Friday, April 23, 2010

Sigh of Relief

Again my life has been blessed by the tender hand of the Lord! These last 7 months, I feel like I have been put to the faith test. It seemed like every time we would get over one crisis, another one would spring up. But through all these tests, we have learned something and have seen miracles and tender mercies administrated. Case in point....

I went in for my 28 week appointment ( I only have 12 weeks to go! I can't believe it!) and found that I had failed my glucose test. You all know the one I'm talking about! That yucky sugar drink that makes you nauseous and gives ya a headache. Ne ways... I was told that I had to do the three hour test. This involves not eating anything after midnight and then not till they tell you that you can. Almost 12 hours (or longer if you are like me and don't stay up till midnight)! Then they precede to poke you every hour for three hours after you drink something twice as sweet as the first one. Horrible!! Ne ways... I was really nervous about it because I just felt like having to count carbs and calories would just make me completely crazy! Lately I have had a hard enough time talking and walking. (that's another story.) Ne ways.... after the third time of being poked and with one more hour in sight, they set me home because my levels were fine! I was so relieved!

I know that the Lord heard my prayers and that He was aware of me! I feel as though I grown closer to the Lord through this pregnancy and feel that though it has been hard, He has never left me! I definitely have learned to trust in my Father and let him carry me.