Monday, November 24, 2014

Elephants are not good pillows... (Or 1 month Lydia update)

Well, we've survived a whole month with a baby (note.. I wrote this on my phone on 11/12, but because I've been a bit sleep deprived I didn't actually post it), and all the of us are alive and (relatively) happy! And the fact that I'm typing this at 3 AM must mean I'm adjusting to the feeding schedule of my bottomless pit of a daughter! (It also means this post might not make sense... It's 3 AM after all)

Some things about Lydia's first month...

  • We abandoned swaddling after about 2 weeks at home because she likes her arms and hands
  • We started swaddling after about 3 weeks at home because she kept smacking herself and waking up... 4 hours of sleep has never felt so good, she can learn about her hands during daylight hours
  • She hated her first bath at home
  • We've had to cut her talons... Um finger nails... 4 times already, it's kind of scary
  • She eats like a champ... She's gained about 2 pounds from her birth weight!
  • I learned that her stuffed elephant makes a lousy pillow... Her bed is now equipped with a real pillow so mom has something to use next time she joins Miss Lydia in her own bed
  • She has almost outgrown her newborn clothes; we're about ready to move up to the 0-3 month size.
  • She seems to have a problem with dairy... Which means mom has given up milk and yogurt and cheese and butter... the cheese and butter is really hard to give up. But Lydia is more happy which makes everyone else more happy, so it might be an even trade.
  • She went to vote :) And loved it.

  • She's kind of awesome!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lydia Mae

We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to bring you... Lydia Mae Glenn!

This precious little girl was born Sunday, October 12 at 10:34 pm after about 18 hours of labor (yay for an epidural!) and a little over 2 hours of pushing.  She gave us a little scare by having the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but the doctor was able to take care of that and she proved that she has a great set of lungs!

I'm not sure why these are sideways... oh well just turn your head
Daddy was so happy to finally meet her!

These sweet girls (and their parents) came to visit.  They were soooo excited!
Lydia's going home outfit

Leaving the hospital (first family picture)

 Daddy got Lydia into her car seat and she slept the whole way home!  (mom watched her in the mirror the whole time)

Sleeping in her Moses basket when we got home
We love our little girl and think she's pretty much perfect, even though we'd be ok with a little more sleep :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chile Trip!

Happy General Conference weekend!  It's one of my favorite times of the year.  I love feeling inspired by the messages shared.  I was also able to use the time between sessions to organize our pictures and things to get ready to post about our vacation a few months ago.. and voila! A blog update.

One of my goals once we graduated was to travel.  I haven't had the opportunity to travel very much and I wanted to change that.  In December Dallin finished up his first full case as a real, grown-up, attorney, so in January we took two weeks for a vacation before work got super crazy again.  Dallin served his mission in Santiago, Chile several years ago and has talked about returning since we were married, probably before actually.  So on January 10th we woke up early, grabbed our two carry-ons (that's right I packed for two weeks in only a carry-on... are you impressed? You should be!), and got on a plane bound for Santiago.

We had a 10 hour lay-over in Mexico city so, after spending about an hour trying to get out of the airport (immigration, customs, and then the maze of the airport itself), we went to explore.  We jumped on one of those double decker tourist buses and listened to the tour information as we rode around on the top!  The weather was amazing.  It was a fun way to see the city with a limited amount of time.  Especially since we were carrying our bags.  We hopped off at the Zocalo (the huge main plaza) and wandered around looking at the churches, government buildings, and shops.  While walking around we found some tacos de canasta (tacos from a barrel) which were about 50 cents each and were way better than the dinner we had later.

They were still having their fiesta de Navidad so it was pretty crowded, and as it got later we started to notice dozens of riot police gathering on every street corner.  Although our next flight didn't leave for a few hours still we decided it was time to go back to the airport.  We managed to get on the metro and take it back to the airport.  At this point I was feeling pretty good about my Spanish.  I'd understood most of what was said and was able to respond fairly well.  Don't worry though, this confidence didn't last long.

Luckily our flight to Santiago wasn't full so we got to spread out and sleep.  We woke up the next morning in Santiago.  It was amazingly warm here too!  We were so happy to be out of the endless winter we've been having in the northeast.  We made it to our hotel at about 12:30 and after a much needed shower we headed out to get some money, a sim card for our cell phone, and things like lotion and shampoo that we couldn't carry on the airplane.  We walked out onto the busy street our hotel was located on only to find all the shops closed!  Apparently everything, and I mean everything, closes early on Saturday in Santiago, even the tourist information place!  Thankfully Dallin had lived in Santiago for two years and knew the shops at La Estaccion Central would be open.  So we headed there to try and get what we needed.  We went to the bus station and found a convenience store that had all the toiletries we needed.  The cashier here didn't want to let us use our credit card without a RUT (a government id number) and we were reluctant to use the little cash we had so finally Dallin wrote down his driver's license number, which they seemed happy with, and we left to get a sim card.

The sim card seemed to be impossible to get.  We went to about 6 different shops and they refused to sell us a sim card without a RUT.  Finally we found someone to sell us a sim card.  We needed internet to reset the phone so he gave us instructions on how to add minutes to the card once the phone was reset and we took off back to the hotel where we had Internet.  On the way we stopped at Bar Naccional for some traditional Chilean food, Pastel de Choclo (a corn dish) and Porotos Granados (a fresh bean soup).  We also stopped at Santa Lucia, a large hill in the middle of the city to see the memorials and the cannons at the top as well as to visit the feria (like a flea market) at the bottom.

While in the metro station we saw an atm, but when we tried to get money out, it said we couldn't because it was a foreign account.  We started to get a little worried because we needed to catch a bus out to Melipilla the next day, and definitely needed cash for that.  We figured out we had enough cash to get out there, and hoped the Riquez family, who we were going to be visiting there could help us figure out the atms.
Once back in the hotel room we reset the phone and attempted to add minutes, but we couldn't do it without a RUT!  Dallin got on Skype with Fabricio, one of his mission friends who lives in Argentina.  They spent a long time trying to figure out the stupid phone.  I'm not sure how long because I fell asleep.  I was pretty convinced our trip was off to a bad start.  We had almost no money, no phone to contact anyone, and apparently couldn't do anything without a RUT!
*note: RUT is now a bad word in our family!  And should not be used in my presence.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Year in Review

No, I didn't forget I have a blog...

So here's the highlights from 2013 in the Glenn household... in no particular order:

1. We're still cub scout leaders!  I'm a den leader and Dallin is our fearless cub master.  Which we love (most of the time).  I helped at cub scout day camp this summer, which was interesting.  We had a pretty big storm come through the last day.  It poured.  And I left the back car window down... sigh.  The rain and lightning also knocked out the power.  We had 120 little boys (7-11 years old) in a church building without power... it was absolutely crazy.  But the cows were cool.
Laying wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery with the cub scouts

b. We went to California and Utah this summer!  It was awesome to see family and escape the humidity.

4. We moved... again. 5 times in 5 years.  But we're staying put this time.  Probably.  Hopefully.

V.  We were pirates for halloween.  But we didn't win the trunk-or-treat decorating contest.  Trunk-or-treating is taken pretty seriously here.  By the adults, the kids don't care, they just want candy.  People plan for it the whole year.  Trash talk starts a few months before. And competition is fierce.   The "anonymous" judges (I'm pretty sure it was the missionaries) were totally wrong, we had the best trunk there!  But that's ok, we'll get 'em next year!  I'm already planning....

Next, Dallin's become super interested in nutrition.  He decided to try and fix his cavity by eating differently.  We think it's working, but Kevin's skeptical (he's Dallin's cousin's husband... and a dentist, which is probably more relevant).  The book he's been reading is Nutrition and Physical Degeneration if your curious.  It's pretty interesting.

3.  I'm not allergic to nuts anymore!  It was exciting, and terrifying.  In one day I went from peanuts = death to being able to eat whatever I want.  Turns out I don't like peanuts, at all.  Ironic.  Although peanutbutter cups are tasty!

- We went to New York at the begining of December to see the Christmas decorations.  It rained pretty much the entire time, but we had a blast.  Some of our good friends came with us, we got godiva chocolate and New York Pizza, played on the big piano, and my forehead was on the Today show! (I'm pretty much famous)  On the way home, we stopped in Philadelphia to have a Philly cheesesteak and explore a bit.

F.  My friend Jessi got married!  It was awesome. 'nuff said.

7.  Dallin won the Memorial day 3k in our town!  Which was also awesome.  He got a free shirt for winning.  I got the same free shirt for coming in aproximately 673rd... no joke.  He also ran a 10k.  He did that one super fast too!  I didn't run that one, so I just steal his shirt.

Finally, we've had lot's of fun with our friends and family this year playing, hanging out, and just having a good time and I can't possibly mention all of the fun things we did.  Maybe I'll make a New Year's resolution to be better about blogging :)