Sunday, October 13, 2013

First Month of Summer... Otherwise known as June

When going through the photos, I saw this one and knew I had to put it on the blog. There once was a day in the not to distant past, when all these vehicles were cars and not vans! Now everyone is Anthony's family drives a van! Even his parents! Totally makes me laugh!

Peter has loved doing scouts! 
This is a bike rodeo that they did! He had a lot of fun!

One night we escaped to the park! I took photos and we let the kids run!

Our first official hot dog roast in our new pit! 

We planted three boxes this year. This is the middle box. It has cherry tomatoes and red pepper plants and carrots. The other two boxes were filled with zucchini and pumpkins. We also had two round containers with more carrots and some peas! 

This little kitten adopted our family for a few days. We ended up dropping her off at some neighbors who later adopted her. 

We headed up to the college gardens one Saturday afternoon and let the kids run and explore!

Some of us girls at Father's Day!

Not sure what this picture is... but thought it was fun!

At the end of June I had signed up to do my first 5K with a friend! I ended up hurting me foot or knee or something and had to walk it. Anthony was a good sport and it did it with me! Love that man!

And Julia hit 30 pounds! Yeah for no more 5 point harness!

Matthew Turns 4 and Swimming Lessons

Matthew turned 4 in June! He was so excited! He was so excited to get his birthday doughnuts and to have his cake! Matthew brings so much laughter and excitement into our home! He is always willing to take on a dare or do something that he thinks will make anyone laugh! He also likes to think of himself as big like his brothers. 

He bought the watch at the DI after Peter got one for his birthday! He wore it every where! He doesn't know how to tell time but he liked feeling big like Peter!

The Cake!
He wanted a dinosaur cake... one that looked like a T-Rex but this momma just doesn't have that talent. This is what he got instead and he loved it! It's actually a pan of Zucchini Brownies with frosting. I never put frosting one so it was super special!

We also had swimming lessons in June and the all the kids but Andrew did it! Andrew decided that swimming wasn't his thing so Julia got to take over his lessons. They all loved it! Especially Matthew and Julia! 

Matthew is a born swimmer! He was always out front of his class and had to be told often to slow down and to stay where his teacher could see him. 

Julia loved putting her face in the water and especially loved her teacher, who happened to be a bride that I did photos for! One day after getting in the van, Julia said, " Me teacher loves me! Me loves my teacher!"