Someone has been tagging me with this phrase. First time baca perkataan nie 'HAWT' jenuh, ligat otak berfikir maksudnya. Singkatan dari perkataan apa nie? Siap bukak kamus dwibahasa Oxford Fajar lagi. Pelik. Dalam kamus pun takde. Next step, google. Bila bukak urban dictionary baru la tau HAWT tue maksudnya apa.
1.In the late 1940's and early 1950's "hawt" was an acronym for "having a wonderful time." It was eventually stolen by scenester fucks to mean,"sexy" or "attractive" because of the downfall of american youth.
How are you doing today?
I'm HAWT, darling, thank you.
I'm HAWT, darling, thank you.
2. Internet slang for something really hot.
Girl: You were so hawt last night at the show.
Boy: I know
Boy: I know
3.Sarcastic/Nerd talk for "Hot"
0mg she\'s HAWT lololol!!!
4.How annoying 13-year old teenyboppers spell 'hot'
omg, lyk, josh is so hawt!
5.Another spelling of Hot used in instant messaging.
Luk at her she's hawt!
6. Horizontal-axis wind turbines; they have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled with a servo motor.
Modern day wind turbines are used to generate wind power are HAWT.
Nota kaki 1: guna bahasa & ejaan standard kan lagi senang. nak jugak guna bahasa budak 13 tahun.
Nota kaki 2: hawsome =hot+awesome
Nota kaki 2: hawsome =hot+awesome