Posts tonen met het label Enchanting. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Enchanting. Alle posts tonen


~Mijn Boek, Mijn Hart, Ziel en Trots!

Ik ben de afgelopen 8 maanden erg druk geweest in mijn atelier
en heb tevens een boek geschreven/gemaakt, 
met een gedeelte over mijzelf en
mijn handwerk/berenatelier!

Ik heb mijn boek laten drukken en ondertussen
thuis bezorgt gekregen
dan is het nú tijd voor een feestje!!

De boekpresentatie is op zondag 18Mei as vanaf 14:00uur.
Marijke van Ooijen zal hierbij aanwezig zijn
en een speech houden om 14:30uur
aangezien zij ook een aantal bladzijdes geschreven
en gemaakt heeft voor mijn boek.
Ná de speech en de toost is er gelegenheid om rustig rond te neuzen in mijn atelier en tuin en tevens om
mijn boek te kopen, ik kan ook eventueel je boek signeren.

Jullie zijn van harte uitgenodigd
om dit samen met mij te vieren!

Als je het leuk vind om hierbij aanwezig te zijn?
stuur mij dan een mailtje, dan geef ik je m’n adres :)


Seahorse Lighthouse - Miri, Malaysia

Seahorse Lighthouse - Miri, Malaysia


~Amazing Driftwood Horses

The stunning life-like horse sculptures
made entirely of driftwood washed up on the beach
by Artist Heather Jansch

The work of Heather Jansch started from her
two passions: drawing and horses.
She has a very interesting and diverse biography,
many exhibitions, one book published
(Heather Jansch’s Diary: A Year in the Life of…..),
and another one in progress.

From a distance they are the embodiment of
equine grace, three creatures ready to burst
into a gallop across the sands.

Only on closer examination are they revealed
to be sculptures made, incredibly, from driftwood. 
created by artist Heather Jansch,
whose individual works take up
to three years to produce.


"Soft moss a downy pillow makes,
and green leaves spread a tent,
Where Faerie fold may rest
sleep until their night is spent.
The bluebird sings a lullaby, the firefly gives a light,
The twinkling stars are candles bright,
Sleep, Faeries all, Good Night."

- Elizabeth T. Dillingham, A Faery Song



The 16th Avenue Tiled Steps project has
been a neighborhood effort to create a beautiful
mosaic running up the risers of the 163 steps
located at 16th and Moraga in San Francisco.



Great Idea for your old shoes ;o)



“More magical than I had dreamed, and more varied.
Some are as small as flowers, some as tall as I,
and all sizes between but all seem to exist
as a celebration of nature’s enchantment. “

~The Voyage of the Bassett

Voyage of the Basset is
a fantasy novel published in 1996.
It was written and illustrated by James C. Christensen
in collaboration with Renwick St. James
and Alan Dean Foster.
It is about a widowed Victorian era professor,
Algernon Aisling, his two daughters,
Miranda and Cassandra, and their
adventure on a ship called The Basset.


“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods;
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roars:
I love not man the less, but Nature more…”
~George Gordon Byron


the last unicorn
“The unicorn”, she said, “
was a marvelous beast, shining with honor,
wisdom and strength.
Just to see him strengthened the soul.”

~Megan Lindholm; The Unicorn in the Maze


I want to

I want to lie down here with
a blanket & pillow and dream….


Can I have one in my backyard, please?


~Fairy Ring

fairy ring1

A fairy ring, also known as fairy circle,
elf circle, elf ring, or pixie ring, is a naturally
occurring ring or arc of mushrooms.
The rings may grow to over 10 metres (33 ft)
in diameter, and they become stable over time
as the fungus grows and seeks food underground.
They are found mainly in forested areas,
but also appear in grasslands or rangelands.
Fairy rings are detectable by sporocarps in rings
or arcs, as well as by a necrotic zone (dead grass),
or a ring of dark green grass.
If these manifestations are visible a fairy fungus
mycelium is likely to be present in the ring
or arc underneath.

Fairy rings also occupy a prominent place in
European folklore as the location of gateways into
elfin kingdoms, or places where elves gather and dance. According to the folklore, a fairy ring appears
when a fairy, pixie, or elf appears.
It will disappear without trace in less than five days,
but if an observer waits for the elf to return to
the ring, he may be able to capture it.

fairy ring


To welcome my new friends
I’ll invite you all over for a little lunch ;o)



i'll open the gate     
Would you join me for a walk?



~The Unicorn

The unicorn was white, with hoofs of silver
and graceful horn of pearl…
The glorious thing about him was his eye.
There was a faint bluish furrow down each side
of his nose, and this led to the eye sockets,
and surrounded them in a pensive shade.

The eyes, circled by this sad and beautiful darkness,
were so sorrowful, lonely, gentle and nobly tragic,
that they killed all other emotions except love.

~by T.H. White
(The Once And Future King)
Art by Viona art


fun weekend

Have a Fun Weekend:o)



This image made me smile ;o)
Would you go through the gate
or around it?