Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A barbecue and a hunt

The first warm day in...hmmm...well forver!!!! We celebrated by first kicking the stomach flu out of our house...(so rude of it to stop by without an invitation!) and second having a family barbecue with my family!! With being Easter we decided to throw an Easter egg hunt in, just for fun!!

We made these bags last minute as Grandma was pulling up to the house! Stole them from Peter's teacher!! What a great idea!!

Grandma thought this was an "egg"-cellent place to hide an egg! The fact that it was carrot shaped, sealed it  fate!

All the Monson Grandkids....couldn't get them to smile or look ...despite the large group of adults telling them to!! Way to excited to see what in those eggs!

Peter's favorite...cold hard cash!!! To the question what he was going to do with it, he replied "It's going in my piggy bank for my mission!!" Insert proud mother smile here!!!

 The adult hunt got a little interesting...we found eggs buried in rotting leaves, under eves, up in trees, and my personal ...uhh..favorite...
 THE GARBAGE CAN!!!! Amongst all the dirty yucky diapers that the stomach flu brought us!!! YUCK!!

We got a new patio door for our kitchen (another post...hopefully!). I failed to slide the screen open, so when an excited boy ran through the kitchen into the backyard, he popped out the screen!!! 

THE WINNER!!! She got the most money out of the hunt!! Way to go Aunt Rachal!!

Gifts from Grandma...candy and a rabbit catch game!

So glad that the sun came out and decide to stay for two days!!!! Could it be that Spring really has come?

*P.S. It snowed today!! Guess not!   *sigh*


I love Easter...It means spring has come (or will soon come) and that everything will be reborn and renewed. The grass will grow green.....the trees will start to bud and leaves will appear...flowers will pop up their heads and covered the ground with color! After a long winter, spring means so much... I love these reminders of death losing its grip and life being restored...its brings me such hope and happiness. I am so thankful for my Savior who sacrificed so much for me and then rose again the third day... beginning life anew!! What a miracle!!! 

The Egg...the symbol of rebirth...I love giving them the color of spring and giving them a new look!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Introducing the new...


A couple of weeks ago, my brother got married in the Rexburg Temple! It was a great day! The sealer was wonderful and gave great advice and counsel! The day was a little stressful for me since I was asked to take the pictures...but over all it turned out great and I'm glad that I got to be there and participate!
 My mom's family that came to the wedding

 All those that were at the temple ....
 My brother with my mom...he had that smile for most of the day...

 The reception....
 My cute little family...I'm so thankful that all their shirts stayed white...all the ties stayed on...and the dress fit!! and that Julia left her hair alone for the pictures!
 Cousins shot...the best that we could do with kids that had enough of pictures and just want to run and play..
 Julia did so well...she was giggly and happy for most of it...
 The cake....

 Off to the nursery to play with toys and watch movies...
 My brother James with his daughter Kaylie and Julia...

 The CAR!!! The groomsmen rolled some tires into the gym half way through...just extra snow tires that my dad had but it was enough to get the bride and groom a little nervous...

 These two are only two weeks apart and love playing together...this is Matthew trying to take the bubbles away from Kaylie because he got his taken away...

 Julia with her dad....
 The quilt that we spent two sessions of conference tying ...

I'm glad that its over and that I have a new "sister!" Thanks for joining our family Andrae!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

A Hunt for Bunny Money

Over Conference Weekend, we visited Grandma and Grandpa Monson, as is tradition! We were joined by our cousin and aunts and uncles! I loved Conference! It was so enriching and fulfilling! I walked away feeling renewed and filled with hope and love! The kiddos enjoyed conference as well...Friend collages, games on the IPad, Fruit-Loop Necklaces, and decorating foam Easter Eggs.  But above all, the Bunny Money Hunt was the best for them! 

My sister-in-law and me have the same taste in pajamas it appears! 

Matthew going on the hunt! This is his second year, though last year he spent the hunt in someone's arms, he soon had it figured out. 

Andrew is a smart kid! He shook the egg to make sure it had money in it and not just candy!

Peter was so fast at getting his eggs that this is the only picture that I got of him.

 Julia's first hunt and she was a pro! She had the advantage of two adults helping her but did an exactly job of hunting for her eggs.

I was very excited to see that Julia got chocolate in her eggs! Maybe next year, I'll share with her!
My mom filled several eggs with just fishy crackers for those that couldn't have it! (Deeply appreciated!) We had to do a little switching around but in the end, everyone was happy!

Julia can't wait to be big and get to go outside with the boys. She is constantly trying to get downstairs with them and loves to wrestle with them.......Can you say tomboy?