Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Soon it will be Christmas and we just wanted to make sure that you knew how good we have been. Each of us has tried in our own way to do what we should.

Peter has been so good this year, Santa. Not even really crying after he got his root canal and crown in July. Pretty good for a four year old, huh? He was nice to all the kids and made friends in preschool this year as well. He is the biggest helper with Matthew, giving him his toys and pacifier and helping his mommy feed him and change his diaper. Peter also sings him songs to help him stop crying until his mommy can come get him.

Andrew has tried super hard to be good this year as well! He even dressed like a superhero on Halloween with the rest of his family to show how hard he is trying to be good. As a three year old mechanic that loves to take things apart and see how they work, Andrew has been tempted a lot this year to destroy a lot of stuff but he has been good and hasn’t touch his mom’s toaster yet! He can usually fix all the things he takes apart and fix those things Mommy can’t!

Matthew, only being 6 months, has been exceptionally good! He is generally a happy baby that loves to smile and laugh, especially at his two big brothers! He hardly fussed when he cut his two bottom teeth and he always eats his vegetables that his mommy has started feeding him. Matthew eats so good that he now weighs 17 pounds and is 26 ¾ inches tall! He is trying hard to be patient as he learns to crawl . . . if he could only get his belly off the ground!

Mommy and Papa have tried really hard to be good too! Papa has even been working with the young men in the ward to help them get their Duty to God. Mommy worked really hard in the Primary until she got released and now she gets to make phone calls every month to see if people have done their visiting teaching. Papa also was really, really good when he had a root canal as well in August. He had to go to the ER and everything to get some medicine to make it stop hurting until a dentist could look at it and fix it! Mommy and Papa were very forgiving when they got really sick after eating dinner at that one restaurant! They were sick all day but they didn’t get mad at the people that gave them the food!

Santa, last of all we are excited for the early Christmas present in our Mommy’s belly! We can hardly wait to see it and we will try and be patient until July when it comes! It was such a surprise to find out that we got a Christmas present in the middle of November, even before Thanksgiving! Could you please send a sister? We don’t have one of those you know!

Thanks for everything and have a great Christmas!


The Tietjens

P.S. We have put in some pictures so that you can see how big we are! We know that you never really get to see us because we are always asleep when you come!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Family Winter Picture

Hope you like our new family winter picture.