Sunday, October 23, 2011

An Excursion

Our Relief Society Presidency announced almost two months ago that we would be attending the Relief Society Conference in the Conference Center. We would have to be prepared to leave at 5:30 am and prepared not to return until sometime after midnight. A whole day with women and no children! I was so excited and could hardly wait! Anthony was an amazing husband and "gladly" watched the kids all day! 

Our first stop after loading the bus, (The owners of Trailways Express are in our ward and donated a bus for us) was a tour of Welfare Square. I was astonished and impressed with everything I saw.  Did you know that only 20% of the clothing that we donate to the DI actually makes it out to the floor? Most of it is bundled for humanitarian purposes.
Did you know that the church produces their own milk and cheese? I didn't! They also donate all the scraps to shelters so that they can feed people. 

One of the milk machines

This was my bus buddy! My good friend Hilary! We had a lot of fun chatting all the way down and some of the way back (we slept a lot on the way home!) We were given free samples of chocolate milk and cheese. 

Another friend getting her free sample! 

The Bishop's storehouse! I had no idea that it was like a functioning store. Not sure what I expected...a warehouse maybe. 

Some of the products that the Church produces for sale at the storehouse. 

Our leaders have not asked to do anything that they haven't already done. This is the Church's three month supply of food for all the bishop's storehouses. 

They have a bakery where they bake their own bread! 

This is the grain silo! It only took 8 days to build this amazing structure. They rotate the grain every four to five  years and donate the grain to the food banks in the area. 

Our next stop was lunch!! 

Only in Salt Lake would you see a sign like this! We all thought it was rather funny! Charity never faileth!

Then it was on to temple square! We were given about an hour to tour temple square and then we all met back together to watch the Joseph Smith movie.  My bus buddy had never been to Temple Square because she is from Maryland.  It was awesome to share it with her!

Patty and Sunny at the Joseph Smith Building

With a group of the ladies that went on the Excursion!

The whole group! 50 in all!

Then on to the Conference center to watch the Conference! It was amazing experience to be there! We sat on the very top balcony and on the second row. It was little daunting to sit so high up! As long as I didn't move my head to fast from right to left I did okay. On the way out though, I almost did't make it up the stairs without blacking out. Vertigo! Got to love it!

It was an amazing trip and one that I am so glad that I went on! To be there in person to hear President Uchtdorf's Forgot-Me-Nots, in grained it in my soul. I so needed to hear them!  

This experience strengthen my testimony and has given me the help the needed this last weeks! I am so thankful that I could be apart of it!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's a Parade!

Because of the crowd of people that show up for our local Fourth of July parade, we attended the Firth/Shelley Spud Day parade in September instead.  Its a lot less crowded, the parade last about 20 minutes top, we can find a place to sit and park that is close, and our kids get enough candy to last until the end of October! And we ended up seeing pretty cool least things that you won't see in the "city" where we live. 

Julia's first parade experience! She's not so sure about it as you can see.

I loved how my boys kept their hands on their hearts even after the flag had long since gone by. Matthew had so much fun clapping and cheering for every float or car that went by

Some of the "strange" things that we saw.... a tractor being carried on a flat bed. ...

Russet Pride....Shelley's mascot is the Russet Potato.

Old fashion tractors...

Kids on donkeys and horses...

my personal favorite....Miss Hot Potato

The world's largest baked potato...

Guys that graduated before I did still singing in a "garage" band...

The local band...I personally think this in the middle school but I'm probably wrong and its the high are getting younger and younger these days!

The spoils of the day! A large cloth bag filled 2/3 full with candy!!!

Sunday, October 09, 2011


It's that time of year again! Time to update the family photos for the home! I finally got around to taking pictures of my kids...still working on the updated family picture! It's so hard to get one that works with me working a tripod. Hopefully, the third time will be the charm!

They are getting so grow up! It surprises me every day how much they have grown up. The most humbling job is that of a mother. My kids teach me things about myself every day. 

Below are a few outtakes of the shoot. The ones that I edited but won't make the "wall" anytime soon! Maybe I'll do a collage this winter and hang it somewhere.