Sunday, September 18, 2011

Juggling it all is getting a little easier...

My little boy is 2 months old now!!!! Where has the time gone?

Thank you to his wonderful Auntie Jamie for this great blanket! For a long time Wade would have a hard time being left to play by himself. I think it was because he was so young still. Now that he is getting older he has an easier time playing on the floor by himself. He laughs and smiles and talks to himself all while I race around the house trying to get things done.
Playing with cousin Frejya... She is a little older so I think she has more fun then Wade does. Jillian is back in California and thank goodness! I was getting sad without having a sister around. Now I can do sister things with her and we have our cute kiddies that can play together.
Doing push ups with Uncle Stephen. It is football season and I am so excited. Not because I like football but I love to cook. I would cook more for Vernon but it is kind of sad to only cook for one person. Plus I love to make appetizers and football games are a great time to try out my recipes on Vernon's friends. Making good people good food is one of my favorite things to do.
Our two month growing photo. I saw a neat picture set up where there were 12 slots for pictures and in each slot there was a month by month photo of the baby in the same spot in the same outfit. I thought it was a neat way to see how much they have grown. So I started at 1 month and put Wade on our red ottoman. I used his little captain america figurine for size
If you get into our bed in the morning this is how you sleep... right in the middle so no one else can sleep. I love when you sleep in your crib at night but I love to cuddle with you in the morning even more. You wake up sooo happy and giggly. It is such a great way to start my day.
It is ridiculous how much you loooooovvvveeeee water. You will stay in the shower for hours if we let you. Baths and showers with your Dad are you favorite times.
Hanging with Dad playing video games. It is crazy how much this little boy adores Vernon. He just stares and stares at him when he is near. They make faces at each other and Wade always looks around for him when he hears his voice. Before we even got pregnant I told Vernon I wanted a little him and that is exactly what I got. Jere and Vernon sweat in the same spots, both have clammy feet, have the same facial expressions, can only exist when our apartment is 65 degrees, and they both love to watch football.
I often hear you snorting in the night and this is what I see when I get up, your face pressed against the mesh sides. You are such a wiggler night and day. I'm getting a little worried if I will be able to keep up with you when you are mobile.
Cute family picture. Don't worry I look skinnier since then, oh and you look fatter since then.
Our one month growing picture.

So things have been going pretty well here at the Atwater home. We are now a one car family while we save up to buy a new family car. The mercedes is paid off and we are just counting pennies until we can buy a more practical family car. I have started putting together our 72 hr kits and it is a little more stressful then I thought it would be. Vernon and I have a really big problem with spending money on little Wade. He has a new outfit 1-2 times a week. Oh I sure loved having that life, new shoes or a purse whenever I wanted. Now my little boy gets a new pair of shoes instead. It's starting to cool down here in California which is nice because leaving the house in 100 degree weather is rough. And our electric bill will finally start to go down...

The baby and I get to go visit Pennsylvania in a day and we are really excited. Vernon won't be able to go with us because has to work but we will miss him. I am excited to go home and see my family. Since I married someone who works in retail I will never be able to go home during the holidays with my husband. So it is nice to be able to go other times of the year. I am blessed to have loving parents who can fly my baby and I out there to spend some time. There will be tons of pictures!