Sunday, June 29, 2008

IT'S A .....


Meet Cody, the newest member of our family! We just adopted him yesterday and we love him so much already! The boys love him and is so good with them. He hardly ever barks or growls at them. He has lots of energy so he fits in perfect with the boys. It feels like our family is more complete now and we are so excited about having him. We plan on keeping him but he is kind of on a trial basis right now. So, if you are in town, stop on by and meet the new addition!

Faster, Horsie! Faster!

The boys and I have been working on the Summer Reading program that goes through the library. For signing up they got free passes to the Carousel. We took them over to Porter Park for Family Home Evening. It was a lot of fun! Peter was pumped while Andrew was a little apprehensive but warmed up to it. I, personally, have always loved the Carousel but lately it just makes me dizzy and little sick. Not so much fun when gravity begins to work on your body more. Ne ways... we then played on the toys, watched people play in the water, and then came home to have Tiki Punch Floats. It was alot of fun! I love times like this. The best part is that Anth and I rode bikes there and the boys were in the trailer. It gives Anth and I time to talk when we the bikes!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A little free adversting never hurt!

Last Friday, the boys and I went to the Children's Museum! It was a blast! And Yes, Rexburg has a children's musuem! Finally! Its part of the Teton Dam Museum and is only fifty cents for children two and older and two bucks for an adult! So for two fifty I can have some peace and the boys can wear out some energy. The boys really love going to the museum! Every month they have a theme and this months is ROCKS with Pioneers mixed in the side. They boys really love it here!

This is Peter riding the sheep! It's kind of like a rocking horse and if you squeeze the ear it bleats!
Andrew loved the chalkboard! He would scribble on it and then erase it! He was excited when one of the workers showed him all the magnets that he could put on it!
The ladies that run the museum are so awesome with the kids. They always come in and make sure the boys see everything and they explain all the cool things. This is one of them explaining how the volcano worked! Peter was so intrigued and his mouth dropped open when the volcano suddenly began ozzing lava. It was great!
They have this great tree house that kids can climb up and read books in or (my boys favorite) drop stuffed animals over the side!
This is the cabin that they have set up for the pioneer theme! It has box lunches inside that have wooden food in that the kids can play with. Theres even a doll they can dress up!
They also have a table for coloring and drawing! The boys really like this one! There is another table with small toys on it. Well worth the effort of going! They change the theme every month and they have kind of weird hours but it is so worth going! I totally recommend it!

Madison High School Groundbreaking

Last Thursday we attended the groundbreaking for the new high school! It was hot but not crowd and best of all short. We stood in line and let the boys dig in the dirt since they will be attending this high school most likely. They offered free hamburgers and stuff for everyone but we decided it wasn't worth waiting in line forever with two hot and grumpy boys. We went to a resturant instead and then to the DI! A family treat! HAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fathers N Sons!

This week was our wards fathers and sons. Anthony decided not to go for the overnight but he woke the boys up really early and went to the breakfast. I relished the idea of having a whole morning to myself. (That's the best thing about having all boys!) So Anthony headed to the sand dunes, while I indulged myself in free time. I watched the rest of the fifth season of Road to Avonlea, (the new show that I'm hooked on, its a old one but I love it! It has Felicity, Gus Pike, Sara, Aunt Hettie King, etc.)

I then made a potatoe salad for a barbeque that we were going to later. The boys showed up a little early, like two hours, and I was a little disappointed but glad to have them home. The boys had so much fun digging in the dirt! We might have to go back and play there some time. They had a blast! I did enjoy my time off and I will admit that I did miss the chaos that I often feel is my life, when my boys are around. It was almost too quiet!

Puddin' Painting

Peter has decided not to take any more naps! So out of desperation to keep him busy and to give him something to do, we did pudding painting the other day. We don't have any finger paint and some one suggested using pudding. That way they could eat the paint and have fun at the same time! Peter had a blast! He loved squeezing the pudding between his fingers and smearing it around everywhere. Andrew won't even touch the stuff. He doesn't like to be dirty or pudding for that matter. Peter was in heaven! He sat and painted for about 45 minutes! It was great! I would highly recommend it to anyone!

Friday, June 06, 2008


It took three tries, but I have tasted Victory, and boy does it taste great! Okay, so I finally cheated! I have been trying to make bread by hand, without the aid of the bread maker. I wanted to know if I could do it, and it seemed like it might be fun! Some fun when you are covered in floor, bowls piled up in the sink, and bread that refuses to raise, people knocking on the door! My first two attempts turned out horrible, you couldn't even eat it! So this last time, I but the ingredients in the bread maker and pushed the dough button! It worked awesome! I guess I'm a technology girl~good thing that I wasn't born a hundred years ago!

Glen's Birthday

Sunday was spent in Firth celebrating my "baby" brother's birthday! He turned 15! That makes me feel kind of old! It was only yesterday that I was 15, longing for 16! (sigh) Those were the days! NOT!! NE ways... it was a fun day! We surprised my family at church and then had a wonderful dinner with a volleyball afterwards! It was a surprise because we found out on Saturday that our engine mounts were completely shot! Not travel worthy! So we borrowed a mini van from one of Anth's brothers(thanks Ashley!) and had a wonderful day!

Notice the absence of glasses and braces! Looking Good, bro!

Monday, June 02, 2008

I've been tagged!

So I have been completely lazy since I graduated and haven't done anything really but nothing! It has been wonderful but I'm being to feel a little too lazy! Ne ways... I have been tagged by two different people and dedicate this post to those tags.

First Tag!
A ~ Each person has to list 6 facts/habits about them.
B ~ After part A, go to 6 people's blogs and leave a comment letting them know to read your blog, and that they have been tagged. List at the end of your posting who you have tagged.

1~ I love to read! I enjoy reading historical novels! Surprise, surprise, right? I have also decided that in order to continue to enrich myself I am going to read several non-fiction books dealing with different historical times!

2~ I love American history! It became my focus when I was getting my degree! I love learning about the Constitution and Early American history. I found myself getting pulled in and getting so excited about everything! Because of my degree, I was able to learn about America from the 1500s up to 1900! I love it!

3~ I wanted to go back East some day and explore all the places that I have researched and study. I think it would be so cool to actually be in the places that I have learned so many facts about!

4~I'm a budding photographer. I really enjoy taking pictures of everything that is around me. I found myself looking at the world differently now that I look through a camera lens. I'm not really that good but I find contentment in doing it.

5~I'm also beginning to work on becoming a balloon artist. I know that sounds funny but it really is fun to take a balloon and twist it into a shape and watch kids eyes light up while you are doing it.

6~I have been working on Family History and was able to find 14 names. We have them all baptized. We are working on the endowments. Soon we will be able to do the sealings. It is such a great feeling to be part of this! I love it! I get to research and learn about my ancestors and then get to feel their presence inside the temple. It has been an awesome experience!

I tag anyone that wants to do this!

Keep reading for the second tag!


I am: loving being home with my boys even though I find myself going a little crazy sometimes!

I think: I am being too lazy and need to get busy doing something more productive then be able to read a whole novel in two days.

I know: that the church is true and that I am being watched and protected by my Father in Heaven.

I want: to exercise more and get my yarn all weeded!

I have: a terrific husband who supports in everything that I want to do!

I wish: that it could be summer every day! I have really enjoyed the warm weather! I am ready for the sun to shine for more then a 5 hour time period!

I hate: peas! I hate cooked peas! There's just something about the texture and taste that wants to make me gag!

I miss: school! I know that sounds crazy! But I missing being able to go up on campus to have my mind stimulated and to have a conversation with an adult that didn't include something to do with kids.

I fear: the dark! I hate the dark and it scares me so bad to go outside by myself in the pit black and do something!

I feel: ready for a change and ready to be outside!

I hear: crying and the movie Mulan playing in the background. Actually the crying is over, and I hear the boys playing together. It's wonderful when that happens!

I smell: a dirty diaper! Andrew needs a change but I'm going to finish this first because if I don't I might never finish!

I crave: chocolate and time to myself to do whatever I want too!

I search: for family members through family search and also ancestry. com. I have hit a road block though which is making it difficult to make it possible to go back much further.

I wonder: about how life will be when I'm older. How many kids I will have? If I will still be in the same house and what life will just be like.

I regret: holding grudges against people. I wish that I had let go of some of the small stuff.

I love: history! American history is my passion!

I ache: in my shoulder! I feel down the stairs in my garage and my arm took alot of the shock.

I care: about my calling and about how others see me too much! I need to focus more on how I appear to my Savior instead of others!

I always: lose my temper at least once a day. I have awful temper and it oftens gets the better of me.

I am not: ready for company right now! My house is kind of a mess and of course, I have that dirty diaper that needs changed!

I believe: in the power of my Savior to do anything! He has helped me to accomplish everything worthwhile in my life!

I dance: with my boys and with Anthony when I can. I love to turn on music and dance around with my boys! It's awesome!

I sing: in church, in the car, and throughout the day when a tune comes to me! I love old musicals and will often burst into song singing some old musical tones!

I don't always: use my time wisely! I have so many things that I NEED to do but I haven't really done any of them!

I fight: with Anthony and Peter over the dumbest things! That don't ever really matter but my pride gets in the way!

I write: not as often as I use too! I used to write stories and poems all the time when I was younger and I wrote in my journal every day. Now I hardly ever do those things!

I win: hugs and kisses from my boys every day!

I lose: horribly! I'm a bad loser and so I have a hard time playing games with family members because I hate to lose and then I hold grudges. I need to learn to let go!

I never: get to do things when I want to do things. Being a mom has that effect! I have learned to live with it and to adjust to it!

I listen: to Peter and Andrew talk all day. It is getting a lot more fun now that they have a bigger vocabulary.

I can usually be found: at home, upstairs, in front of the window!

I am scared: for my kids. This world is getting mighty scary!

I need: new fingers! This post is getting long!

I am happy about: it being nice outside and that no rain is in sight!

I tag: anyone that wants to do this. It's pretty fun and enlightening!