Wednesday, December 1, 2010

holiday 2011

Frosted Glass Monogram Christmas Card
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 8, 2010

welcome home...

miss Olivia Nora Hollingsworth
November 02 7:42 am
8lbs 2oz
20 inches
after six days of being refered to as 'little sister' and countless name lists we finally resorted to drawing a name out of a hat. We couldn't agree on a name we both loved so the list went into the hat and Janson picked out 'livia' as he calls her:)
we're in love and so happy to have her in our family!

Friday, October 29, 2010

happy halloween

This is my favorite time of year!! Not because of the change in weather of course because I'd love 70 degree weather til christmas eve, and not because of all the yard work winter brings {i've neglected a bit this year}, but I love the food, the change in leaves, and all the fun events fall brings!
And we have had quite a busy one around here... trying to sum up alot of fun activities with Janson before this little baby arrives and things are switched up a bit.
Finished all those last minute baby projects like making bedding and blankets, and finishing the nursey. Attending football games with the family. Taking lots of pictures of my fat belly since I purposly neglected to do it when I was pregnant with Janson and now slightly regret it. So we shoved a ball under jansons shirt and me and him were twinners for plenty of picts.. fun fun. And nesting nesting nesting. I don't really feel like I've sat down in weeks. And I finally... ONE YEAR LATER... finished Jansons first year scrapbook online.. yes he's almost three, thats right..
Made LOTS of pumpkin treats... cookies, bars, cakes, pies, whoopie pies, {All of which with extra cream cheese frosting} and NO chocolate chips of course:) Jansons favorite part comes at the end when he licks all the cream cheese frosting off the beaters.. that may be my favorite part too if we're being honest about it!
Last weekend we loaded up with the Theurer's and took the kiddos to the Pumpkin Walk. They seemed to love it last year and we thought what a fun idea to try again, and again a big hit. This year didn't seem to be as cold as last and Janson sure appreciated the fun scenes more.

Don't look to hard at my large self, it was quite a feet to squeeze into my coat with a week left of pregnancy. ha ha I'm quite a sight to see!

of course we had to get a picture of 'Buzz' Janson and the rest of the Toy Story gang


After we took a trip to the pumpkin patch, rode on the tractor and picked out our favorite pumpkins we headed home to carve them out... but lets be realistic... Aust did all the carving while janson and I observed, he's a trooper! and look what a fantastic job he did!
I always have some random idea for the front porch for the fall and Aust is always so helpful! Last years pumpkin topiaries were quite the project, so we minimized it quite a bit this year and this is how it turned out...

{And of course Aust always likes to pick out his own idea to carve too}

We have had a great fall and look forward to all the upcoming events, the arrival of this little girl, getting out CHRISTMAS decor, and no work for me for awhile {it will be so nice to enjoy my kiddos at home for a bit}.
Happy Halloween All

Monday, June 14, 2010


so the verdict is in and I'm such a slow poke slacker that I'm sure all are aware...BUT just incase not.....
We will be recieving a baby GIRL this fall and we are thrilled!!
janson knew it all along. I need to give the poor kid more credit:) he kept telling us he was getting a baby sister long before we were expecting and stayed consitent with his answer up til the last moment.. i think he had a hint we didn't get...
bring on the pink

Monday, April 5, 2010


We have adopted a new form of punishment around here...
I know it is probably a bit cruel for a two year old BUT it seems to do the trick
the terrible twos hit us {HARD} with a vengance ha ha ha
how does my sweet angel baby turn into this reckless, crazy, homeless looking, daredevil monster? I'm not sure what happened
we came up with a solution...
{Nose in the Corner}
ha ha ha ha ha I'm laughing out loud at this moment, and at the very moment i took the picture because its sooo mean but he does it so well and actually minds afterwords as well....
tonight for instance
-nose in the corner for two minutes
-ten minutes later I'm doing dishes and like everyother minute he says 'poop mom' which in janson terms translates to..
' I want to take off my pants and diaper and sit on my toilet for ten minutes pretending I'm doing something just so I can run around hanging loose until mom can catch me to place a new diaper and my naked self'
and just like everyother minute I say 'go ahead run in the bathroom'
-BUT...unlike everyother minute this time he started yelling mommy mommy from the bathroom , I brushed it off because of course I think the dishes have to be done THIS INSTANT (my priorities are wacked, I'm aware) he proceeds to run into the the kitchen NAKED like usual still just a hollering mommy mommy c'mon and patting his leg like I'm a little puppy that so eagerly will follow. well I do and what do we see?...
someone went potty in the big boy toilet all by himself!!!!!
Yeah I'm so proud of my little reckless, crazy, homeless looking, daredevil monster!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I have been so behind lately. I'd like to think we've been so busy but realistically I think its pure laziness!!!
so here's the past few weeks in a nut shell
We went to DISNEY ON ICE with shae and brock and jaxson and it was so much fun! Well I think the kids had more fun than the parents any way! when mickey came out Janson acted like it was Christmas he was sooo excited THEN when MATOR and Lightening McQUEEN came out he almost fell off Austs lap... he was just a waving and jumping and yelling
Too Funny!

This was on the way down, he used the headphones for the very first time because we decided we didn't want to listen to
SHREK for the 900th time this week!

Janson received a battle wound from a 4yr old GIRL at the sitters...lovely it also left a big fat SCAR!!!

Spent a few weekends back in Burley for the state chariot races... Now we all know how much I LOVE the horse races {NOT}!! but we made the best of the situation and took advantage of the over populated peed in hotel pool.
Janson thought it was AWESOME! he's a fish I swear. it takes all my bribes to get him out of the tub daily so this topped it all.

Grandpa even jumped in with us:)

we have a new project going on here. I felt like the guest room needed a little {revamping?} is that the word I'm looking for ... hum?!?

Any how I put Aust to work. That's how it works around here, me with the ideas for Aust to accomplish, HAHA HA no but he sure was a trooper here.... this was Jansons contribution to the project

What do ya do but laugh right:?!?! its the effort that counts!!!!

Turned out pretty good thus far I think... still need alot of paint!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Few Things...

So lately...
1) I am so beyond sick of it snowing!! I am in dire need for a vacation to a warm destination with no snow in sight! even though Hawaii was only four months ago lol but really I hate driving in it, walking in it, going out in it in general... I need to take up a winter hobby i suppose...

2) put on a new pair of pantyhose today. HA it was a joke. I don't consider myself chubby or fat {although i do joke about it on occasion}
but... they were so tight my legs looked like sausage links, quite a sight I'm sure! now I know I haven't recently gained 20lbs. so I couldn't figure out why this new pair just wasn't cutting it, or was cutting it (the circulation to my legs), til I noticed the box said SUPPORT HOSE, what was I thinking?!? so let this be a lesson to all don't buy support hose if you want to breath while wearing them...

3)Since we had a birthday party this week...My baby officially is a toddler... no longer a baby and I am sure having mixed emotions about it.
on one hand I want him to stay my sweet angel baby that loves to cuddle with me even when hes not tired or sad, thanks me for everything, says sorry when I stub my own toe, tells me he loves me a million times a day and gives endless kisses!...
and on the other hand I want him to be potty trained, talk to me in complete UNDERSTANDABLE sentences, want to sleep in his big boy bed with out me having to lay by him for an hour til he falls asleep, and grow into a wonderful man that any mother could be proud to say is her son...
but just for right now I want him to stay my sweet baby a little while longer!!

4)I long for some pink in our home, I am outnumbered with aust and janson, BUT on the plus side of it...
my boys compete to kiss mom. ha it is my favorite game..when janson sees aust give me a kiss and he runs as fast as he can and pushes aust out of the way so he can give me a big fat kiss and tell me wove you mom!! priceless..

5)i realized a few things this week,... how much i take aust for granted! AND that its alot harder to stay at home with janson than it is to go to work at the office full time! since aust has been slightly handicap this week and I took off a few days to help him i have endlessly chased janson around in circles, played basketball, mr popatoe head, guns, colored, and taken the garbage out to the road more than ever before!
I take so much that he helps with for granted!

I've just been thinking lately.. random!