hint: the stolen wine isn’t hidden so you can spot it.
To retrieve it, you just need to talk to the thief and ask what he will take as a replacement for the wine he stole. You should already have the ingredients in your inventory to make what he needs except for the special water. Just ask yourself this, where can you find such special water logically?
More hint (highlight the text to read): You might want to check Joris’ apartment for one of the ingredients in case you missed it.
More, more hint (highlight the text to read): How to make the wine stronger? Maybe there is a bottle if something in your inventory that you should most definitely Inspect.
2. How to find the key in the archive?
You can either check every entry on the console or re-read the details provided in the List of Chancellors.
Hint (highlight the text to read): Take note of the years (which century?), the nature of the role of the person, and the typical material used to make a “key”. I also think that the priest you talked to mentioned the material of the "key" as well.
3. How many metal cubes to add to the 3D printer to print the “key”?
This is all trial and error so it might take awhile. I would suggest writing the combinations you tried on a piece of paper. If you want a hint to start (highlight the text to read): try adding everything in and slowly reduce the cubes from there.
More hint (highlight the text to read): You should already figured out by now that there’s no way you can get the right number of metal cubes since the amount you need is between 1 Big+1 Medium+2 Small (not enough) and 1 Big+2 Medium+1 Small (too much). There’s actually something metallic and useless in your inventory that could serve as 3D printer material right about now.
4. What about the key from the synagogue?
In case you’ve forgotten or if you haven’t picked it up, there’s a Promotional Flier from the bagel shop that you might want to Inspect.
Hint (highlight the text to read): You’ll need to at least have one of the “keys” first to be used as comparison. Try the other churches first? And if you already have one fo the keys, “comparison” is the keyword here.
5. How to go to Minsk?
Maybe as a tourist? Where can a tourist get a ticket anyway?
6. How to get on the fan bus?
Since it’s hockey related, maybe you need to wear something a hockey fan would wear (google it if you need to), though you might need to jerry-rig it a bit with the tools you already have in your inventory.
Hint 1 (highlight the text to read): The bus driver is wearing the clue.
Hint 2 (highlight the text to read): The shirt you need isn’t in your luggage.
Hint 3 (highlight the text to read): You might want to check your grandpa’s house. You might be able to pick up something that you can’t pick up before.
Hint 4 (highlight the text to read): You will need to do some arts and crafts with the stuff you have to create a passable hockey fan shirt. The shears and the glue might come in handy, so is the historical flag.
Part 5: The Hockey Game
1. How can you get the Belarusian team to score the first goal?
First, you want to understand the situation from an expert. You will get some crucial information here that you can use. You’ll also need to mobilise the fans to help.
Hint (highlight the text to read): Flags are important to player morale. Don’t forget the honk horn.
More hint (highlight the text to read): As Milda will have told you, she doesn’t want to get whooped by the Lithuanian fans so you will need to be sneaky - I mean, be two-faced -about it. The glue helps too. If you forgot he honk patterns, keeping a close ear on the opposing team’s fans might help.
2. How can you get the Belarusian team to defend better?
It all boils down to the honk patterns, you see. Maybe you can get some tips from the Belarusian fans by listening closely.
3. How can you get the Belarusian team their winning goal?
As always, ask the expert first. Honks are important but you need something more now. Maybe Vlad can help?
More hint (highlight the text to read): Take note of the player roster in the VIP lounge. Make sure to take special note of the Belarusian line and Lithuanian pair.
Part 6: Italy
1. How to get the goat to move from the staircase?
Maybe you have a delicious treat in your inventory?
2. How can you escape from the ex-KGB agent?
You will want to cause a loud but not too dangerous distraction. How can you go about doing it with the stuff that’s on the balcony and on the ground level? P/S: This is a bit trickier since it has a QTE.
Hint 1 (highlight the text to read): You might want to start by having a handy treat so you can get the goat to do what you want, and reading more about the gases.
Hint 2 (highlight the text to read): Maybe with the Lighter you have, you can make something that usually goes "pop" go "boom" instead?
3. How to hijack the scooter?
You just need to make all 3 lights light up.
4. How to get the seal from Grandpa Kovas?
You need something very loud to startle the goon to overtake him. There’s a QTE here as well.
5. How to get "some acid, strong alcohol, and a clean cloth"?
You already have everything in your inventory. Make sure to re-Inspect some things if you forget.
More hint (highlight the text to read): There's something that can serve as both the alcohol and the acid. The cloth is pretty obvious.
Part 7: Church of St. Catherine (Finding the last seal)
1. How to enter the Church of St. Catherine?
Your grandpa might have mentioned something in the previous scene that I hope you didn’t skip. Also, Joris works great as a distraction: "Donde esta la biblioteca?"... errr I mean "Kur yra bibliotek?"
2. How to solve the bishop puzzle?
This is fairly easy. Simply refer back to the book your grandpa hid, the hint is written there in plain text. The images help too.
More hint (highlight the text to read): A person who leads points in the direction where the rest should go. The leader doesn’t point at another person.
3. How to solve the puzzle in the hidden passage?
Again, you’ll want to refer to the same book. Take note of the poem and the "symbol" the monks are worshipping. If this helps, take note of the colour of the symbol as well.
Hint (highlight the text to read): You probably don’t need this hint but I should mention this anyway, you’ll need kerosene to get light. And you’ll want to take note of the shadows. X marks the spot.
4. How to escape from the goon in the hidden passage?
It’s pretty obvious WHERE your escape route is but it’s barred somehow. You’ll need to look for something super heavy and wobbly to break those bars.
More hint (highlight the text to read): the heavy item may need a little nudge from something in your inventory that can act as a lever.
Part 8: The Grand Finale (spoiler)
1. How to get into the church?
You don’t. Check its surroundings instead.
2. How to find the correct passage?
You’ll want to re-read the highlighted words (in the correct order of course) in the poem in the letter your grandpa left you, and Inspect the arch of each path. Note that the arch just have to be somehow related to the keywords, and you don’t really need an exact match.
More hint (highlight the text to read): The first three paths are fairly obvious, the fourth can be associated with dancing/music and the last can be associated to the Baltic pagan religion equivalent of the god Zeus.
That's it! Good luck and enjoy the game! :) Let me know in the comments if you need anymore help.