Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'll Bill Her Insurance

A milestone was passed this week by Gracee: tooth #O was extracted, by me, by hand, ungloved (but washed), unanesthetized, and she absolutely boiled over with pride! Her tooth had been wiggly for weeks, and she came and found me just before bed and said, "Dad, will you take my tooth out?" I was quick to disuade her, for, I was unlicensed. I explained to her that these sort of "back room services" get dentists and doctors alike into hot water with the law, and I just couldn't allow myself to be compromised in such a way and jeopardize my future. "Besides," I told her, "you don't have AIDS, Hepatitis, recent history of drug abuse, dual personalities, cross dressing tendencies, or any of the other conditions that I are usually present during teeth extractions that I do! I just really wouldn't know what to do with you! You wouldn't even ask for pain killers!"

Yet, as she always does, she smiled at me, with those big blue eyes, marched me into the bathroom, sat down, and said "take it out!"

And, with a flick of the wrist, #O was sitting on a tissue.

At that point, Gracee was so proud and surprised, she couldn't stop giggling and staring in the mirror at the now present gap in her lower front teeth.

Later that evening, the tooth fairy made a quick trade and that was that.

As for me, I am going to try and bill her insurance.

Oh, and P.S., the box of Wartner is Val's...