Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Year...blame Facebook

I haven't totally forgotten about the blog thing...well, actually I did. Anyway, thanks to E. Milmont I was reminded of it and felt it an appropriate time to update.

Many may know, and some may not, that Val was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer 2 weeks ago. She has since gone through surgery, which entailed the removal of the tumor on her thyroid, the entire thyroid, and 34 lymph nodes. We were told 3 of the 34 lymph nodes had cancer, and her odds are good. She will undergo radioactive iodine ablation therapy soon which entails a week of being quarantined. After that, she will spend the better part of a year dealing with thyroid hormone deficiencies and excesses until we get her balanced out.

We have been approached by many who have been through similar circumstances and have had much support. Even though it is fairly common, this has been a very scary thing for us and our family. We have felt the faith and prayers of all and are very blessed in our lives right now with so much love and support. Cancer is becoming so commonplace in our world, and I admit to becoming quite numb and insensitive to the word. But I wish now, that I had been more sensitive to it and any other trials those around me have had because of what we are now going through. Cancer is common. But cancer is scary, always. So many have reached out to me, and my family, and I feel so overwhelmed by it that I hope I can be more like that from here on out. I really feel that cancer is not an 'if' but a 'when' for all of us. It will touch all of our lives very closely in some way or another.

On a lighter note, Val has been doing great and is a fighter. Even with minimal thyroid hormone, I still have to beg her to relax. We all are so lucky to have her in our lives! The rest of the family unit is as follows...

Gracee is miss popular in her 1st Grade class. She has developed quite an opinion and is sweet as sugar. She is very aware of her dental needs and approaches me frequently with "loose tooth" concerns.

Ellie is a devoted dancer and homework junkie. She's got serious rhythm and kills it at her dance recitals. She literally asks if she has homework that she can do. She loves it. She also has a smile that will prompt shotgun loading when she turns 16.

Livvy is developing speech quicker than we can get her what she is asking for. It goes about like this: "Mom, show." 2 seconds later: "Mom, a show." 2 seconds later: "Mom, I would like to watch a show on TV, please." OK, not exactly. But just about. She is growing too fast.

I, am just Dad. I go to work, and make money, and then the money disappears. Then I go back and do it again. I'm livin the dream. I love what I do, and I am very fortunate to be where I am. A highlight was taking Val to Kauai, Hawaii last October. Trip of a lifetime.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We Are Still Alive

Sorry for the long hiatus of blog inactivity! We are still here in South Jordan, Utah, searching for a home. We are renting a townhome whose lease is up at the end of May. We plan to buy a home in the area for now. Livvy is now 6 months old and pretty much the cutest baby. She does not, however, sleep through the night yet. I really feel bad for my great wife, who also hasn't slept throught the night in a long time. We are hoping that Livvy can soon figure out a bottle, formula, and sleep. None of which she likes right now.

Ellie is 3 and a half and hilarious. The other day she came up with the following song..."I like my hole, I like my hole, I like my!" We still laugh about it daily! She is taking dance and doing preschool. She is also terrified of drains. It is serious. We have resorted to making her take a shower to avoid the histeria of the water going down the drain, along with anything else she is afraid will go down. And there is no reasoning with her. But she is a good little girl and has a KILLER smile. She likes eating "pocksiddles" (popsicles) at Grandma and "Crampahs" house, and sometimes she "acksolutely" (accidentally) spills her drink. Actually, she speaks extremely well. Just a few words that crack us up!

Gracee is getting too grown up! She is in kindergarten and loves to read. She is a really good older sister to her two younger sisters and always helps mom with the baby. She recently started tennis and LOVES it! She has a powerfull backhand! She is excited to finally have a yard when we buy a home. I just can't get over how grown up she is getting! It makes us a little sad...But we love her to death!

Val is rapidly growing in her knowledge of paying bills! We have a lot of them! Between student loans, business taxes and personal taxes, living expenses, and all of the other little things, I am just glad I have her! She is very good at keeping it all straight and keeping on top of it all! She too is very anxious to get into a home of our own. Hopefully soon! She is looking incredible these days and I can't believe she had a baby 6 months ago, not to mention 3 kids!!! Way to go Babe. You are one hot mama!

I just keep going to work in the morning and coming home at night. I love what I do and feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with people and improve their quality of life a little! I am learning so much from my dad and my other partners in the practice. They have all been so helpful in getting me going in my career. I can't believe that May 14th will mark one year since graduation. Time just never slows down. We miss so many of you and wish we could keep in better contact with all of you, but know that you are all in our thoughts.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Announcing Livvy Jayne (and stuff, etc.)

On September 13th, (yes that's Gracee's Birthday) we were blessed with the arrival of 6 Pound 6 Ounce Livvy Jayne. She's a wee mite but we love her to pieces. Gracee and Ellie are loving her too. 3 girls. I would have never thought...

Gracee had a great birthday! We spent the day (Sept 12th) at Cowabunga Bay for Gracee's party and had a blast with cousin's, aunts, uncles, and Grandpa and Grandma.
It was there on the Lazy River that seemed to get things movin for Livvy to come. We went to the hospital later that night and Livvy came at 9:45am the next morning. We have had a lot of help and are so thankful for family close by.

Grandma took Gracee and Ellie to the state fair and got a GREAT pumkin pic that I included. Enjoy!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Here Fishy Fishy

I guess it's time to update.

We are living in South Jordan in a rental townhome (it's nice but lots of stairs) and I am actually working now. We celebrated 7 years married approximately 2 weeks after I started my first real-family-supporting-type job. Val got almost too used to me being unemployed. Things are good though, and I am really enjoying being down in the mouth for pay. I'm practicing at Pioneer Valley Dental in West Valley City, and I have already done things THEY wouldn't let me do in Dental Pergatory i.e. School. Val is getting very ready to not be pregnant. We are anticipating excitedly the September arrival of more drama, and our third girl Livvy. Ellie makes us laugh a lot as she bosses us around, and Gracee started Kindergarten. Gracee also broke her arm on the monkey bars at school. She was determined to start things off with a bang.

In July, myself, my bro Colby, and my Dad got to go to Alaska fishing for a week. It was an incredible trip. We brought home approximately 300 pounds of fish between 6 of us. We like it grilled then put in tacos. Call me if you want the recipe. I actually came up with it myself.

We also spent time as a family in Island Park, Idaho at the cabin with our friends the Orr's, Marostica's, and my family. It was a lot of fun. I took Gracee with me and my family to Lake Powell for a couple of days too. She had a broken arm, but that didn't stop her from fishing. I am so proud.

Life is good out of school, but we miss Pennsylvania and our many friends in dental school. Crazy to think that chapter of our lives is over. Time flies when you are having fun.