Sunday, March 28, 2010

5 and Counting!!!

Peter turned the big 5 last week! He was so excited! He counted the days down until St. Patricks Day because he knew four days after was his birthday! Peter is pumped about going to school in the fall! I personally can't remember where the time has gone! I know that I have two other kids but it seems like last week that we brought him home. What a special kid he is to be sent to very unprepared parents, who have to learn many lessons about patience and faith.

I had decided that I was only going to do big birthday parties with friends when my kids turned 5, 8, and 12. This was how my mom did it and it seemed to work! So this was our first party and I think that it went pretty well. We had it last Saturday (his birthday was actually Sunday) and every time the phone rang, I cringed because it was usually someone asking me or telling me that there was something else to do that day. Ne ways... we invited five cousins (some of Peter's favorite and their close friends as well) and two friends. It was crazy for about an hour but the kids all seemed to have fun. We played Green light, Red light (Peter's favorite) and Duck, Duck, Goose, and then Pin the tail on the Donkey. I made balloon hats for all the kids when they got to the house and then swords and one animal after we had cake. The swords were a good/bad idea! The kids loved them but went kind of wild "fighting" each other.

On Peter's actually birthday we got up and made banana muffins for breakfast and later had Honey Soy Sauce Chicken. He could hardly wait to open his presents; a box of sidewalk chalk, two cans of playdough, new clothes, a doodle pad (he loves to draw and color, favorite activity!!), and a soccer ball. He was kind of disappointed when it was done because he really wanted a baseball set but being the paranoid parents we are we were pretty sure that it would become a weapon, hence the ball!

Peter's look of joy when he opened his ball! He loves it now and plays with all the time! He ordered Applesauce Bars for his birthday cake and I was happy to obligaged because there is more applesauce then sugar in it. It makes a great breakfast bar! Ne ways...he had a great birthday and can't wait till next year!

Peter is such a special kid! He loves to draw and anything that is artistic! He is such a big help around the house and helps take care of everyone (sometimes to much...I have to remind him who the mom is...just like my mom did! ) He has such a huge testimony and is not afraid to share it. He can quote scripture stories and remembers things that have happened better then we can. We love him so much!

The First of Many

My awesome neighbor and friend bought this for me after she found out that we were having a girl! Everyone has been so excited for us and it is finally becoming real to me that we are going to have a girl. After receiving this , I bought my first pink dress! I haven't taken pictures of it yet but I hope to post pictures of her in it. It has a cute little pink sweater over a dress of pink flowers. Last weekend I went to a garage sale and had so much fun going through all the girl clothes looking for things. I put a pink jacket and some hair bows. My sister-in-law and I are talking about making some of our own and I am way excited! Anth's family is planning a shower as well as mine and so I want to be careful about my purchases but I can't help myself! I am excited!!