Friday, March 30, 2012

I hope they call me on a mission!

My little baby brother (he will always be little and the baby in my eyes...LOL) received his mission call sometime in February...I think...I've been so bad about posting I'm not sure when this happen exactly...
All those that came to support my, grandma, and his friends...

My brother loves to pull jokes and tease so when he announced his call, nobody believed him until he actually showed it to us! He's going to the Marshal Islands!!! 

We are so proud of you, Glen and the man that you are becoming!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Andrew's View of February

Today we are having a guest poster:
He will tell me what to write about each of the pictures below.

This Julia and Dad doing chores. Julia wanted to help vacuum so Dad helped her.

This is a box of tissues. We use them for wiping our noses. We have had to do that a lot because we have had  a lot of boogers. 

This is me and Dad shoveling snow. There was a lot of snow!!

This is us shoveling again!

This was for when the lights went out....

...because of this.

I cut my thumb with safety scissors. 

Julia when she wakes up from sleeping 

This is Mom's cake that we had with Grandma and Grandpa Monson. It was good! 

We went to Great Grandma Wilson's house for dinner. We had a lot of fun!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Valentine Day 2012

We made these sweet treats for the valentines this year! My boys were a little put out because they wanted to put conversation hearts in their valentines instead. I soon convinced them otherwise!

We gave the kids these fun balloons (they're shaped like hearts) and they were an instant hit! They also got a new cup, pencil, and a box of conversation hearts. 

Julia in all here valentine day glory!

I got this! 
Thanks, Sweetheart!

Here's to another Valentine's Day!

28 Birthday Candles

28 candles! Gee that seems like an awful lot! That's more then one box...which my sister so kindly pointed out to me! We celebrated by eating an awesome ice cream cake and then Anthony and I attended a Madison High School basketball game! I loved it! 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

January---Tietjen Style

So it's March I am just barely "finding" time to blog about the month of January! I will try and catch up the rest of the time soon! ( I apologize mostly to my inlaws because this is their link to our family while they are serving their mission in Australia.) 

What happens to a girl with three older brothers that are all using the toilet like big boys? Julia really has no understanding about how a lady should use the potty! I think that I'm going to have a difficult time convincing her to use the toilet like a girl!

This is horrible ugly doll was giving to Julia at the hospital when they were trying to put a catheter in back in December. She carried it around for weeks before I was able to "convince" her it would be better suited for the D.I. pile!

Peter found one of his old friends in the D.I. pile and was hauling it around for a while, until we talked him into taking a picture and letting it go!

I often find Matthew and Julia together getting into mischief!

Anth's company offered us a free pass day at Fat Cats! We had a lot of fun bowling, eating pizza, and just enjoying each other! This was Matthew's face every time he bowled, whether it was a good one or not! 

We then went and saw Beauty and the Beast, digital remade and I would have to say that I liked the older version better. This one just seemed like it didn't flow, but maybe that's because I'm used to seeing it like it was. 

We then of course had to play some of the arcade games! 

The rest of the month is a little bit of a blurry and I'm not sure if any of the rest of the pictures are actually from January or from others...(what happens when you don't blog for a while!) The picture above and the other are from my photo blog that I have been doing a photo-a-day challenge. I have enjoyed it but have found it a little more challenging then I thought. 

I actually think this one was from February...Andrew "dropped" a paperclip onto something that was plugged into the outlet and the result was this...*shaking head* What am I going to do with this child?

We then spent other parts of the month being creative with art...watercoloring and coloring mostly!

This one is the crayon in case you were wondering!

My Going Poo-Free

At the risk of losing many of you as my friends and followers, I am about to make a confession! Since Thanksgiving, I have only been using the three pictured items above to wash my hair! I know that it sounds a bit insane and down right nasty, but I'm telling you that it works! And I have been loving the results! I got the idea from my amazing friend, Rachel C. and am so glad that I took her for her word and tried this out for myself. (For those still reading this far, she got all her info here....)
I was a bit skeptical at first and tried it out of pure friendship...okay...saving a ton of money on shampoo also crossed my mind. But after my  first wash, I knew that I was hooked! My hair has always been kind of dry, coarse and unmanageable...after washing my hair with the baking soda and water and then conditioning it with apple vinegar and water, my hair felt better and actually obeyed my attempts at doing it! (The apple vinegar does not leave any kind of smell in your hair after rinsing it!)  I have lately added a few drops of Doterra's Citrus Bliss to the baking soda/water and have loved the results of that too! 
My most favorite part of being poo-free is that I can go four days without having to wash my hair...thus saving me so much needed time in the morning for other things! (I have actually gone 6 days a couple of times, simply from not having time to wash, dry, and then style my hair) I have found that my hair is not greasy or nasty feeling as you would expect but actually is softer and less coarse..
even my hair dresser commented on it! 

Thanks, Rachel for sharing this! I am fully converted to the idea of natural shampoo!