
Weight Loss

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 1

5 Minutes Workout Challenge

1. Jumping Jacks
2. Airbike

3 . Double Crunch            
4. High Knee Drill       

5. Lunges
Ok good Luck....

#Nota kaki :

Jangan tengok saja, buat jng tak buat...this challenges hanya untuk minggu nie. Tunggu untuk next week.
Bye caucinau ♥ xoxoxo

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Cara pemakanan Rasulullah

Jangan minum susu semasa makan daging
Jangan makan daging bersama ikan
Tidak minum susu semasa menjamah ikan
Tidak minum susu semasa menjamah ayam
Tidak makan ikan bersama telur
Tidak makan ikan bersama daun salad
melarang minum susu bersama cuka
Jangan makan buah bersama susu
makan buah sebelum makan gandum, roti atau makanan berat

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jennifer Garner’s Workout Regimen

Jennifer Garner’s Workout Regimen
Copy from

Garner works out between 45 and 60 minutes a day, 5 time a week. Her personal trainer, Valerie Waters, does not want to burn her out. So, 45 to 60 minutes each session is good enough.

Here is her workout schedule:

■Day 1 – Circuit training on back, chest, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and abs. Exercise routine includes step-ups, pull-downs, chest presses on a stability ball and reverse lunges.

■Day 2 – Mat Pilates exercises for core strengthening.

■Day 3 – 40 minutes on the treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical trainer. She ends her cardio routine with a 5 minute abs workout. Some days, she spends all 40 minutes of cardio to one machine, while on others she spends time on all 3.

■Day 4 – Circuit training as on Day 1, concentrating on biceps, triceps, hips and shoulders.

■Day 5 – Mat Pilates exercises for core strengthening

■Day 6 and 7 – Rest for recovery

Jennifer Garner’s Diet Plan

Her workout diet is a combination of protein and high quality carbohydrates every three hours with small portion each meal. According to her personal trainer, she ate about 1600 calorie a day during the shooting of Elaktra with 5 to 6 mini meals a day.

One of her samples for meal plan:

■Breakfast – Oatmeal or egg white omelet with a side of fresh fruit, ideally blueberries. Other breakfast options are high-protein Kashi cereal with soy milk, or oatmeal mixed with protein powder.

■Mid morning snack – Apple slices with almond butter or fruit with yogurt.

■Lunch – Chicken with Mango chutney, steamed veggies and a green salad or a turkey wrap made with a whole wheat tortilla and vegetables

■Snack – Whole wheat Wasa crackers with low-fat cheese.

■Dinner – Grilled salmon in a citrus ginger sauce with asparagus and red-leaf lettuce salad.

■Beverages – Water and an occasional beer or glass of wine.

To warm up her body, she brisk walks on the treadmill about 10 minutes on treadmill. She then stretch her muscles. Light stretching is done again before the workout is over.

Her personal trainer combines a series of upper body, lower body and abs exercises. For example, Jennifer will do chest presses, followed by lat pull down, squats and crunches on stability ball. She then completes the circuit 3 times with little rest.

Her favorite workout is reverse lunge which works hard on legs (quadriceps, hamstrings) and butt (glutes).

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


BMI classification

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). For example, an adult who weighs 70kg and whose height is 1.75m will have a BMI of 22.9.

BMI = 70 kg / (1.75 m2) = 70 / 3.06 = 22.9

Ya Allah Pre-Obese aku nie.....tu la kerja Makan.....makan n makan sampai berat yang terlampau sgt....nie kena bekerja keras utk dapatkan berat idaman atau body idaman cam gini pun jadi lalalalalalallala



Monday, February 27, 2012

SimplySiti DERMAGIC Beauty Moisturiser

DERMAGIC Beauty Moisturiser

Ini la dia DERMAGIC 
so sape2 yg agak stress jer muka.....leh la try SimplySiti
mana tau tibe2 kulit secantik Dato CT...muntah kuar hijau utk aku la...hahhahha
tp dah try memang wangi itu ajer yg membuatkan hati ini berkenan....bau buah manggis,
dato sy suka makan buah manggis....X der maknanya ckp kt blog

JOM sertai SimplySiti juga mengadakan peraduan bercuti bertema Stress-Free Getaway! Menangi Dua Tiket ke Sydney dengan hanya membeli product SimplySiti Dermagic bernilai RM 69.90 dan tuliskan cerita anda.

Sertai cabaran 14 hari Dermagic dan tulis serta hantarkan cerita anda “Bagaimana hidup saya lebih bahagia dengan Dermagic…”(tidak melebihi 80 patah perkataan)

Dapatkan borang penyertaan seperti dibawah ini di lokasi anda membeli SimplySiti Dermagic (Watson’s/SOGO/or download)

Rahsia formulasi Dermagic :

Bukan sahaja memberi manfaat untuk membangkitkan mood gembira, kesemua faedah ini boleh didapatai di dalam satu krim :

- Melembap

- Kulit tanpa stres

- Mencerah

- Tona kulit lebih sekata

- Mengecilkan saiz pori

- Menenangkan

- Mengurangkan kedutan dan garisan halus

- Menegangkan kulit wajah

- Membentuk wajah (V Shape)

- Mengurangkan cela kulit

- Menambah seri

- Menyegarkan kulit

- Mengurangkan bintik hitam

- Kulit lebih lembut dan licin

“100% wanita menyedari perubahan drastik wajah mereka hanya dalam 7 hari!


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Motivate to myself....u can do wani....
"  YES i CAN"
badan dah semakin membesar ni
~Takut sgt~ 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

20/1/2012 Jumaat pagi Daniel punya kerja

Ini la kerja dia pagi tadi....terkejut ibu....
Kakak: IbuX3 hahahaha(kakak sambil ketawa panggil ibu)
Ibu: Napa ibu sibuk ni.....(ibu duk bersolek depan cermin)

Aku pun g la dkat depa...
terkejut beruk aku....sekali Raja Kapur doooohhhh muncul...

ini kerja adik tgk ibu n kakak bersolek....dia pun nk bersolek gakkkk
sekali mcm tepung gombak laaaa....

Syok daniel main bedak....
dia jawab syokkkkkk....pagi2 dah seksi seluar dah x der coz pagi2 dah berak...busung punya org....

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