Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sorry about that - fat fingering put in the title but no content! Oops....anyway..

I think it is really Spring......I have found my first four leaf clover. The snakes and mosquitoes won't be far behind.

My little kiln is firing away as I type. I have lots of FISH and some new ideas....just cooking away. Let's hope the kiln god is smiling on me.

I will post

some pictures when I can open the kiln tomorrow afternoon.

Ah Spring!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My life in a crayon box .....

I admit it - I am hooked on bright colors. When I open the kiln and see a rainbow of color - I am happy.

Yesterday I finished the cords for these initial pendants. They will soon be listed on my Etsy site.
Etsy Store - My Studio On The Lake

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Something new

The last time I was in New York I purchased some handmade paper. I have been on a "sun" kick lately so here is what I did with that paper. It is around 18" in diameter. I used ink, water color pencils and watercolor. It is still changing but I think it is almost there.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Gloomy Sunday

There is no sun today so it is going to be post...post .....post to my Etsy store. (Ok...so maybe I can sneak in a nap too) Heather came up on Friday with the kidlets to "encourage" me to photograph my new work for Etsy. She did ...... we did....so today I am doing the editing and will start posting later today.

Last night, at twilight, the fish were extremely active in the lake. It seems a little early for them to be jumping but then I have seen my first snake and the bugs seem to be making themselves visible. Dang. I think there will be a bumper crop of fish this year.
So in honor of "the fish". Here is one of my latest bead sets that I will be posting. Watch for it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The latest creation!

I have been having lots of fun! (Isn't that what retirement is all about?) The other day I was looking through a stash of my handmade beads and decided to play with different color and texture combinations. After trying about eery combo I could come up I made my final selections.
I pounded copper for accent pieces - made the copper jump rings - searched my vintage glass bead collection for just the right accent beads . After I finalized the "look" I connected my beads to the copper chain. It is a fun necklace!
Let me know what you think - I love your feedback!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beads....Beads and more beads!

I can't believe that Summer is almost gone. It seems like for months I have been sketching - forming - carving -molding and glazing lots and lots of different beads and pendants! I have a kiln full just waiting to be fired. Just waiting for a day where the temperature is under 90 degrees outside.

I have been taking photographs of the newest beads and I am just about ready to start posting to my Etsy site. http://www.etsy.com/shop/gailBarnett. I will start posting some of the latest pictures here later this week.

I recently joined an Art Coop called the Blue Raddish (It is a great little store). If you happen to be in the area - stop by! I am also giving beginner bead making classes on Thursdays.