Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day! Always have and always will...I'm a romantic at heart and when I was wee lass I would envision all kind of romantic things happening to me on Valentines' Day. Of course...I then was always disappointed and irritated at the whole for the following week for not fulfilling my desires. How inconsistent! (I once actually slammed a book over the top of a kid's head during my health class on said holiday because he messed with me on the wrong day! I'm told it was an awesome hit...I don't remember much of it...just picking up the book, standing up, and then sitting down while everyone in my class looked at me like I had grown another head or ways...)  But I have grown up and matured and realized that its not the world's duty to make me happy but that it  has to do with my attitude and most importantly letting my expectations be known! (It took being married to learn that one!) 

This year Anthony and I weren't really going to do anything since the holiday fell on a Monday and his family usually does a party that only the adults get to come kid free night...its awesome...The party is this weekend so we thought it would be good to do just that. Saturday came and I found myself getting all hyped about Valentines (mostly because I had to go to the store and see all the flowers and balloons and etc). I finally let Anthony know that I wanted to go out and so we did! 

We went and saw a movie (Gulliver's Travels...not the best date movie) and then played some arcade games which I love to do! We got an awesome number of tickets and decide to get the boys some fun stuff! Which we delivered after we rescued a fireman...while attempted too! (His van wouldn't start so we gave him a jump but it didn't help.)

 Not sure what these are called...Chinese finger stuckers...but the boys loved them! It kept them busy for the next ten minutes anyways...

 Don't you think that these would be great in sacrament meeting? Just imagine one on every finger! Yeah..I think it might work! LOL!

A hacky sack was also a good investment of tickets...a ball that doesn't roll... another great Sacrament toy. (Our chapel is sloped...meaning anything that can roll will if dropped or in our case thrown!)

 Julia celebrated Valentine's Day cutting her first two teeth! YESSSSSS!!!!! It only took two months for those suckers to come in!! You can kind of see them if you look really close!

My sweet husband listened to my expectations and delivered exactly what I (not roses..I like daisies so much better) and chocolate (dove milk chocolate...its wonderful frozen and then sucked on when life gets a little crazy...two or three times a day... : )  The "kids" gave me the other plant...Peter went with Anthony to get my flowers...

The kids each got a Valentine cup with Circus Animals in them (Banana Puffs for Julia) and Anth got a bucket full of crackers and swedish fish...his favorite! 

Isn't Valentine's Day wonderful?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Am I really that old?

Two weeks ago I had a really made me feel...well ...old.  Loved ...but old. 27 is kind of a weird age for it to make me feel that way. Maybe it has something to do with that I have four kids, graduated from high school 9 years old, graduated from college 3 years, got married almost 8 years ago...I feel like I have grown up! I know that sounds really weird but its true! All the things that I planned on doing when I was young and in my teens has happened...I feel so blessed to have seen many of those hopes and dreams come to reality! 

I had an awesome day and went to bed feeling loved and appreciated! My visiting teachers came by and gave me a yummy cupcake and a bouquet of my favorite flowers. Anthony took the day off to be home with me and the younger kids while I ran kindergarten and preschool drop off! (Do you know how awesome it is to only have to put two kids in carseats instead of four to drive the equivalent of one mile? That TOTALLY made my day!) We then went and got paint for the kitchen..something that has been in the works for about three years!

These are the flowers I got for my birthday and also the new paint on the walls! I totally love the color! It make my kitchen so much brighter...buts that another post!

My mom then took me to lunch with my sisters-in-laws and sister...awesome..and then my dear friend and sister-in-law Christy brought me another cupcake for my birthday! So awesome! Kiss the diet goodbye! It's only once a year right? (I've been saying that a lot why do they have to have some many "yummy" holidays so close together?)

Anthony and I then got to out for dinner and were going to do some of other things but my non-gallbladder body couldn't handle the onion rings that we had...sigh...oh well...overall it was a great birthday!