Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The little things

So I don't forget, these are some little things that make me smile about my boy.

  • He squeals when he goes pee. If he is sitting on the couch wearing a diaper and going pee, I can hear a loud squeal from anywhere in the house. If he is peeing in the shower, sure enough a squeal.
  • Wade has gone pee in his little potty 3 times. Twice in 1 day! He is starting to understand the concept and even asks to be put on the potty.
  • It is very exciting when anyone goes potty. If I go pee in the potty he squeals the entire time. He always flushes, closes the lid, and turns off the light for me. 
  • Wade loves to be naked. He runs faster, smiles bigger, and giggles more when he is naked. 
  • Some of his first words were (in order) - ah mah (mom), up, blue, biddy (birdie), bisss (fishie),  no, don't, bug, pada (potty), diaper (da),  and mama. He doesn't say all of them anymore. Just a few here and there
  • He loves to talk about dogs and cats. He doesn't like to actually touch them though. He keeps his distance. Whenever we pass by a dog while jogging I hear "ooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!! uuuuhhhh!!!! ooooooooooof!" from the stroller. He gets pretty excited.
  • He seems to be able to spot bugs anywhere. If we are walking around outside he always looks to the ground with an excited squeal (yes, it is the same as the potty one) and starts talking about bugs.
  • Wade can recognize a bird sound from anywhere. If I am getting him out of his carseat and he hears a bird, I have to wrestle him to unstrap. He goes nuts whenever he hears birds around and always has to find them.
  • We can't go through a shopping trip without him eating some kind of round fruit. Anytime he sees the produce he goes nuts and doesn't quit until he gets his hands on something. He has tried the veggies, like tomatoes or avocados, but it never goes well. I often feel like a bad customer because I have to ask the check stand to adjust the weight to properly pay for the fruit my son has eaten. This also means things are quite sticky by the time we get home. 
  • He is the fastest 1 year old I have ever seen and takes corners like a Ferari. I love the sound of teeny quick footsteps running all over the house. He just seems to be in a hurry!
  • Wade loves to brush his teeth with anyone's toothbrush except his own.
  • Sometimes I forget to close my lotion container so if he can get his hands on it he will spend an hour rubbing lotion on me. The other night I left it open on the bathroom counter and he would run back and forth from the bathroom to the living room and rub my leg once he got to me. It took me a while to realize that he was rubbing lotion on me. 
  • Wade also likes to rub my bare legs. Whenever I am wearing shorts he always tries to sneak a couple rubs in there. I'm not really sure why...
  • He sleeps in a big boy bed now and quite well. He goes to sleep in it every night and then comes to our bed around 4-5am. I don't mind it, I love the morning snuggles. Sometimes he brings toys with him which is pretty cute. I still have to cuddle him to get him to go to sleep in his big bed but I'd like to hold on to that one for as long as I can.
  • Wade likes to help with chores. Cleaning the floors, sweeping, unloading the dishwasher, laundry, and vacuuming. Surprisingly he actually does help. He will hand me dishes from the dishwasher so I don't have to bend down, he will get on his hands and knees and help me wash the floors, but when it comes to vacuuming I think he just likes the extra noise so usually he runs around the house acting crazy.
  • Jumping is a pretty big activity at our house. Wade jumps from the ottoman to the couch and back. He also climbs to the top of the couch and jumps down. It is a little nerve racking...
  • He has pretty crazy hair all the time. I can't usually do much about it. Lately I have been noticing he likes to play with his hair. He runs is fingers through it or rubs his head.
  • Wade loves to talk on the phone. Sometimes we call Vernon while he is at work and Wade will talk and talk and talk for 15 mins or so. Usually non-stop. 
  • He is very very loud. I don't know where he gets it from but his voice is soooo loud. When we are at the store often people come up to me and say "Is this that little boy that I heard?" Wade is always yelling and talking so loud! Which is weird because neither Vernon or myself are loud, we don't watch tv/listen to music loud, and we are generally pretty quite people..
  • Wade is really good at pushing things. He just always wants to help. Usually I let him push the cart when we are making our way to the check stand. He would much rather push his stroller then ride in it. Anything that he can move by pushing, he's on it. 
  • He likes to play outside on our porch a lot lately. He has an old army car out there with lots of little parts. So he pulls each part out and plays around. Sometimes he digs in my plants, sometimes he closes the door so I leave him alone. 
  • Wade dislikes juice. All kinds of juice really. He doesn't like it watered down, and he doesn't like it plain. But he really loves soda... ughhhh my poor future diabetic children...
  • Usually our bedtime cuddling consists of lots and lots of kisses. So does our morning cuddling. He likes to be wrapped around my neck, nose to nose and just opens his mouth wide and pulls me in when he wants a kiss. I hope he doesn't grow out of that one for a while.
  • Wade understands a couple simple tasks like: put this in the garbage (he takes whatever is in his hand and puts it in the trash), go get a book (runs as fast as he can to his bookshelf and comes back with books), let's get some food (runs to the kitchen and starts rummaging through the pantry), go bite daddy's toes (doesn't matter where vernon is he finds him and bites his toes with or without shoes.), go get your football (finds his red an blue football and starts tossing it around) and my favorite  - gimme a kiss
  • We are trying to expand the chore list to add "put this in the dirty clothes" usually the clothes just end up in the garbage...
  • when Vernon plays his video games wade likes to get involved. If Vernon is fighting a bad guy Wade will come running into the room and make his scary noise (it is just a long grunt with his arms in the air). If the game is playing exciting music Wade runs into the room and make his "oooohhhh uuuhhhhh aaaahhhhh!"
  • He loves to do everything on his own... 
  • Wade loves wonderpets
  • We just watched the new Avengers movie as a family night. That was the first time that I realized he actually gets who everyone is. Everytime Thor was on the tv, Wade would grab his hammer and start hitting stuff. If the Hulk was on Wade would grab his stuffed Hulk and make his scary noises. When the Captain was throwing his shield around, Wade would grab his shield. I've never seen him so into a movie and so excited about what was going on. I think it made Vernon's life...
  • Wade has 4 top teeth, and 4 bottom. Right now he is working on 2 top molars.
  • He has a pretty bad addiction to the Ipad... we are working on that one.
  • Whenever Vernon watches Wade he never naps. It is just party boys all day long. 
  • Wade is addicted to dancing. If we are in a store and a catchy song comes on he has to stop whatever we are doing to dance. When a song comes on the tv he dances all over the house. I love putting music on for him because he just goes nuts. He really tries to mimic different dance moves too! Especially The Big Bang Theory, whenever the intro song comes one he stops whatever he is doing to dance to it.
  • He's pretty abusive to Vernon. Wade likes to beat him up whenever he gets a chance. He hits his head, pinches his nipples, and sticks his fingers in his belly button. We don't let him act like this to anyone else, just Vernon.
  • Wade doesn't like chocolate.
  • One of his favorite snacks is a round fruit, something he can carry around like a ball. He will roam around the house and eat entire fruits. When I say entire I mean skin, sticker, stem and seeds. Usually I have to stop him before he eats everything...
  • When I tell him to put shoes on his sits down where ever he is and waits for me to put his shoes on him. He then runs straight to the door. If the door is left open he will try to go down the stairs, not backwards... like an adult. It is very scary.
  • He is still in the stage where he likes to smash everything. Usually while yelling... boys.
  • His nicknames have been and are: milky face, nard pup, bonzo, the bonz, and Bonz. Bonz is what we have been calling him for about an entire year now.
  • Wade is scare of Vernon's Dad and Vernon's Step-Dad. We aren't really sure why, they are both very nice and friendly
  • Lately he has been scowling a lot. He just always seems to want to be angry. He purses his lips, furls his brown and says "no!"  Sometimes I can't help but laugh which usually causes him to laugh too.
  • My most favorite part about that little boys is his love. Wade is always wanting to give me big bear hugs, and dramatic open-mouth kisses. I hope I get to hold onto that for a while because it just melts my heart every time. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting fit has many distractions...

Here at the Atwater house we have all been trying hard to get fit and eat well. So far it seems I'm the only one... I can't get a good workout in without being harassed. Vernon still isn't eating well and wade still has no appetite. So I guess I'll be the skinny one and my boys will be chubby and cute

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Hi, my name is kohl and I have a 1 year old.

My little boy is nuts. Here are some of his favorite things....

He loves to dance. He really has dancing Tourette's. He can help but bust a move when he hears a beat. This makes shopping at the mall difficult. We usually have to stop at every store that is playing a catchy tune.

Wade loves to kiss. He has always loved kisses but now they aren't as scary as they used to be.

He is very good at being scary

I can't really get him to eat much, but he loves anything dad is eating. Usually he eats whatever I'm eating so at least he is getting his veggies in

Wade decided about 2weeks ago that he wanted to eat with a fork. So now he is civilized...

He loves anything he can step on. The idea of being on something other then regular ground is so exciting

Wade loves our jogs. He yells at me if I ever stop, and often waves at people passing by.

He still is deathly afraid of animals. Which I'm fine with because I don't much care for them either

The bonz still sleeps in bed with us, and yes we like it. No, our marriage has not suffered. Please keep your judgements to yourself

Wade loves his nanny Alexa

He loves books. He also gives kisses to all the characters in his books

For some reason wade really likes bugs. He likes to chase them and try to pick them up. Boys...

Accessories are very important. Vernon has purchased quite a few shoes for this baby. I have to hide them in the closet or ill be changing shoes all day long

Wade says up, blue, red, ah mah (that's me), dee da (Vernon) and that's about it

He still naps twice a day

The bonz likes to put things on his toes. Kind of like a balancing act. Usually it is some kind of cap or cup. He is quite proud of himself when it stays on there for a while

He loves to wear his captain America mask but I can't get a picture of it. He runs around the house with excitement, this produces blurry pictures

Wade falls off his slide at least 2 times a day. He never really cries, but I die laughing

He still flirts/harasses girls in public

Wade really likes to bully Vernon. He likes to beat Vernon up, throw his things, and attack him with toys. I don't allow him to act like this with anyone else. Vernon was asking for it though

He has 7 teeth with more on the way

Wade never stops talking. He is always babbling all day long all night long.

My most favorite thing about him though is the running hugs. If I catch his eye I'll get this giant smile and he runs with arms open until he crashes into me. I'd say I get a good handful daily.

Oh and in case you were wondering, yes he still has the most pathetically hilarious crying face

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Do the dishes do the laundry kohlerelly!

I can't seem to keep up... This boy is so busy! My mother once told me not to undo all of the messes he makes. "Those are his chores." she said. It makes sense. Every morning this boy wakes up and goes straight for the DVD cabinet. Pulls them all out. Blankets aren't allowed to be on the couch, toys aren't allowed to be in the toybox, and cherrios are definitely not allowed in their bowl...

This isn't even half as bad as it is on a day that I work. I'm getting pretty tired. I'm working a lot more now, and my responsibilities are a little stressful. I can really only clean up once a day. Before I go to bed I try to make sure a couple rooms are clean. Lately I have been getting out of bed after everyone has gone to sleep. I usually clean up. It's pretty pathetic. I've told my sister that she has to learn how to pick one thing to get done in a day. I feel as mothers we have to pick and choose what is most important to us. Sometimes spending all day on the floor playing with my baby is the most important to me. As you can tell by the pictures...

I sure do love this little boy.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Brush brush brush your teeeeeeeth!

My little boy is already 10 months old! I thought I would try to take a minute and jot down a little bit about him...

  • he WALKS! He started standing and taking steps by himself on May 5th. He really likes to make cinco de mayo eventful.
  • he loooooves to brush his teeth. he grabs the toothbrush sticks it in his mouth, and shakes it back and forth. Sometimes we sing a little song (brush brush brush your teeeth) and he dances
  • Wade dances to just about anything I sing. Usually I sing most things that I am doing... our house is like a broadway musical. Every time I sing, he dances. I love it
  • He climbs up everything! I can't leave the fridge open or else he climbs up to the top shelf. All day he climbs up the tv cabinet.
  • Wade still has the consistent nickname of "Bonzo" or "The Bonz" - I think that one will stick for a while.
  • He's a fish! Wade and I try to go swimming a couple times a day. A good work out for us both! I have to hold on to him tight or he will try to jump off of me. I have let him a couple times just to see how he would react, and he still isn't getting the concept of holding his breath. It will take some time.
  • Speaking of water, Wade still loves to take showers and baths. 
  • He is quite the flirty guy. Anytime he sees a female he goes nuts! He will yell and do this loud fake laugh to get their attention. Then once all eyes are on him he puts on quite a show. Laughing, fake laughing, squealing, and trying to give kisses.
  • Wade finally figured out how to play peek a boo. He thinks it is very funny
  • After 10 months of teaching Wade will say more. Only on his own, anytime I ask him to say more... nada.
  • He sings when he is relaxing/tired - it is really just a very light high pitched tone. I loooove it. 
  • We play a great game called "put stuff in mom's mouth" I don't love this one as much. 
  • Wade still comes to work with me. It is getting pretty difficult and stressful. Hopefully he will start to be more independent though.
  • Please don't judge us, but Wade sleeps in our bed with us for about half of the night. It took me about 8 months to get him to sleep regularly. I'm just happy he is sleeping and Vernon and I don't mind too much. 
  • Again, don't judge me... Wade still wakes up 1-2 times a night. Lately it has been because he is uncomfortable because of teething. Sometimes it is because he wants a bottle. 
  • He points to what he wants or where he wants to go. Lately he has been pointing to pictures on the wall. He really likes it when I tell him who is in the pictures. He taps his fingers on them and makes lots of "oooohhhahaaaa" noises.
  • Still no teeth yet, but there are two little cute buds up top. They finally poked through but just the tips...
  • As much as I hated breastfeeding I am very sad that we are no longer breastfeeding. Our house got a bad stomach flu and I got hit the worst. I was sick for a couple days, unable to take care of Wade. Thank goodness for family close by. While I was sick my milk dried up and no matter what I did, I couldn't get enough back. I am kind of alright with it though because he was getting very bossy. Sometimes he would just take my breast out of my shirt. Totally inappropriate.... So we are doing formula! 
  • I dislike formula, Wade seems to like it. He loves the freedom of a bottle. He still won't eat much solid food though. Some days are better then others.
Here are some pictures!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am the worst blogger that ever blogged.

I am so terrible at blogging! Get it together Kohl!

We don't sleep at our house so even if I tried to tell you all about what is going on, I wouldn't be able to remember because I am so tired. We average about 3-4 hours a week... yes I said a WEEK. So please be kind and just take a look at some cute pictures!

PS I haven't figured out how to change the order of the pictures yet... ugh I know I know I'm the worst!

Yeah he does this now... taking his monthly pictures are getting difficult because he is always on the move. He is always doing his yoga moves on the floor... 6months
Wade thinks it is just soooo funny to be in the laundry basket with or without clothes. He laughs and giggles at me while I fold clothes. 6months
His favorite is being naked in the laundry basket. No joke he will hang out in there for quite a while if I let him. 6months
Part of our nighttime routine is a bath. He just goes nuts! Everything is funny and he is constantly trying to grab at his sea creatures. We bought a mat that goes on the bottom of the tub so now he can sit in there without us holding onto him. 6 months
Some days he is into the swing, others not so much... I just adore his angry face. 6months
Christmas night with the cousins! 5months
Christmas day! My cute little reindeer/ewok! 5months
Opening presents was so much fun! I didn't think he would be into it but sure enough he loved having all eyes on him while he got to smash things! 5months (excuse the pumpkins in the background... I just can't bring myself to throw them out with those cute ghost feet)
I had to find boxes to put his presents in and this is one of them... I didn't actually give him tampons but when he is older I think I might just tell him we did. Look how happy he is just to be hanging on to something?!?! 5months
I saw this cute bib on pinterest and I had to have it for him. Goes perfectly with his super hero lifestyle! 5months
At our house Santa comes in the middle of the night and leaves all of your presents where you put your stocking. Then after you look at all of your Santa presents you can open up presents from mom and dad. 5months
Just checking emails.... 5months
Thanksgiving day. 4months
First time eating solids! He made some pretty silly faces. 4months
Halloween!!! This is Wade dressed up as Vernon with his astronaut friend Shant! 3months

Sleeping baby pictures are just the cutest. I have way too many of them! 3months
Pumpkin patch with the cousins! 3months
I heart zombies! The place where Vernon gets his comics hosts an annual zombie walk. Everyone dresses up like zombies and walks around town. So we joined in! Wade's pacifier has an eyeball on it... 3months
Rolling over like a pro! Wade would often roll on his side like this and just rest. He would talk to himself and play with his hands then roll over to another side. 3months
Another pumpkin patch photo. This is Wade at the top of a giant hay stack. He looks so tiny! 3months