Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thanks Easter Bunny!

Well our Easter holiday turned out to be a pretty fun filled, busy weekend. It all started with Grandma Daryl, Grandpa Tom, Aunt Chelsea, Uncle Jason, and Uncle Brady coming in to town for a visit! Followed but a few days in NYC, adults only! Thanks to Tyler and Ashley for taking care of our girls for us! We shopped canal street, ran through the streets of NYC making sure we got to see as much as possible in a day and a half, and ended with a bang by seeing Wicked! AWESOME! What more can I say. If you have not seen Wicked on Broadway, or anywhere else for that matter, you really should spend the money and do it. I promise you, it is worth it! Guarantee! Yep, that's right, I will give you your money back if you don't walk away from the theater amazed and having loved it! The music alone is enough to want you to see it again! Thanks Daryl for treating us to a great time in NYC! On Saturday we returned home in time to get some dinner for Uncle Brady's Birthday, "Happy Birthday Brady!" Sunday morning we woke up to find the Easter bunny, or two, had visited the girls! Gracee was pretty excited to see what he left in her basket, Easter Barbie, and to help Ellie figure out just what candy was the best! Then it was time to hunt for eggs, hidden strategically by the Easter bunny's helper, Grandma D. The girls were pretty excited, as was I since we had plenty o' candy already, to find the Easter bunny was pretty generous in leaving silver pieces and dollar bills in the eggs! After our hunt it was off to church. After all, there really is a point to Easter besides bunnies, eggs and candy; and we did want to attempt to at least make that a clear point to the girls. They looked pretty cute in their outfits, but I didn't get the best pics, I guess I will just have to enlist someone to help me with that! hint hint. After church we enjoyed a quick but tasty ham dinner with the fam before they had to rush off for the airport. In all it was a great weekend and we love having family come visit us! Thanks Easter Bunny!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Do French Fries come from France?

"Do French Fries come from France?"
This is a question overheard from a Dora Leapster Game Gracee was playing in the backseat of the car yesterday on our way to church. Well, Gracee was busy playing and not paying attention to us, as we were kind of chatting and not paying much attention to her, until we heard her innocent response!...
"No silly, french fries come from Wendy's!"
Austen and I both just started laughing hysterically. Gracee still had no idea what was going on. She was just playing with her game and talking back to it like it was a normal thing. The funny part, if you need to be told, was her response to the question posed by a child's game of Dora the explorer on Leapster. Austen thought her reply was pretty funny yet also pretty sad. I guess the secret's out that I feed my kids fast food occasionally!
Oh, I love the sweet honest innocence of my four year old! I'm so glad I have her to make me laugh.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our Disney Vacation!

I guess after being MIA for awhile I better get back on board to real life. But first I must blog about where we have been. First, I took the girls and took a little trip to Utah for a week while Austen took mid terms. It was my moms birthday, and we hadn't been home for a few months so it was time to go see the fam. It was a short week trip but we sure had fun seeing and spending time with both grandparents, and I even attempted a 100 mile bike ride in Zions. More about that later, if you're lucky. I still haven't decided if I want to post pics of me in padded spandex pants yet!:( Anyways, after our trip home, we came back to PA for about a week. Enough time to do some laundry, get Dad, and pack again in time for Spring Break '08! We took the girls and took off for a week to beautiful, sunny Florida. We met my parents and sister and her family there for a fun filled week in Walt Disney World! It was so much fun, and time just flew by way too fast. Some highlights of our trip; breakfast with the princesses, riding the rides, nice weather and sunshine, warm pool at the house, the awesome safari at Animal Kingdom, riding the water ride and getting soaked (even Grandma who attempted to wear a pancho!), dropping in the "Tower of Terror" not once but twice, and just spending some great time with our family! It was a great and memorable trip. Gracee got to see most of the princesses, unfortunately we only saw her favorite, Sleeping Beauty, from a distance in a show and the parade. I guess we will just have to go again so we can see her! Well back to reality... all I can say is thank goodness for vacations to give us something to look forward to! I guess I better get planning the next one!

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Baby And Her... Bottle?!!!

My little Ellie is constantly making me laugh, and worry about our future with her all at once! She is so independent and very much her own person. Let's just hope I can channel all her energy into a positive and good way! So for those of you who know my baby Ellie well enough, you know one thing that truly makes her "happy" or even just content for a minute or two would be a bottle of something to drink. Almost always it is a water bottle. I have also learned all too quickly that it must not contain too much water because than it just turns into a fun game of pouring it out on the carpet or wood floor or whatever and then splashing in it and smoothing it around! Anyways, one night we had a random bottle of sparkling cider, it was one we saw at Ikea and decided to try it. Well Ellie was playing on the kitchen floor and it getting close to her bewitching hour, she was starting to fuss. I just needed three more minutes to clean up so Austen thought it would be a brilliant idea to let her play with the bottle that had about a sip of cider left in it. And in case you can't tell or for some weird reason want to question my incredible parenting skills, not to mention my way of life, it is non-alcoholic. Well Ellie thought she had died and gone to heaven. She treated it as if she couldn't get enough. Austen thought the pics were pretty funny of a baby sucking back on a big glass, wine looking bottle. But I also included one of her with a plastic water bottle, just to show how much she loves to chug any kind of bottle. I guess funny things kids do, are maybe funnier to their parents, but I thought I'd share this anyways. Oh, and my long absence has been because I was away on a "holiday!" Ok, not really but I went home for a week to see my mom for her birthday and will post more about that adventure soon. So stay tuned... more to come! I know you can't wait and are just sitting on the edge of your seats! ...

Looks like she is feeling a bit tipsy!