Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Birthday Party at the Zoo

My dad and Andrew's birthdays are a ONE day apart so we often celebrate them together. This year we decided to go to the zoo and then eat pizza at the park. 

The kids always love the petting zoo. 
Julia wanted to wear a hat just like her brothers... but I didn't have any girlie ones! 

All the cousins...minus two.. baby Jacob and baby Naomi!

Andrew's favorite present came from Grandma and Grandpa


Blowing out the candles!

Grandpa's turn!

Even more cake and presents!

The boys really liked the ball and mitts that we got them. They played catch for hours!


August is a busy month with the finishing of summer project, school shopping, and the beginning of school. 
Throw in the County Fair and end of summer family activities and you get a lot of fun!
This year each of the boys put in a photo at the fair! 
I let them take our old camera out and shot around. It was a lot of fun. 
This one is Matthew's. 
Everyone got a plain white ribbon... which Matthew was excited about!

Andrew got third place in his division! I was so proud of him. He also earned a dollar!

Peter also got a participation ribbon and was a little upset that he didn't place higher. We talked about how sometimes that's life and that maybe next year he'll do better. I think he'll try for an art project. Something that he enjoys more!

I put five photos in this year. 
I decided since I have started charging for my photo sessions to classify in the Professional Division. I was so nervous but then so excited when I saw that I had received 1st and 2nd place! The prize money was so bad either! As I looked at the other professional class photos I noticed that there was only one other photographer in that class... haha! Oh well! 

Anthony has been wanting to make taffy with the kids  FOREVER! We finally did and it was a lot of fun!

The last Monday of summer vacation we headed to the nearby campground to enjoy one last campout! We didn't stay over...but maybe next time!

I did some canning! Something that I absolutely love! I did cherries, peaches, pickles, zuccinni, and carrots! And maybe more... I can't remember anymore! 

Just some fun summer pics! Cookie making and dough eating was a must this summer! We assigned an activity to every day and Wednesday was our baking day! (Monday-Library; Tuesday- Park; Thursday-water; Friday-farmer market)

Julia helped me practice my natural lighting technique in the bathroom! 

And we had a baby blessing! My brother Shaun blessed his baby at the beginning of the month and its always fun to get together with family to celebrate a new baby!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

FIRST Day of School

This year Peter is in the Second Grade! 
He is super excited to start school again! 

Andrew was excited too but was a little nervous as well! He has the same teacher that Peter did and he was super excited to be all grown up and going to school.

Lining up to go inside!

All ready to begin learning! 

Blackfoot Fire

On the way home from the Reunion we had our first real look at fire that was raging.  It was an awesome sight to behold and I had to kindly remind Anthony that he was driving a few times. 

This is what our kids during the ride! 
They were pretty tuckered out from all the fun!