Sunday, June 27, 2010

All about Matthew

I felt that Matthew deserved his own post! I haven't posted very many pictures of him or told much about his accomplishments! This might be a little long so if you would like to tune out now, feel free!

Matthew has a special personality. He has a way of making us laugh and is going to be the clown in our family! He loves the camera and loves to make people laugh! He is such a ham!! This was taken on his first Easter morning! He was just as excited as the "boys" to see what what he had gotten and had a lot of fun looking for eggs! He is about 10 months in this picture!

This was Matthew's first trip to the park! He had a blast walking around and playing with the bark, or eating it! He got to go down the slide a couple of times and had a blast. He loves being treated like the big boys. He gets really offended if he is not allowed to do something that they are doing!

This is his first taste of watermelon and he was in love! He loves any type of fruit and will bang on his tray and beg for more whenever he sees it on the table or on the counter!

This boy loves to eat! But we always know when he is doing eating because he starts to rub his eyes and put the food in his hair! This was taken at about 9 months. He was eating everything that we were, even carrots! He just gnaws at them till they are gone. He has about 10 teeth now and is working on cutting his last two molars. Crazy!!!

Much like all toddlers, Matthew has the ability to get several "boo-boos" within a small amount of time. In this picture you can see his eye where he hit on the window sill. For the past couple of months, he always has a bump or a bruise somewhere! Is this just a boy thing? He also is always getting into stuff that he shouldn't.  I know that that is normal behavior but Matthew has added sense of it. He is always squeezing into places he shouldn't or playing with things that are off limits. He is constantly on the move! Moving  from one thing to the other. He hates to be held!!

Another Ham shot!! 

 This Matthew before he got his first hair cut! He had a huge cowlick on the front and then about 3 inches on top that we would just comb over. It was time! But he was scared of the clippers! 

After! He looked bald for about a week! It took us a while to get use to his new look! 

Matthew turned one about a week ago! He didn't really understand what was happening but he sure loved all the attention and the fact that he got to have cake! (No ice cream because he is lactose- intolerant.) He loved the ice cream cupcakes that Grandma brought! He ate the whole thing when they came up the day before because Grandpa had to work on his actual birthday. 

The cake that I made for his birthday. Banana with Hot Fudge icing! He knew what it was  and couldn't wait to put his hands in it! He never did get the concept of blowing out the candle! 

Got to get those last few crumbs! It think that it was the icing that he was after! Much to my frustration, he like Grandma's cake way better then mine! 

All done!  It took about five minutes to get him all clean! What a mess!

We couldn't imagine our family without him! We love you, Matthew! Hurray for surviving your first year!!