Monday, December 10, 2012

Our Salt Lake Trip Part 1 --Planetarium

Every year we like to take a family trip. We chose to go to Salt Lake and to see some of the sites there! We had a great time!

Our first stop was at a rest stop kind of by Malad. Anthony insists that its a family tradition that we stop here and let the kids run, go to the bathroom, and just get out wiggles. It was pouring rain when we got here so there wasn't much running involved. Poor Matthew though, tripped when he was struggling to keep with his brothers. 

Our next stop was at the Clark Planetarium in the Gateway! What a great activity! It was a lot of fun and best of all FREE!!! 

They had a lot of cool hands on science experiments and demonstrations. 

The cool moon scene! 
Or was is it Mars? 
Guess I shouldn't wait six months to blog! 

I put together a Trip Bag for all the kids with different activities for the car. I found some really goofy glasses that the kids really loved wearing! 

You turned the knob and it would cause balls to fall through different holes and go through loops. We had to be very patient waiting our turn but it was finally ours! So much fun! 

We all stood on the scale and I decided that I was moving to Pluto!! 

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Fourth of July

We kept our Fourth of July simple this year. We stayed home and did activities mostly at home. 
We attended the parade but only for a little bit. 
We were on assignment from the Secret Service and gave out free Pop-Ice to those watching the parade. What a sketcher for our shy non-approaching family. 

We then came home and enjoyed some fireworks! 

Poppers! Always a family favorite!

I love this dress! 

Some nasty snakes! 

Later after some yummy homemade hamburgers (My husband tells me that they are amazing and requests them often!) we did sparklers and popped a huge bag of popcorn!

I love Matthew's expression in these!

Okay...this is still kind of cool. 

Now I'm bored!

Julia wanted nothing to do it with it!

We then started our own firework show while we waited for the towns to start. They were really late last year so we thought it would be a while. We were stunned when they went off at 9:30! It wasn't even fully dark! People were still coming to see them after they were all done. We invited a family that was walking home to watch our fireworks with us. Some of our neighbors came over as well. 

Overall, it was a great Fourth! 
Sometimes its nice to just enjoy our own small family and to spend time with just us. 

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Camping... well close anyways

Camping is not really something that we have ever done. My parents love to camp and so we usual will meet them up their campsite on Saturday and stay for the day and then head home. Our kids think that they are camping and I admit that I feel kind of bad about that but I'm just not brave enough yet to try it...maybe next year! 

My handsome hunk enjoying the hammock!

My brothers family on the other hand is far more brave and will stay over. She really is usually cleaner then this but my kids bring out the dirty! 

The backside of our van after the dusty drive up the canyon. 

We received a dutch oven for Christmas and have never used it. I decided that I need to learn and so I made dessert for dinner that night.

It was raspberry peach cobbler...I think...I only remember the raspberry but I know that I mixed with something. 

Peter got a little too much sun fishing with Uncle Glen and ended up throwing up on the way home. Perfect ending, right?

We saw this on our way home as well! 

It was running right along the edge of the road! Never seen one so close!

Julia sums up everyone's feeling at the end of the day! Camping? HOORAY!