Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 Christmas Letter

Here's this year edition! Enjoy!!!

Click on it to make it bigger....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December Randomness

Its definitely a Tietjen trait to be able to sleep anywhere and anyhow!

An explanation: He did not fall asleep this way. I was trying to wake him up and had set him and thought he would wake up. He just fell over instead!

On Sunday, Julia just looked so grow up and I wanted to capture the moment and the lighting was awesome. 

Matthew wanted a piece of the action as well!

Don't get me wrong...I love all my children evenly and the same but there's just something about this girl that captures my heart...maybe because she's my baby ...or that she's the only girl...or maybe my heart was so light because of the good news the doctor gave us about no surgery in our future...I just felt the need to capture the moment.


My new nephew decided to surprise the whole family and come two weeks early and three days before his daddy graduated! 

My brother cleans up on campus and hadn't really slept in over 36 hours when his son was born! 

Hello Jacob Lynn Monson

Grandma with the new grandson! 

Big sister with the new brother! She was so excited to spend the day at my house so that Aunt Rachal could take some finals!

There's just something about a newborn that makes you want to be reverent ....   and pause .....and review all the miracles that have happened in your life. 

The ice cream was far more appealing then a new brother!

There's something magically in seeing a great Grandmother hold her great grandchildren!

It was my Grandma's birthday the night of my brother's graduation. Its a start to a new year filled with wonderful possibilites! 

I know that this cake looks a little sad because its melting but in my defense, my husband loves our house to be a blaming 78-80 degrees! 

James before the graduation! Doesn't he look excited to be starting a new phase in life?

He's tolerating me in this photo!

The support group!

Summer in December

My awesome grandmother gave these to my kids for Christmas!! They were so excited! They love popsicles! 

This one got rotated kind of funny!! 

Just wanted to share some of what I have been doing to de-stress this holiday season! It so relaxing for me to pick up my camera and just breathe and focus on capturing the moments! Thanks for tolerating my indulgent behavior! 

Here come Santa Claus!

We decided to go see the trees up on campus and as it would be, someone special was visiting that night. Matthew ran right up to Santa and told that he wanted CANDY for Christmas!

Julia doesn't really like Santa...I'm hoping next year will be better! 

We found Uncle Glen on our way up to campus and he decided to tag along and gave us a hard time about talking up a lot of space when we walked down the hall! With a double stroller and then five other people in tow, we really did take up a lot of room!!

Matthew was fascinated with the glass railing!

Peter picked this tree to get a picture with...All Around the World

We then saw Santa again at our Ward Party! It was a lot of fun! I volunteered to take photos for all the parents and because this was the week before Julia's appointment, I de-stressed by creating these for all 62 of the pictures!

Andrew wants a tape measure...not sure why...I'm a little worried about what he wants it for...LOL

Julia just wants to stop being put on this fat guys lap!

Matthew wants as I already stated...CANDY! I see a dentist bill in my future. 

Peter really wants a dog but will settle for a bey blade...with a small amount of encouragement from his parents. 

And then Santa came again on Monday!!! We heard jingle bells and then there he was!! He came and told each of the kids what they had done that was good in the last 24 hours....they were so excited and amazed! He also gave us a little lesson on the true meaning of Christmas and asked to remember that it isn't about him but about Christ! 
I loved it and hope that he comes again next year!